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Male plant weed? Smokable ?

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  • oldjarhead100
    even female plant with seeds have a power thc content than the same strain with no seeds and male plants have low to no thc in them what we smoked before were females that were pollinated(maybe they put males in with the females when they were baling it )If you take bag seed and plant a bunch of seeds then as soon as they get 3 sets of leafs then give then a little bit of n and increase humidity and you will get more females than males. you can smoke males but I think it would be like smoking tobacco

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  • Formernuke
    You could always make hemp fiber out of it, great stuff

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  • Herby
    commented on 's reply
    *stab stab stomp stomp* lolol

  • D.A.A.S.69
    You are so right Sammy, old days.

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  • Sammy
    What nobody has ever smoked weed with seeds in it before come on. Back in the day if you got weed with no seeds in it you were special. Female plants are preferable male plants are smokable. Just not what you're after usually take male plants if you have one and kill them violently haha. 🌴

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  • Canuck147
    NO to smoking males

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  • OzBud
    no seeds, females make seeds, males will pretty much be leaf and stems with open pollen sacks everywhere instead of beautiful buds.
    negligible to minimal cannabinoids, probably not worth smoking unless you're in a desparate situation. Try to grow at least a few if possible so hopefully you get at least one female

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  • Weedster
    started a topic Male plant weed? Smokable ?

    Male plant weed? Smokable ?

    Hello everyone, in the event I screw up my very first grow ( bag weed seed ) unknown strain. If I end up with a male plant, is it worth smoking? If so, how would male plant weed be different? Other then it being seedy, are there more disadvantages? Thanks for any input.

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