Is anyone using a back up power system? I need ideas and options that will keep me up and running for indoors situations for outages of an hour or more. (Gas powered options are a no go)
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Backup power?
I would probably only worry about the opposite effects. Lights going off when they need to be on is more harmful. could confuse vegging plants into thinking its flower time. You can also put flowering plants back in veg if this happens for any reason but this is an extreme. Ive actually heard of people flowering plants on a 11/13 schedule. so an extra hour of darkness shouldnt hurt during 12/12. You start hitting hours plural. then its time to worry.
So if I am on 12/12 and my power goes out on hour 7 for three hours and comes back on after two hours of darkness for another three, I am not likely to push the plants back into veg? (Sorry, just trying to clarify my understanding, and thanks for the help!)
No problem at all. Its good to ask questions. It means you are willing to learn.
No that will not push you back into veg. If it were to only happen once during the bud cycle nothing should happen. Plus darkness works the opposite, it would put you back into veg if they stayed on too long not off. Hope this helps.
You can use a bank of batteries run through a power converter. Keep a trickle charger hooked up to keep em topped off. You would have to do some math to calculate how many/what size batteries. These setups are all over YouTube.
Good luck."Life is not about being dealt a great hand but playing a poor hand well"...
•Roots Organics over kindsoil in 5gal fabric pots
•600w hps supplement w/Kind LEDs during flower
•4" can-fan w/can-filter(carbon)
•14,000btu air conditioner
I guess it depends on your setup, but I use these at work for computers and RAID drives, etc. I'm looking into it to see if I can use it for my setup (LED, inline fan, , small oscillating fan, small humidifier, etc). I would think something like this or a couple of them to split the load would keep everything running for an hour.Get fast delivery of everyday essentials from stores like Costco, Walgreens, Toys"R"Us, and Petsmart.