Hoping somebody can help me.. I was given seeds and told they were autos so I planted them under a 250 watt CFL vegetative bulb on 24/0 cycle.. 6 weeks later I discovered they were feminised seeds not autos.. the plants are over 3 feet and I switched them last week to 12/12 to start budding.. as I said I didn't realise they were feminised and required a 12/12 cycle.. the plants are so big that I had to top them 2 days ago.. I also switched to a flowering bulb now and I'm wondering what the consequences will be? I read that feminised seeds should be in vegetative for 2-3 weeks but mine were vegetating for nearly 7 lol rookie mistake I'm a first time grower and basically wondering if topping my plants will have consequences during flowering? Note that I don't even have pistils or hairs yet.. the strain is Barney's Utopia haze and takes 70-75 days flowering.. should I be worried that I'm seeing no pistils? I feel like I'm stuck in limbo .. any help is much appreciated 😊