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Locrian99s 2nd grow

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  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    I got tired of looking at that leaf and removed it tonight. Lol. It was seriously bugging the sh!t out of me every time I looked in there.

  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    I sprayed mine with folier essence and then hung the light to low ,overnight they had that type of burn on then, dont know if thats the same but thats what it looked like

  • Locrian99
    Well just backing off on the light seemed to work wonder on them. I would really like to figure out what’s going on with one of them though. The one looking rough I wasn’t sure was going to make it as a seedling. Bounced back but I’m not sure what this could be it’s on some mid growth.

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  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    I have some stuff I used as a foliar spray last grow with some success. Sea green from primordial essence, I can’t remember if you pH the foliar sprays. But that’s a good idea.

  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    a little folier essence will pick them right up

  • Chefbjy
    commented on 's reply
    They just need some tlc. Tell your friend to start digging and get those homes prepped 😉.

  • Locrian99
    Well I guess I’ve successfully neglected these little plants. Not sure what is going on with a couple of them. Gave them all some cal mag today 6.5 in run off was 7.2. Never had higher than 6.8 eater given to them. Hmm. Annoying. Also think I had my LED too close at full power when I put them in there. 28” backed off to 32” with 50% red 75% white and blue. Bout all I’ve had time for is harvest lately, working on getting house ready to list and dealing with the city where we might build, these little things have just been kind of forgotten.

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  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    Let her hang a little too long high 50s. Taking some of what’s still hanging and mixing it.

  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    I’m expecting her to be but I’ve been wrong on my guessing so far

  • Campesino
    commented on 's reply
    Well, what do you think, does she have it in her? ...
    And don't be silly, you are doing great and getting great quality. You aren't going to be sad about "almost a pound"... at least you shouldn't be

  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    And she was 112 grams. Was expecting more. Total so far about 11oz from the big tent. That other Wonder Woman has to be 5 oz or I’m going to be sad.

  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    Your going to love growing in Coco Lorcian its a little quicker than soil . great write up as well

  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    Yea I’ll cover the results under the HPS when I do the other tent recap. The smallest plant so far is nearly as much weight as these two. I’ll say this though the buds under the led seem far stickier. But I think I’m for sure a MH/HPS guy at this point.

  • Chefbjy
    commented on 's reply
    I know when I was starting my mainline it said they need high power lights to grow good. Did you compare both lights? They may have needed a little more umph. Glad you gave a recap. But I love my hids and if you're going to spend money on an led don't go cheap. Spectrum king has some great lights for your tent but they are pricey. A side by side with 4 would be the determining factor. Even though they are shorter strain I'd say you did well with your yield. There's probably more to be said about lighting but overall good job imo.

  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    Interesting thing on the silica I contacted fox farms and they claim the kelp from kelp me kelp you had a similar effect. I’ll continue using both though.

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