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    If you start from scratch with a healthy clone or even a seed and have some good organic soil, You can actually see growth each and every day. Its amazing. I don't know what your circumstances are for being able to get a healthy clone or buy seeds, but if that is a possibility for you, I'd say go for it.

    I put extreme trust and faith when Kingfish speaks!!

    But only you can decide what is best for your circumstances.


      With LOTS of TLC, those plants could be turned around. Like Kingfish said, the rootball is a telling story all by itself. IF they have healthy roots, there is always hope.


      • Sketchstatus916
        Sketchstatus916 commented
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        I am having a hard time finding anymore. I tore off all badly effected leaves and then mighty wash and then we will see. They really seem to be growing larger for sure after a pretty fast rate I was thinking of spinosat. It's hard to access clones were I'm at... I can spend a couple bucks hear and there to help if I knew what to get for them

      Originally posted by Sketchstatus916 View Post
      Let's say I did scrap it how long and what to do to start over with new clones. will mites and thrips stay around how long before I can start again. I am gonna try taking the leaves off that are effected and top
      You might try "Dr. Doom Fogger" before you start a new grow to kill what ever crawls around you grow space. Then just watch out for signs and deal with it immediately. A good product to keep at hand is "Captain Jack's Dead Bug". It is Spinosat. Highly recommended. Killed the hell out of my Thrips investation.


      • Sketchstatus916
        Sketchstatus916 commented
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        Can i use this product as it is now?

      • kingfish
        kingfish commented
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        Absolutely, you can use spinosat as often as you want. Even in flower. I don't use it during flower because it might taste funny. But it is totally save for pets and humans. But mostly it kick ass on bugs.

      • kingfish
        kingfish commented
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        I forgot o tell you. You have to dilute it. 1/4tsp. per pint.. sorry.

      Okay let us start over how many plants do you have in your grow room how many plants are infected how long have you had them do you have seeds to replace them I would not get any more clones from anybody else I would not cut clones off your existing plants if you have only been in it a short time...I myself would get rid of those totally clean your area top to bottom and start fresh with seeds.

      if you plan to keep them it will take few couple weeks to get them healthy enough and big enough to bud them.

      if you have seeds you could be looking at a brand new healthy plant in about 3 to 4 weeks just like that size one ....give or take week or inches.

      chalk this one up to a learning experience a very good learning experience luckily you're not too far in hopefully.

      if I only had a couple plants and all of them are the same size and majority of them were infected I would get rid of all of them.......

      So sucks I know...

      Just my $.02....


      • Sketchstatus916
        Sketchstatus916 commented
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        Thanks very much for the info.

      I been looking like crazy and I can't find any after being the 3rd treatment of mighty wash planto seems to be growing. is there anything I can use like spinosad?


      • kingfish
        kingfish commented
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        Pyrethrum would be my next choice. You can get Capt. Jacks on line.

      Mighty wash is a good product from what I hear. I know spinosad works great, especially for thrips.

      Azamax or azatrol would be my next recommendation. It's a systemic so it takes a while to kick in completely. Besides being an anti growth, it's also an anti feedant. Meaning they eat but it tastes terrible. They're made from neem extracts and are considered very safe products.

      Its a better preventive than a killer but I like it in combination with other pesticides with different modes of action.

      We're all rooting for you Sketch and we will be here to help anyway we can.


        Thank you very much you all are so much help. this means alot.


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