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"Invalid File Data" error when uploading pictures? I NEED YOUR HELP!

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    "Invalid File Data" error when uploading pictures? I NEED YOUR HELP!

    Hello everyone!

    I know some people are having trouble uploading pictures and getting an error that says "Invalid File Data."

    The workaround so far has been to either resize the pictures smaller and upload, or take a screenshot of the picture and upload. Obviously we want it to just work without having to do that.


    If you have a phone or tablet or camera that gets that error, I need a copy of your pictures so I can give examples of what's broken to the programmers who are helping us with the forum now. This is how you can help!
    1. Take a picture on your phone, tablet, or camera that gives the error "Invalid File Data" when you try to upload to the forum
    2. Email the picture to
    3. Tell me what device you're using (iPhone 6, Galaxy 7, Droid Turbo, Sony Cybershot, etc).
    I would appreciate it soooooo much!

    You all are the best


    Aloner here's the solution


    • Aloner
      Aloner commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks for this!

    Interesting the forum is getting this error, common image types are independent of devices (jpg, jpeg, gif, png etc) so I'm genuinely interested to hear what caused it. I wonder if the image settings have been changed recently. Assuming it's not related to file types could it possibly be something to do with exif data. If this has never happened before I would go over any settings that have been changed recently. Just a few random thoughts


    • NebulaHaze
      NebulaHaze commented
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      From what I understand, each image is "encoded" a certain way, and the encoding can be different. So one JPG could be encoded differently from a different JPG file. The forum is set to approve of all the known file formats, but it has security against unknown encodings. The reason it doesn't allow everything is because someone can make a "JPG" file that actually has a virus encoded. So in the case of the forum, what they tell me is they add new encodings as new mobile phones keep making new ones with every new model. But with all the new phones coming out every day, they need to come up with a better system! I know many sites don't have a problem, so we're in the process of helping them improve their system by giving them lots of examples.

    hey nebula, i just tried to update my thread with some pics and i got the same wrong data error, ive neved had any issues in my iphone 5s or my macbook pro 2012, but now i cannot upload anything above 2 MB. i used to straight up take pictures and upload them directly from the phone or send them to my computer and post from there. i just tried to re upload some old pictures from my thread and it gives me error, so its not about the pictures, this is about size, i took some screenshoots as evidence the only image i can upload is ≥ 2MB

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2017-05-19 at 5.49.13 PM.png
Views:	221
Size:	173.4 KB
ID:	95611Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2017-05-19 at 5.50.02 PM.png
Views:	158
Size:	224.0 KB
ID:	95613Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2017-05-19 at 5.50.32 PM.png
Views:	212
Size:	175.8 KB
ID:	95612


    • 9fingerleafs
      9fingerleafs commented
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      Yes nothing above 2mb. Not even the pics I uploaded last week. I'll send you the images from the screen shoot.

    • NebulaHaze
      NebulaHaze commented
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      That's so weird, we're going to get to the bottom of it, I really, really appreciate it!

    • 9fingerleafs
      9fingerleafs commented
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      I sent the mail and outlook replied me that rejected my email cause the address does not exist or it is wrong written

    From reading the issues other users have been experiencing it appears to be file size limit that's been imposed. I've just attempted to upload a 3.17MB picture and the forum came back with an error message of the PHP file size limit being 2MB. About a week ago I ran into the same issue but the error message was different stating the file size limit of the forum (therefore meaning a different setting/rule for controlling file sizes) was limited to 10,000,000 bytes (= 10MB). Do you know what the intended file size limit per picture file is? I would hazard a guess that there are two conflicting rules governing file size limits or have been configured incorrectly.

    Doing a google of 'invalid data file' with the name of the forum software your using appears to support this, if possible I would try and get your techie to ensure that there are not any conflicting or invalid configs of the rules regarding file size limits to whatever you want to set the limit to.


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