I check out all the pics on the site and see very few to no leaves on flowering plants, and I am just wondering when and if I should remove the leaves from mine? My girls are approximately 2& half weeks into the Flowering Stage 18 days in. I am not clear o this procedure and don't want to make any mistakes. This is my 3rd grow and I have done ok but I have also struggled through all of them but am getting better with each one. I would appreciate some feed back. Thank You kindly.
SIZE: (5')x(2',6'')x(8')
LIGHTS: 600watt mh Veg./ 600 watt hps Flowering
Ventilation: 240 cfm inline fan
Circulation: 2 6inch fans
Medium: regular potting soil (no nutes)
Nutrients: Fox Farm Trio Organic
SIZE: (5')x(2',6'')x(8')
LIGHTS: 600watt mh Veg./ 600 watt hps Flowering
Ventilation: 240 cfm inline fan
Circulation: 2 6inch fans
Medium: regular potting soil (no nutes)
Nutrients: Fox Farm Trio Organic