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NewbieGrowMan's First Grow (Micro PC Grow Journal)

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    I bought some Miracle Grow Indoor Plant Food Spikes. It claims the NPK rating is 6-12-6 which is better for flowering, I think... But they are spikes. Do you guys think i could experiment with dissolving different amounts into a gallon of water and see how the plants like it, and before you say it I know. I could get better nutrients, and using time release spikes is always a bad idea. I want to try and use them and give my plants the P they need and not all that N I have been giving them. I will post some pictures soon. The buds are really starting to get hairy and tons of new bud sites are forming. I also wanted to update you on the lighting. I had to remove some of my CFL bulbs due to heat issues so I am down to 46 watts. So 2 small plants under two 23 watt CFLs. The yields so be interesting.
    Last edited by NewbieGrowMan; 12-10-2016, 04:09 AM.


      Also asking help from anyone with experience!!! Can i still defoliate? Is it too late? Will it improve yields to get rid of some of the smaller growth under the main canopy that will never develop?


        Hi Newbie,

        I really think you're on the right path with everything, however maybe I could provide you with some of my insight. You could possibly defoliate, but I think you really need quite a bit more light. Even by removing some of the fan leaf's you still need more lumens. If heat is a concern, maybe consider a fan. For nutrient's you might want to try a cactus formula, it's probably the closest fertilizer for cannabis other than, let's say GH. It's sounds like you're on a budget, and to be honest, that is the best route for any new grower. It has taken me about two years to aquire all the "tool's of the trade" otherwise I would have broke the bank.

        It's been quite a fun ride getting to where I am now, and I still have a ton of learning to do. Let's be honest, education will never end, that's how we become master's! You're plant's look awesome. Personally, I would consider more CFL's, a fan to reduce heat and better nutrient's for now. Then progress to defoliation and so on, so forth. I'm trying to give you advice as delicately as possible because what I'm trying to avoid is any type of discouragement. You remind me of myself when I first started and you're certainly on the path to success.

        Hope this helps,

        The Nerd


          Just a small update. It is now day 30 of flowering and day 60 from sprouting for them both! I am seeing a lot of leaves turning yellow, any help is appreciated. Click image for larger version

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            Thanks for the encouragement DirtyNerd! Yes I agree that I need more lumens. I am using 4 fans actually. One intake, one circulation, and 2 exhaust, and I have more but I don't have any that are powerful enough to move the heat and not be really loud. This is a stealth grow. I live in an apartment and there must be no smell or noise. I am using a computer case right now as a grow box but will probably change for the next grow as this is just too small and it gets very hot very quickly. I am just going to finish out this grow with only 46 watts. I am guessing my yields will suffer but no one knows exactly how much. As for nutrients, I am trying to use half of an MG nutrient spike with 6-12-6 nute ratio, dissolved into a gallon of water. The strength is a guess. I am not sure if they are liking it or not. I just gave it to them yesterday. Time will tell. I will just keep trying to improve my grows one at a time and have fun on the way! How do they look? Is the yellowing normal?


              Hey man,been a while since i stopped by here,looking really nice considering you haven't been using "specific" cannabis tools/nutes!I don't know where you are but i got my bloom nutes (Canna Aqua) for 15euros two liters (1A+1B).You might need more K by since thats all you have all i can say is it looks like you've loved them enough to bring them so far,keep up whatever it is you're doing!!!
              Tent : 4x4


              2x Viparspectra v300

              BioBizzLight Mix
              Felt Pots 15/25L

              Advanced Nutrients
              Grow , Micro , Bloom , B-52
              Bud Ignitor , Big Bud, Overdrive
              CalMag Xtra

              Completed Journals
              Nartak's 1st Grow - Canna Nutes - HPS 600W


                Hey there NGM! Looking nice. I'm seeing some purple sugar leaves sprouting out! Very pretty.

                I wouldn't be too concerned with the yellowing leaves, it looks like most of them are under the canopy. Keep us posted!


                  Thank Nartak and Royal Nugs! I have given them lots of love and it is starting to show as those buds get fatter They were getting lots of N in veg and now almost none in flowering. I think that is the cause for yellowing. I am going to give them more N and see if that helps. I know not to over do it since they don't need as much in flowering. Yes I have noticed some small purple spots coming out of the buds! I wasn't expecting much from these as the seeds were from some random mid.


                    Also I still need some help on nutrients. I know my pH is between 6.2-6.6 so any deficiency is because the nutrient isn't there for them. From what i can tell the yellowing leaves is N def. and I also have some burn on the tips of leaves indicating some other nutrient is burning them. Could it be P or K? I am going to continue trying to dissolve the time release spikes into water. I am going for a spike in 1 gallon now. So doubling the strength for more N. The spikes are supposed to be 6-12-6. What values do plants normally need in flowering?


                    • Nartak
                      Nartak commented
                      Editing a comment
                      Hey man,im no specialist but that -12- is kinda high don't you think? my flower nutes are 4:4:11 and my late flower feeding which i will use 2-3 times only has 0-13-14...I can provide links if you like...I wouldn't add more N to be honest just from what most flower nutes read lower than 6 throughout the flower stage...

                    • NewbieGrowMan
                      NewbieGrowMan commented
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                      I am going to just go with plain pHed water until I can get some nutrients with proper levels for flowering.

                    • Nartak
                      Nartak commented
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                      Well to be honest,if i had girls looking like that,i wouldn't worry about adding nutes at this stage,just be careful of your N to keep it low and your temp/humidity to be right for flower and you will prolly start thinking like Royal Nugs who uses the all time amazing,water

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