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My first grow!

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    My first grow!

    Hey all, just started my very first grow after grabbing ye olde MM card! Score.

    I germinated them June 11th and had them in soil June 18th. These seeds I got from a friend who had them in a baggie (so no idea the strains).

    I began them using a T8 LED grow light. 3 weeks later I found a few T12 fixtures that someone had removed from their garage and we're selling for $8 a piece. $20 later I have one up and running off an extension cord and plant lights.

    (I will add pictures later)

    This was a decent enough setup to start with the space I had at the time. I placed the T12 across the top of the 3 pots I had. The seedlings were about halfway down the pots so... 8 inches from the light. Now because the pots are white and the light was sitting on the rim, this allowed a decent amount of light reflection within the pot.
    I also wired computers fans around the room. 1 x 4500rpm fan on each wall creating a vortex and 1 x 3000rpm at the back of the room to vent excess heat. Also in line one of the vent fans I placed 1 x 2500rpm fan pointing into each pot to keep the air moving around the lower foliage.
    At this point my room is lined with reflectix and sits at a constant 60f/30% humidity outside the pots and 75f /50% humidity inside. The light is good for what I have and the heat is stable.
    Being a first time grower I have no idea of when and what to do with these beautiful little unknown sex plants. (at the time I had no idea how to truly determine the sex and I was waiting for hairs. My wife on the other hand was fully convinced by the 4 week point that all 3 are female. She was right of course!)
    So me being a new grower I'm not very well versed on how moist the soil should be.... yup I just kept adding water when the top of the soil was dry to touch. Not thinking about the amount of soil soaking up water...

    My first few major mistakes were:
    -Pots were enormous for seedlings. Should have started smaller and transplanted. The pots I had found at the garden store for 50Gal/$10. (Not bad in my head).
    -Should have drilled out them drainage holes before adding dirt *derp*.

    After the first 6 weeks, I was looking to maximize my yield down the road.
    Looking on kijiji, I found a guy selling a 1000W HPS light setup (bulb, socket, shade, ballast and abut 15m of ext cord to go between the ballast and socket. Also threw in 15 x 1/2 gal and 10 x 1 gal pots. I know how to wire, so having it taken apart was a non issue.) For a grand total of $110... he also dropped it off. Score.
    I wired the light up and placed it in the spot under the stairs I had built. Instantly my lumens shot through the roof and my temp was a constant 80f+ *eek*.

    Click image for larger version  Name:	 Views:	1 Size:	3.15 MB ID:	132703

    At this point I have read enough to know thus is a bit high. I have also introduced iggy juice every 3 days or more until I saw slower growth. (I also started topping and fIming at the... 3 week point) So after taking into consideration a multitude of options I have now moved out from under the stairs and into a larger space in the main basement. I also cut their pots down to 2inches above the soil line.

    ​​​​​​At 6 weeks my ladies (yes all 3 turned female) started exhibiting some root problems. So today I decided that enough was enough. Out to the store. Bought a couple deep trays for water, lined them with drainage & pea gravel and added some fertilized water. Also finally filled out those drainahe holes. The last item on my list was to dry out some of that super soaked soil in the bottom. So a 107L bag of SS#4 was bought. I carefully took my ladies out of their pots (ensuring not to damage the core root system). I took out about 75% of the rooty, super enriched and soaking wet soil. Swapped it and bended in SS#4 then planted the ladies back in.
    With the pots sitting on pea gravel and surrounded by drainage gravel, I topped the water up so that each trays water level was about 1.5-2.5 inches. (Hopefully this will take care of my root issues.

    My next step is a constant flowing of filtered water through the troughs. DIY setup shouldn't cost me more than $30 for a 3 plant setup.

    I am continuing to LST these ladies and they seem to have perked up since the transplant.

    Above is the current setup, still working on light proofing and insulating so that we can still use the rest of the basement.

    My question (finally) :

    When should I swap to 12/12 on these two? I am fairly positive that one is sat/ind (seems to be 80/20) and the other is a ind/sat (maybe 70/30 or 60/40).

    Both, with the topping are sitting at 9 inches.

    Also, off these pictures does anyone see any problems with the plants (just offhand observations looking at leaves.. ect.)?
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Euroaznscotty; 09-10-2017, 11:47 PM.

    Welcome scotty,
    your plant's will double or even triple in size the first 3 weeks of flowering known as the flowing stretch so you want to change your light to 12/12 when they are half to a third the final size you want.
    Space for Rent.


      Now to my understanding if you LST and top, you go by.... the h+d=flowering height


      • Mr.furley
        Mr.furley commented
        Editing a comment
        If your asking height plus days in vegging time most go a minimum of six weeks in veg. I do 8+ weeks for recovery from topping and I feel a larger, older plant=more buds. It all depends on the strain, time and the room you have to grow. Hope this was your question.

      Sorry what I mean is: current height (h) + diameter (d) x 1.5 or 3 (depending on the strain) = flowering height.
      Also, as i said in OP, i'm 98% certain of those strains.


      • Mr.furley
        Mr.furley commented
        Editing a comment
        IV always figured height x 3= final flowering height always been close.

      Now that we are finally back, here they are. Day 3 of 12/12


        looking good. Happy growing


          Any advice on trimming these ladies??

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          Day 7 of 12/12 Click image for larger version

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          Last edited by Euroaznscotty; 10-13-2017, 11:25 PM.


          • Mr.furley
            Mr.furley commented
            Editing a comment
            Welcome back scotty,
            Your plant's are looking good, amazing how fast they change huh? Quick question what's your watering schedule now? And do you have a fan on them?

          At the moment they are getting 4l every 3-4 days. Alternating clean and neuted. I have an a/c in the room keeping it a constant 75f and around 45% hum, 50% after watering. I also have a vertical fan in the opposite corner to keep the air moving.

          Light sits about 36inches from the top of the canopy, tested by hand.


          • Mr.furley
            Mr.furley commented
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            You have some droopy leaves almost look like a clawing. Can come from over/under watering, heat or wind stress. Heathly Cannabis leaf lays flat, now how about you PH levels? Do You feed from the bottom tray or are you top watering?

          Yeah that was just before watering, I did have to drop my ph a bit as well this morning. Will take more pics once they wake up.
          i top water.
          Last edited by Euroaznscotty; 10-14-2017, 12:17 AM.


          • Mr.furley
            Mr.furley commented
            Editing a comment
            So back to your question, you are a little bushy but being at the beginning of flowering tread lightly on trimming until the 20th day flowering you can hurt your yield, let them develop some bud sites. If they were mine I wouldn't touch them for a minute.

          Sounds good. I'm going to wait till 6 hours in tomorrow and check their soil ph and moisture levels. Will post pics before bedtime tomorrow. 🌙 for now


            Click image for larger version

Name:	Photo editing_Cloud20171014_9.jpg
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ID:	136175 So, 2 hours into waking up and they're quite happy!

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              Yeah scotty, they look good, so like I say wait till the third week of flowing before removing (defoliation) leaf. Let the bud sites develop at that point only remove what is blocking buds from getting light. Remember your plant will need to be at its tip top health through flowering and at the end we'll need some leaves so don't take them all.
              do me a favor and read here again if you have.

              Controversial defoliation can increase your yields dramatically indoors... but removing leaves is for advanced growers only! When done wrong, defoliation can kill your plants!

              also if you take nothing the plant will still do its thing.
              Space for Rent.


                Perfect. After rereading seems like ill wait till next week once buds have started forming before I start to trim


                  This is the point I defo my plants this was 22 day in flowing
                  Space for Rent.


                    I am slightly concerned about the size of these babies, they were kept in veg for almost 12 weeks


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