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Autos vs Regular Feminized Seeds

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    Autos vs Regular Feminized Seeds

    Hi guys. I truly appreciate the responses I received on my last post. They were extremely helpful. At the time, I was trying to determine the best setup to get the kind of yields I'm pursuing. Since then, I've been studying intensively...mostly reading almost ALL of the tutorials on GWE, and keeping a detailed journal of things I intend to implement. I'm at the point where I'm just about ready to begin! I have everything pretty much all figured out (still haven't made my final decision on the size of my grow's either gonna be a 6.5X6.5X6.5 or 4X8X6.5). I'm doing 2 600W HPS lights, and planned on growing autos in coco, trying to get the biggest yields possible in the fastest possible time. Everything had been going great until today, when I read a couple of articles by Nebula Haze on GWE that totally captivated me: an article on "schwazzing" and one on "main-lining" or "manifolding." Both articles detailed how simple it can be to increase yields DRAMATICALLY by implementing these techniques. Needless to say, my initial thoughts were "there's NO WAY I'm not doing this!!" However, towards the end of the article on main-lining/manifolding, I ran into a statement that felt like a punch to the gut...Nebula wrote that the manifolding process is not recommended for autos. This completely threw me for a loop. I'm so confused now...I almost feel like I'm at square one all over again. Nebula was talking about the massive yields that were achieved in a short time ("seed to harvest in 4 months") using the manifold technique. To be honest, most of the content that I've read on GWE refers to grows usually taking about 3 to 4 months. Thus, I naively assumed that everybody was talking about autos the whole time! From what I've learned thus far, I thought autos were the only way to achieve successful grows in such a short time. Ultimately, my question is, what kind of seeds are people using??!! Can 3-4 month grows be achieved without autos?! Is it the special techniques people use that accelerate the process of growing with "regular" feminized seeds??!! I'm so confused right now, I feel like I'm going to lose my mind!! I guess it's a good thing that I have new questions and issues that need to be addressed right BEFORE I get started...I would probably be even more of a wreck had this issue arisen AFTER I already embarked on such a significant financial undertaking. Anyway, long story short, I know what I want to do: I want to use the schwazzing and manifolding techniques to maximize my yields, while being able to harvest around 3 times a year. Does this mean autos are out? Nebula consistently talks about "seed to harvest" in 3 to 4 months...if this is not being achieved by using autos, then how??!! Someone please enlighten me. I was literally gonna begin putting my whole setup together next weekend, including purchasing seeds. I thought I had it all figured out (well, not ALL figured out, but enough figured out to get started), I dont have a clue. I had my heart set on autos, but if I need to abandon that plan to achieve my goals, I have no problem doing that. I just don't understand how people seem to be getting the same timeframe results as autos without using autos! Some clarity on this would be greatly, GREATLY appreciated.

    Check out my grows man...all autos..that article is dated and much has been proven differently since then...


    • KashVIII
      KashVIII commented
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      Green75, saw the links...looks like you're off to a great start. I guess I just don't understand how that applies to my particular issue. I'm gonna be growing like 8 plants under 2 600W HPS lamps. I'm trying to determine the best way to achieve max yields while harvesting 3 times annually. I want to incorporate schwazzing and manifolding, which - according to Nebula Haze - can't be done with autos. Yet, the article on manifolding boasts of the results taking place in "4 months from seed to harvest," which has me confused. Maybe I'm missing something, but if the links to your seedling under CFLs is somehow relevant to my situation, please elaborate.

    Yes very relevant man..they are main line what your talking about... I'll drop a pic of some..dig deeper man...I'm doing everything your talking about and have been for awhile... Autos can be main lined


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      This forum is filled with people cutting on their autos...


        I got no plants under cfls anymore...


        • KashVIII
          KashVIII commented
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          Ok, bro, now I get CAN main-line with autos!! I only saw pics of your seedling at first (gotta "dig deeper," huh?). So I guess I can stick to my original plan: a lot of trained, defoliated, and main-lined autos in coco under 2 600W lamps in either a 4X8X6.5 or 6.5X6.5X6.5 grow tent. Do you have any idea how Nebula Haze is acheiving those type of results in only 4 months without using autos? 2 more questions bro:

          1) Using the techniques to increase yield (LST/"schwazzing" (defoliating)/main-lining), is it possible to yield 8oz per plant?

          2) which grow tent do you think would be better for this purpose? The 4X8X6.5, or the 6.5X6.5X6.5?

          Sorry - one more question I just thought of...If it is possible to go from seed to harvest in 4 months using regular seeds, would that be more potent bud than the autos? I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out, by the way.

        • oldjarhead100
          oldjarhead100 commented
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          kash I have an argomax tent 8x5x7 works great for me I split the tent in half one side veg one bloom . flexible insulation sold in rolls at lowes and its reflective. I only do 4 plants in bloom any more and it crowds them to much

        My autos are FAR MORE POTENT and in less then 75 days!!


        • KashVIII
          KashVIII commented
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          dontknownuttin...thanks...that sounds promising. Do you happen to have any opinions/answers to the other questions?

        I would get the biggest tent you can afford or have space for...potencey only depends on the strain you choose to buy and grow either auto or photo... 8 oz. Of bud off one plant is a good plant...more likely to get that off of a photo plant. I was strictly photo plant grower...till my first I don't see myself going back to photos...

        One plant from seed to harvest is like 60-70 days... for most autos..

        So you do the math ....2-6 ozs. is about the norm for autos... definitely can be more though .... I think dontknownittin Got7 last time I believe.. and that's two months give or take a week or two....


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