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Phosphorus deficiency

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    Phosphorus deficiency

    so I'm pretty confident I have a phosphorus deficiency, buuuut I don't have any pk boosters or anything.. ph going in is 6.2 and coming out is 6.5-6.6.

    I watered with plain water last, I'll need to water with nutes tomorrow, should I use my grow nutes? Or is it safe to use bloom nutes in veg to get more phosphorus?? Since I don't have any pk boosters..

    probably a dumb question trying to use bloom nutes, I just don't think it's the ph so bottom line is they just need more phosphorus.
    3rd Grow
    Amnesia Haze, Bubbliciois, Super Skunk
    Tent- 4x4x6.5
    Light- 600w HPS/ 220w COB
    Medium- KindSoil/FFOF
    Pots- 3gal fabric
    Nutrients- None


    3rd Grow
    Amnesia Haze, Bubbliciois, Super Skunk
    Tent- 4x4x6.5
    Light- 600w HPS/ 220w COB
    Medium- KindSoil/FFOF
    Pots- 3gal fabric
    Nutrients- None



      Bloom nutes are fine to use anytime as roots love P&K, too.
      It's all bullshit - until you smoke it!

      KISS @ Dry/Cure:

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        By that picture I dnt think u have phousphous def. How much wind do u have blowing on ur plants and also all the spots on ur leaves look at them thro the bottom part of u leaf. It almost looks like u have a pest problem. Those look like bite marks. If it was phous def ur stems would be bright red and ud have big patchs of brown on ur leaves. How strong is the wind in ur tent because that kinda looks like wind stress the dul folding leaves is the rest of the plant like that? I personaly use nutes every watering. And if ur useing organic nutes they take longer to be obsorbed by the plants. If ur useing a 3part nute grow micro blom then yes u can add more bloom when ever but if ur useing a 2part A,B then no you need to only use grow for veg and bloom for flower. The reason behind this is because the pants need so many different nutes and minerals and some of them react negitive to eachother so u cant mix A,B formulas but the 3part uses some different sources so u can. Also the plant needs different amount at different times. To me u may have a small calcium def because of the brown dots with yellow around them. If u dnt have cal/mag epsom salts work, but I would still recomend an actual calmag supliment because its hard to say a dose for epsomsalts.


        • Kpenn
          Kpenn commented
          Editing a comment
          No pests, found 1 black fly a few days ago sprayed with neem, nothing since, gonna spray again in a few days for precautions.
          I was seeing actual bite marks from the black flies like they were eating chunks out of my leaves.

          My fan isn't blowing directly on them, it's blowing above them on the light actually bc I don't have an exhaust yet.

          Only bottom leaves are effected, rest of plant looks fine.

          I looked up the optimum ph for nutrient absorption, looks like phosphorus and calcium both need to be a little higher ph for optimal absorption. My last two waterings were 6.4 and then 6.2. Also looking more into calcium def it does look a lot like that.

          Thinking about making my ph a little higher for my next watering, 6.6- 6.8. I'll see if that fixes it before changing any nutes around. Think that'll work or do you have any other suggestions???

          Thanks for your help!!!!

        tyler_ hobbyist so i just flushed with nutes

        Salinity- .87ppt
        TDS- 1.24ppt

        Salinity- 2.67ppt
        TDS- 3.66ppt

        Too much salts???
        3rd Grow
        Amnesia Haze, Bubbliciois, Super Skunk
        Tent- 4x4x6.5
        Light- 600w HPS/ 220w COB
        Medium- KindSoil/FFOF
        Pots- 3gal fabric
        Nutrients- None



          Each strain is different but salts should be fine. Any effected leaves wount go back to normal, if u can afford to loose em then pluck em off and if no other leaves turn that way then ur set. What nutes are u useing? If ur useing soil try to ph for 6.5 thats the sweet spot. If ur ph always stays at 6.5 u should almost never have a nute problem as long as u guve her proper nutes


            Using General Organics Go Box. It's only 1of 4 plants that's affected, guess she's just more susceptible.

            I read that fluctuating between 6.0-7.0 was good for them but yeah just staying at 6.5 for every watering from now on. Less room to screw up that way.

            I'll post in a few days how she's doing, I hope that fixed the problem! Thanks for the help!!!!
            3rd Grow
            Amnesia Haze, Bubbliciois, Super Skunk
            Tent- 4x4x6.5
            Light- 600w HPS/ 220w COB
            Medium- KindSoil/FFOF
            Pots- 3gal fabric
            Nutrients- None



              The color does seem a bit off, but I'm also not convinced it's a P deficiency. Is it possible to post a picture of all the plants in the setup, including a closeup of this whole plant from top to bottom?

              I agree it almost reminds me of bugs, but if you've checked thoroughly under the leaves and around the plant but couldn't find anything, then it may be a good idea to wait and see. If the symptoms don't spread and it's just the bottom leaves on the one plant, then I'm not sure it's something to get too worried about.


              • Kpenn
                Kpenn commented
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                It's been 2 days since I flushed them, so far the discoloration has ceased!!! I still bought that SM-90, Neem Oil, and sticky traps just in case I run into a bug problem though. I'm keeping a close eye on her. I'll post some pictures when I get off work

              NebulaHaze came home and this is new, any ideas???
              3rd Grow
              Amnesia Haze, Bubbliciois, Super Skunk
              Tent- 4x4x6.5
              Light- 600w HPS/ 220w COB
              Medium- KindSoil/FFOF
              Pots- 3gal fabric
              Nutrients- None



                3rd Grow
                Amnesia Haze, Bubbliciois, Super Skunk
                Tent- 4x4x6.5
                Light- 600w HPS/ 220w COB
                Medium- KindSoil/FFOF
                Pots- 3gal fabric
                Nutrients- None



                  Are they buzzing around your soil? Could it possibly be fungus gnats? A fungus gnat infestation can cause a variety of deficiencies and odd symptoms, especially with young plants.


                    Only seen 2 so far, I can't really tell the difference between fungus gnats and black flies..... it looks like whatever it is though is leaving like sticky Carmel colored spots on my leaves and a few of the smaller fan leaves almost look melted along the edges. I'll attatch a pic of that just a second.
                    3rd Grow
                    Amnesia Haze, Bubbliciois, Super Skunk
                    Tent- 4x4x6.5
                    Light- 600w HPS/ 220w COB
                    Medium- KindSoil/FFOF
                    Pots- 3gal fabric
                    Nutrients- None



                      3rd Grow
                      Amnesia Haze, Bubbliciois, Super Skunk
                      Tent- 4x4x6.5
                      Light- 600w HPS/ 220w COB
                      Medium- KindSoil/FFOF
                      Pots- 3gal fabric
                      Nutrients- None



                        I'd say the first step is to identify for sure what bug you have and do what you need to do to make sure they're gone. Bugs gnawing on your roots or leaves can cause all kinds of odd symptoms like spots and deficiencies so you can't rule them out even if you've only seen a few. I'd also be careful to avoid overwatering since that can cause fungus gnats. The leaves look a little dark and I see signs of nutrient burn, so I would probably lower the overall level of nutrients for a while. Overall your plant looks pretty healthy.


                        • Kpenn
                          Kpenn commented
                          Editing a comment
                          I'm going to use that SM-90 and some sticky traps I also ordered that diatmocus earth. I hope that works I would hate for it to get any worse. I've been using full strength nutes every other watering. I'll drop it down to half and see how they do. Thank you!!!!! I'll post a picture and update on here in a few days

                        Here's an update

                        one week later, no deficiencies or nute burn no signs of over watering or anything. They are growing vigorously, I still have a small fungus gnat problem, I catch probably 5 a day on that sticky pad. I've treated with neem, then azamax. I ordered SM-90 but amazon said they lost my package. Of course. So I'll water with that whenever it comes in.

                        Also so I had a problem with my lights, I came home one day and they were off. I was trouble shooting and found out it was the timer. But by the time I found out it was the timer I had already put the HPS bulb in thinking maybe the MH bulb went out. Needless to say, I never switched the bulbs back. I'm just going to finish with the HPS

                        but anyways, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone on this thread!!!!! Yall helped a ton!!
                        3rd Grow
                        Amnesia Haze, Bubbliciois, Super Skunk
                        Tent- 4x4x6.5
                        Light- 600w HPS/ 220w COB
                        Medium- KindSoil/FFOF
                        Pots- 3gal fabric
                        Nutrients- None



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