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Nuit burn to a deficiency? Need help solving before gets out of hand!

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    Nuit burn to a deficiency? Need help solving before gets out of hand!

    Hey everyone thanks for all the responses to my first post and positive feedback its all greatly appreciated! So my 1st post was possible nuit burn, the tips of my leafs were yellowing and browning. Today when i let my plant outside for some light and air i noticed 1 maybe 2 leafs that are kinda a blotchy yellowing from the middle and cant come to a conclusion myself as well if i did would still want some1 with more experience and knowledge to chime in. More about my plant its a single female bagseed that is in soil and is outdoors during day sun up to sun down then i bring it inside over night for complete darkness aswell to help fend off bugs and such, all i do is water my plant with phed water no nuits or feeding and 12 on 12 off lighting although sunday our day light time will drop to 10 or 11 hrs so dont know what ill do then. But im very close to harvest within a month off and dont want anything to come between my 1st successful grow i want somthing i grow from seed to smoke myself anx learn from this. Heres some pictures ive took today biggest changes i notice day to day at this point is mostly more trich growth and leafs feeling out and budlets densening up.
    Grow closet.
    2'x4'x5' aluminum reflection on walls
    1x 4' Sunblaze t5 54w bulb for seedlings/clones
    Viparspectra 300w led for veg/flower [orderded/otw]
    Nuitrient:[MG] 24-8-16 vegatative nuits
    [MG]18-24-16 preflower/transition nuits
    N/A Bloom nuits
    ​​​​​Medium: "Just Natural" Organic soil
    Pest control: Neem oil & sticky paper

    Check out youtube channel-
    Marijuana grow and talk channel:
    Comment-like-subscribe! Thanks to all who support

    The other photos didnt upload ill add them here.
    Grow closet.
    2'x4'x5' aluminum reflection on walls
    1x 4' Sunblaze t5 54w bulb for seedlings/clones
    Viparspectra 300w led for veg/flower [orderded/otw]
    Nuitrient:[MG] 24-8-16 vegatative nuits
    [MG]18-24-16 preflower/transition nuits
    N/A Bloom nuits
    ​​​​​Medium: "Just Natural" Organic soil
    Pest control: Neem oil & sticky paper

    Check out youtube channel-
    Marijuana grow and talk channel:
    Comment-like-subscribe! Thanks to all who support


      Plant is nutrient deficient. In my opinion your buds will suffer from it.
      ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
      Mars Hydro
      Vortex in-line 6" fan


        I think if this is the same post, that talked about the yellow tips, I said yesterday that what nutrients were in your soil were already used up, that's

        why I said you needed to feed your plant.And I could be wrong ,but you still need to feed your plant,.
        You don't want to see how long it takes before it turns completely yellow.
        You need to give your plant some kind of food, preferably regular nutrients or I doubt she will grow any decent bud.
        ps- I'm not even sure this is the same post from a day or two ago, if it's not i apologise. Sorry.
        Last edited by D.A.A.S.69; 11-02-2017, 10:13 PM.
        Cfls for a week or two
        315lec for everything else
        Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
        36x36x63 inch tent.
        6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
        Smart pots


          I would start with basic nutrients (flowering nutrients - low in Nitrogen but high in Phosphorus and Potassium) since you haven't provided any yet. I would also be really careful about making sure the plant is getting complete darkness for 12+ hours a day, because the long single-point leaves look like the plant may be revegetating. Revegging can cause your plant to abandon the buds and start growing new stems and leaves again, which you don't want. Revegging happens if it gets short nights, or light leaks at night. It's far better for a flowering cannabis plant to get too-short days than a too-short night. Even just a few days of short or interrupted nights can get the plant to start revegging. Overall, it does look mostly green and the buds appear to be developing nicely, which is a great sign.


            Oh man you all got me worried what the best plant food that i can pickup at a local walmart or something so i can feed her today and low nitrogen high potassium and phosphorus? Ill take a look today but ugh im getting stressed i cant have it going to shit now i want this to bud so bad! Ps just on an average how much do you think i could get from her she is 18inches tall and theres 22 bud sights i figured an oz on conservitive side but would like more of an educated guess.
            Grow closet.
            2'x4'x5' aluminum reflection on walls
            1x 4' Sunblaze t5 54w bulb for seedlings/clones
            Viparspectra 300w led for veg/flower [orderded/otw]
            Nuitrient:[MG] 24-8-16 vegatative nuits
            [MG]18-24-16 preflower/transition nuits
            N/A Bloom nuits
            ​​​​​Medium: "Just Natural" Organic soil
            Pest control: Neem oil & sticky paper

            Check out youtube channel-
            Marijuana grow and talk channel:
            Comment-like-subscribe! Thanks to all who support


              And btw today when i put her out in the light i relized a few more leaves starting to look like that also upon further inspection ive noticed my leaf stems are starting to turn like a redish color is that a bad sign too? Idk i need to get this under control today ill be searching for some kind of plant food with what you said nebula.
              Last edited by Tdh101jr; 11-03-2017, 07:49 AM.
              Grow closet.
              2'x4'x5' aluminum reflection on walls
              1x 4' Sunblaze t5 54w bulb for seedlings/clones
              Viparspectra 300w led for veg/flower [orderded/otw]
              Nuitrient:[MG] 24-8-16 vegatative nuits
              [MG]18-24-16 preflower/transition nuits
              N/A Bloom nuits
              ​​​​​Medium: "Just Natural" Organic soil
              Pest control: Neem oil & sticky paper

              Check out youtube channel-
              Marijuana grow and talk channel:
              Comment-like-subscribe! Thanks to all who support


                Ok so after a little reasearch and little more understanding would 2 10 10 be the best to use and is fertilizer same as plant food also does the actual brand have any different effects mircle gro which ive heard is horrible for your ladies or sunniland was what i was looking at i have to get it today if i could wait long id just order a refered brand from you all but i dont thi k i have to much longer before my babys ruined.
                Grow closet.
                2'x4'x5' aluminum reflection on walls
                1x 4' Sunblaze t5 54w bulb for seedlings/clones
                Viparspectra 300w led for veg/flower [orderded/otw]
                Nuitrient:[MG] 24-8-16 vegatative nuits
                [MG]18-24-16 preflower/transition nuits
                N/A Bloom nuits
                ​​​​​Medium: "Just Natural" Organic soil
                Pest control: Neem oil & sticky paper

                Check out youtube channel-
                Marijuana grow and talk channel:
                Comment-like-subscribe! Thanks to all who support


                • NebulaHaze
                  NebulaHaze commented
                  Editing a comment
                  2-10-10 will work for the flowering stage. Here's more info about nutrients.

                  You've got this, you're doing good! Your plant looks very green, which is a really good sign. You sound like you are on top of everything.

                Thanks always like to put a bit of reasearch into stuff i really want and honestly this forum helped me learn like 80% of what i know now from exp growers on your forum i thank you nebula and all you guys dass dutchman who help out people like me who are 1st time growers and have a loud of question i couldnt find any fertilizer at my local walmart so imma tmorder some offline i just hope it dont come to late im screwed u less can fond a localm nursury or something.
                Grow closet.
                2'x4'x5' aluminum reflection on walls
                1x 4' Sunblaze t5 54w bulb for seedlings/clones
                Viparspectra 300w led for veg/flower [orderded/otw]
                Nuitrient:[MG] 24-8-16 vegatative nuits
                [MG]18-24-16 preflower/transition nuits
                N/A Bloom nuits
                ​​​​​Medium: "Just Natural" Organic soil
                Pest control: Neem oil & sticky paper

                Check out youtube channel-
                Marijuana grow and talk channel:
                Comment-like-subscribe! Thanks to all who support


                  I think they will be fine for a few days


                    Thanks for all the advice all i bought some nuits today when paid my phone bill but this is the only thing i could find really that was organic and i need to know of this will be ok and if its not to late my plants getting brown spots from i believe potas def its a 3-4-4 blend and i just dont know what to do. Tomorrow when i took it out the dark for sunlight i was going to feed it then imma post some recent pictures of how the plants looking and of these nuits any insite would be appreciated and is just a temperary fix till i get my good plant food in the mail that i ordered but it is estamated 2 weeks out and ik i dont have that long for her.
                    Last edited by Tdh101jr; 11-13-2017, 09:39 PM.
                    Grow closet.
                    2'x4'x5' aluminum reflection on walls
                    1x 4' Sunblaze t5 54w bulb for seedlings/clones
                    Viparspectra 300w led for veg/flower [orderded/otw]
                    Nuitrient:[MG] 24-8-16 vegatative nuits
                    [MG]18-24-16 preflower/transition nuits
                    N/A Bloom nuits
                    ​​​​​Medium: "Just Natural" Organic soil
                    Pest control: Neem oil & sticky paper

                    Check out youtube channel-
                    Marijuana grow and talk channel:
                    Comment-like-subscribe! Thanks to all who support


                      Grow closet.
                      2'x4'x5' aluminum reflection on walls
                      1x 4' Sunblaze t5 54w bulb for seedlings/clones
                      Viparspectra 300w led for veg/flower [orderded/otw]
                      Nuitrient:[MG] 24-8-16 vegatative nuits
                      [MG]18-24-16 preflower/transition nuits
                      N/A Bloom nuits
                      ​​​​​Medium: "Just Natural" Organic soil
                      Pest control: Neem oil & sticky paper

                      Check out youtube channel-
                      Marijuana grow and talk channel:
                      Comment-like-subscribe! Thanks to all who support


                        Grow closet.
                        2'x4'x5' aluminum reflection on walls
                        1x 4' Sunblaze t5 54w bulb for seedlings/clones
                        Viparspectra 300w led for veg/flower [orderded/otw]
                        Nuitrient:[MG] 24-8-16 vegatative nuits
                        [MG]18-24-16 preflower/transition nuits
                        N/A Bloom nuits
                        ​​​​​Medium: "Just Natural" Organic soil
                        Pest control: Neem oil & sticky paper

                        Check out youtube channel-
                        Marijuana grow and talk channel:
                        Comment-like-subscribe! Thanks to all who support


                          I could not get all the photos to load on 1 post so i apologize for double even triple posting. The 1st 5 images shows the nuits i got till good ones arrive, trichome growth, and last 5 pictures are budlet" growth and current images of my deficient plant. Also does anyone have a clue as to about how much longer till a harvest i was thinking 2weeks to a month?
                          Grow closet.
                          2'x4'x5' aluminum reflection on walls
                          1x 4' Sunblaze t5 54w bulb for seedlings/clones
                          Viparspectra 300w led for veg/flower [orderded/otw]
                          Nuitrient:[MG] 24-8-16 vegatative nuits
                          [MG]18-24-16 preflower/transition nuits
                          N/A Bloom nuits
                          ​​​​​Medium: "Just Natural" Organic soil
                          Pest control: Neem oil & sticky paper

                          Check out youtube channel-
                          Marijuana grow and talk channel:
                          Comment-like-subscribe! Thanks to all who support


                          • NebulaHaze
                            NebulaHaze commented
                            Editing a comment
                            The buds look very early in development, so I would guess they need 4-6+ weeks left. But the good news is that means they will get a lot bigger!

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