I started just about 2 years ago with seeds from BC Bud Depot, a grow box about 3 x 3 x 5, LED Grow Light. By my 3rd grow I was able to get nice plants with 6 to 9 " cola's 2" wide and very sticky. I had also moved the plants out into the closet as the box was to small to really grow much quantity. I was still getting seeds from BC Bud Depot and the plants although they looked good just had no potency. I tried another seed vendor with the same results, I just got done trying seeds from True North and the same. I check PH and adjust to around 6, I have a PPM Meter and measure the nutrients to be sure they are correct. Finally I have 2 small microscopes to check the buds for browning as to when to harvest. If anyone has clue what it is I am missing please help. If anything I might not harvest as fast as it says 8 week s or so. I have found it to be more like 10 to 12 weeks.