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The Reggie E. xperiment

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    The Reggie E. xperiment

    Hello all! Absol here with a new experiment/grow journal. I had 9 higher quality reggie/mid/brick/whatever you wanna call the bud that goes for like 25-30/qtr(now adays it’s hard to even find lol!) seeds sitting around. I’ve seen and heard a lot of conflicting views on this subject. Some say mids is mids due to bad genetics, some say poor growing conditions/drying or curing methods. So today I’m starting a grow journal to find out what these little beans can really do. Before I get into my methods I want to say any haters or negative thinkers to please go elsewhere until I have proven results with my dried/cured buds next to some Washington state medical grade that my buddy gets shipped in.

    So! Without further adue here we go! As of now here in my state(not going to disclose where I live, but I will say it rarely gets below freezing here during winter.) were at about 10 1/2 hours daylight, I plan to germinate and throw them in organic self made soil containing multiple sources of nutrients. Probably rabbit/chicken/horse/alpaca and cow manures as I have access to all of that, along with natural wood ashes egg shells multiple fruit/veggie peels and unused pieces and about 15% wood chips for air pockets to ensure no root rot. I will be using organic Alaskan fish fertilizer(5-1-1), along with molasses(for feeding soil microbes), and probably a nice 5-5-5 all purpose fertilizer(has to be natural not sure what I’m going to use for this yet) and when they show sex I will will pull the males and begin using an organic 15-30-15 fertilizer I’m currently using for my outdoor grow which happened to be both males with the third still too small for sex/flowering to happen. I will be feeding with every other watering(4-6 days).

    Im not sure what to expect with this grow, but worse comes to worse if it really is that mids are genetically underdeveloped to the high grade stuff out there I’ll do a bho run of the final product. But I have faith that proper growing with a patient dry and cure will pay off. I do not expect to harvest much as I am starting in “winter” outside, in an enclosed metal link greenhouse of sorts(no paneling just kinda like chicken wire) but I feel as if the final product will be better than the bricks I got them from. Any advice or thoughts, or if you have or are currently doing something similar please share and comment. Only rule is no hate, everyone has their own methods and I accept that, by commenting you will be accepting mine and if not I don’t care I’m still running this for sheer amusement as I don’t toke anymore

    Heres the beans in the paper towel the ones with taps will probably be going in soil tomorrow or the next day. Until then, cheers and happy toking stoners!

    hey Absol my first grow I used bag seed and grew some fantastic bud
    new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
    current grow


      Me too OJH............and the genetics have to come from somewhere, I think the problem with bagseed is that the plant they come from has obviously hermied, and the seeds take the traits of the mother, so they will probably hermie too.
      The more I know, the better I grow.


      • oldjarhead100
        oldjarhead100 commented
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        I always thought that the farmer just walked along with a bag of seed and tossed them out ,both male and female then they got seeds for next year, so I always thought the bag seed is reg seeds thats why I only grew it once lol

      Hey thanks for the positive comments! My first plant was a Mexican bagseed(‘‘tis where most middies come from around here) that grew fantastic buds. It’s quite possible the hermie genetic will be throw down the line but I have yet to come across one so I’ll keep it in mind to check for but I’m sure over there with the mass growing of brick weed they’re bound to have multiple hermies/males in their fields. I don’t know if it’s true but I hear males can pollinate a female up to a mile away, so that means if someone ELSE screws up and leaves an outside male/hermie for too long it may even pollinate you’re outside females. I’m going to try to grow mostly sensillima(spell check me if that’s wrong) buds with maybe one or two plants self pollinated with a very nice grape genetic male that I have right now, but that’ll be a different experiment all together anyways I haven’t checked the germinating seeds yet but I’m sure some are due for the soil today. I’ll update after taking my dog to the park and get a couple of these girls in pots. As always happy growing and toking y’all!


        Morning Absol, going by your statement it hardly ever freezes where you live, we might be neighbors cause it never freezes where I live either.
        As for using bagseed that's all I've used forever, until I heard you could buy them online. Good Luck with your grow
        Cfls for a week or two
        315lec for everything else
        Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
        36x36x63 inch tent.
        6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
        Smart pots


        • Aloner
          Aloner commented
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          Waiting 'til after Christmas. We got family coming over for Thanksgiving and again next month. But soon, very soon!

        • D.A.A.S.69
          D.A.A.S.69 commented
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          I can tell your ready to start now.

        • Aloner
          Aloner commented
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