"But good things don’t come easily. We still have a long way to go, and the cannabis legalization movement is being scrutinized. The image we create now is going to set the tone for the rest of the world.
We are the face of the cannabis community. When people think about legalizing cannabis, they’re looking at our actions. As growers, every one of us has a responsibility to represent the growing community in a positive light.
Politicians around the world are trying to decide whether removing penalties for cannabis will have a positive effect. We are at an important turning point, and it could go either way.
We've come to an important fork in the road
I believe that making cannabis legal and available to adults and medical patients is incredibly important. Whether someone uses cannabis for a medical condition or just because it helps them relax, I believe that everyone should have fair and equal access to this miraculous plant.
Yet with change comes responsibility. I believe that, as growers, we have a responsibility to present a good image to the public about growing cannabis. We must earn a better reputation to prove to the world that cannabis is not only a safe source of medicine, but also that cannabis is less dangerous than cigarettes or alcohol. I believe adults and medical patients deserve the freedom to responsibly use this plant.
The world is watching us, and the way we act now is going to decide whether cannabis ever gets fully legalized. That’s why I’m ashamed of some of the most popular strain names...
I am ashamed the cannabis growing community has popular strain names like...
Agent Orange
Cat Piss
Strawberry Dog Shit
Cheesy Dick
Donkey Dick
Purple Fuck
Dirty Girl
Stinky Pinky
Road Kill Skunk
Matanuska Thunderfuck
Green Crack
I know a lot of these strains have great genetics, in fact some of them are award-winners!
But do these strain names bring to mind the image of peace-loving and laid-back growers and consumers, which make up the majority of the cannabis community?
I believe we must improve our public image. I have chosen to no longer grow strains that carry an offensive name. Growers, I encourage you to do the same. Strain breeders, I'm begging you! Please be mindful of the cannabis movement when naming new strains."
Bulletin: Clarification on Marijuana Products Attractiveness to Children and Strain Names
Goodbye, Grape Ape: Oregon Bans Kid-Friendly Strain Names
Clarification on Strain Names
"But good things don’t come easily. We still have a long way to go, and the cannabis legalization movement is being scrutinized. The image we create now is going to set the tone for the rest of the world.
We are the face of the cannabis community. When people think about legalizing cannabis, they’re looking at our actions. As growers, every one of us has a responsibility to represent the growing community in a positive light.
Politicians around the world are trying to decide whether removing penalties for cannabis will have a positive effect. We are at an important turning point, and it could go either way.
We've come to an important fork in the road
I believe that making cannabis legal and available to adults and medical patients is incredibly important. Whether someone uses cannabis for a medical condition or just because it helps them relax, I believe that everyone should have fair and equal access to this miraculous plant.
Yet with change comes responsibility. I believe that, as growers, we have a responsibility to present a good image to the public about growing cannabis. We must earn a better reputation to prove to the world that cannabis is not only a safe source of medicine, but also that cannabis is less dangerous than cigarettes or alcohol. I believe adults and medical patients deserve the freedom to responsibly use this plant.
The world is watching us, and the way we act now is going to decide whether cannabis ever gets fully legalized. That’s why I’m ashamed of some of the most popular strain names...
I am ashamed the cannabis growing community has popular strain names like...
Agent Orange
Cat Piss
Strawberry Dog Shit
Cheesy Dick
Donkey Dick
Purple Fuck
Dirty Girl
Stinky Pinky
Road Kill Skunk
Matanuska Thunderfuck
Green Crack
I know a lot of these strains have great genetics, in fact some of them are award-winners!
But do these strain names bring to mind the image of peace-loving and laid-back growers and consumers, which make up the majority of the cannabis community?
I believe we must improve our public image. I have chosen to no longer grow strains that carry an offensive name. Growers, I encourage you to do the same. Strain breeders, I'm begging you! Please be mindful of the cannabis movement when naming new strains."
Bulletin: Clarification on Marijuana Products Attractiveness to Children and Strain Names
Goodbye, Grape Ape: Oregon Bans Kid-Friendly Strain Names
Clarification on Strain Names