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Montery Spinosad And Thrips

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    HELP! Montery Spinosad And Thrips

    Hey everyone just looking for some help with spinosad and thrips. Verified i have thrips now have some montery concentrate on the way and just want to make sure i dont destroy my girls here since there in last couple weeks of flower. Iv read on here and other sites that montery can be added to the water when watering to kill thrips via the roots. Now im doing hydro and like i said am in last couple weeks of flower hence why i dont really wanna spray the ladies and would rather add to the res and let them die off that way if this actually works. So my questions are am i understanding that right,can i add montery to the resevoir and if so is it safe to do so at this stage? Also does anyone have an amount that should be used for adding it to the res as im assuming its usually meant to be sprayed and thats what the directions on it will say. Thanks and Peace

    Seriously no one has any input or advice on using spinosad. Anything helps at this point


    • Aloner
      Aloner commented
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      I've used it and it worked but I wasn't in flower yet -- foliar spray, growing in soil. Don't know if it's safe to use this close to harvest even if in the res. Good luck, thrips are a pain in the ass!

    Cool thanks prob gonna just tuff it out till i get an answer from someone or nebula if thats possible. Might have to try it on my new girls comin up next though if they somehow get the little pricks also


      if they are near the ones that are infected they already have them, I use neem oil its safe to use right up till harvest or azamax I spray once then again in 3 days then aging in 10 days

      Also my thoughts on putting it in res if you dont want to spray because you dont want it there at harvest why would you feed it to them internally,as a foiler spray it can dissipate over time
      new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
      current grow


      • kingfish
        kingfish commented
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        oldjarhead, I use to use neem oil before I found Spinosad. But not when they are in flowering. I found that it left a unpleasant harsh taste. Spinosad did not.

      How bad are they ? Can you just let em munch for a couple of weeks? Thats probably what id do but then I hate spraying anything on em in flower.


        Hat Rack, I dealt with Thrips last year in my second week of flowering. You can use Spinosad up until you harvest. Is totally safe. I found the best way to kill the little bastards is to really soak the plant both on top and under the leaves. I use a mister, the kind you pump, and soak the leaves 'till it drips off. Check them the next day and if you see some still alive, spray them again. I only had to spray mine twice. Good luck.
        The brand I use is "Captain Jack's Dead Bug Brew".


          Thanks for the replys guys. I see what your saying oldjarhead100. My way of thinking i guess is to not ruin the appearance of the buds i guess. Iv sprayed with soapy water for ahpids last grow and i felt like it turned under developed buds brown and like Dutchman1 said i dont really like the idea of spraying in flower. Maybe im wrong def still very new here.The thrips are not so bad right now as i have to look real hard to even find one but not so hard for leave damage.Have not seen any flyers yet and the few i have found all still babies. But they def have been doing some damage to the leaves so iv been pulling them off as i see them getting bad or showing signs of "spit". Im more worried as how its hurting my yield and dont want them getting on my next batch was also why i wanted to know if i could add to the res for my vegging girls.


          • oldjarhead100
            oldjarhead100 commented
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            I'm not sure what it would do but you certainly can try it and let us know, I understand your desire to not spray but if you leave them alone maybe you can pick them off but maybe you can't, In my experience its the latter if you let them turn into an infestation you will have more problems than you need good luck

          • Dutchman1
            Dutchman1 commented
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            Agreed OJH if its bad you gotta do something but if its light and only a week or two to harvest.......

          • oldjarhead100
            oldjarhead100 commented
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            I know Dutchman your damned if you do and damned if you don't lol, but I got two new things to try . I believe that if your ready for something that little bastad Murphy wont show up as often lol

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