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SOS so many little time and room

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    SOS so many little time and room

    I've got SAS...seed acquisition syndrome haha. Right now I only have room for 2 plants and I've got 80 seeds of 20 different strains. We plan to move in a few years so I might grow 6 at a time but still I think I'm set for years unless the germination rate starts to fall off.

    I know the feeling. I have about as many seeds and don't need anymore, yet today I get an email that a wishlist strain is back in stock...What to do? Do I pay a fortune for 12 regular seeds that may or may not be female? Or just stick with what I've got that already is female? Probably I'll just stay put for now lol It sure it tempting, though!


    • MarkyJ
      MarkyJ commented
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      sos hopefully you got 20 freebies too hahah

    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
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      SAS is universal and very expensive.

    • MarkyJ
      MarkyJ commented
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      And perhaps very profitable. Once prohibition is completely over imagine getting a 5 pack of your fav for $1 at the garden centers with all the rest of your herbs.

    I think I 've got enuf seeds to last me 'til I die!


    • MarkyJ
      MarkyJ commented
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      I’ll have them spread my seeds with my ashes on the mountain and start a local landrace 😂

    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
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      MarkyJ They will call the strain Ashy Marky (no relation to Ashy Larry).

    • MarkyJ
      MarkyJ commented
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      Johnny Ashy Seed haha

    Originally posted by MarkyJ View Post
    I've got SAS...seed acquisition syndrome haha. Right now I only have room for 2 plants and I've got 80 seeds of 20 different strains. We plan to move in a few years so I might grow 6 at a time but still I think I'm set for years unless the germination rate starts to fall off.
    You might do some exploring for a remote location to do a stealth plant and use up some of those horded seeds. I have a drawer full of seeds here in my desk, and need to hold off from ordering more for a goodly amount of time.


    • MarkyJ
      MarkyJ commented
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      Somewhere out on that horizon
      Faraway from the neon sky
      I know there must be somethin' better
      And I can't stay another night
      In the city ahh hah

    Dammit...seedsman alerted me of yet another must have strain. sigh....there goes another $150. NOW I'm totally done shopping unless Jedi Kush comes back in stock lol


    • MarkyJ
      MarkyJ commented
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      May the Kush be with the return of the Jedi 😂

    Just discovered 2 Sativa strains with high THC content. My wife prefers Indica, but not I said the duck. Best price is at Seedsman as always, and their non stealth shipping rate is by far the best. I am not affiliated with Seedsman, but they really should pay me or at least send me free seeds.


    MarkyJ I would not fear regular seeds you can influence them to get more females I did 10 seeds and got 7 female .Jorge Cervantes bible has the instructions on page 21 , That being said I still buy female but if its a strain that you can only get regular seeds go for it
    new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
    current grow


    • MarkyJ
      MarkyJ commented
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      Sure I hear ya it’d be fun to paint pollen on some bud someday when I have room and some of those boutique 10 for $100 regulars look amazing. But even wholesale looks good lol 100 for $100 lol so I don’t know yet I’ve only just begun bro. So what are those must haves you and gdog love? 🙇‍♂️

    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      I have a personal strain I call Limpin Louie that I grow a few every 2 nd grow , Of coarse I have a ton of other seeds that I grow too

    • MarkyJ
      MarkyJ commented
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    Originally posted by starramus View Post
    Just discovered 2 Sativa strains with high THC content. My wife prefers Indica, but not I said the duck. Best price is at Seedsman as always, and their non stealth shipping rate is by far the best. I am not affiliated with Seedsman, but they really should pay me or at least send me free seeds.
    They sent me some free seeds! all of then either mislabeled or sterile!! BUT ... they did safely send the ones I paid for and they were GOOD!


    • MarkyJ
      MarkyJ commented
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      Sterile free seeds are no fun. I hope mine are not. I’m looking forward to growing critical and super lemon haze etc

    I walk to the police station and sprinkle a hand full of bag seed (brick weed low quality),in the station flower planters around the building each month. Must drive em crazy!
    Last edited by dontknownuttin; 01-22-2018, 02:14 PM.


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