This has to do with germination, I have found a way to do this with out the use of a paper towel and plastic bag.
starts with a 4 inch jiffie pot fill with a good seed starter soil,allow seeds to soak for 24hours in tap with a splash of hydrogen peroxide, Prewater pots with ph 6.3,allow pots to dry while seeds are soaking,plant pointie side down and spray with ph,ed water twice a day with sandwich bag humidity dome. Place under lights like floresent about two inches away keep warm 75 to 80% remove domes after u get those first leaves an keep damp till ready to transplant. Mine tend to start drying out in about 2or3 days thay can b kept in this state for weeks if needed but need to b watered mor as thay grow. LOL P.S. don’t take offense cat people it’s only a figure of speach.
starts with a 4 inch jiffie pot fill with a good seed starter soil,allow seeds to soak for 24hours in tap with a splash of hydrogen peroxide, Prewater pots with ph 6.3,allow pots to dry while seeds are soaking,plant pointie side down and spray with ph,ed water twice a day with sandwich bag humidity dome. Place under lights like floresent about two inches away keep warm 75 to 80% remove domes after u get those first leaves an keep damp till ready to transplant. Mine tend to start drying out in about 2or3 days thay can b kept in this state for weeks if needed but need to b watered mor as thay grow. LOL P.S. don’t take offense cat people it’s only a figure of speach.