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Best way to store harvest

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    Best way to store harvest

    What is the best way to store the harvest? Glass jars, plastic bags, vacuum bags? Fridge, dark/cook space, freezer??? We've managed to have a large harvest and quart jars are filling fast and present a bit of a storage space problem. Any suggestions, recommendations appreciated!!!

    Not experienced enough to give advice, but what a wonderful problem to have......running out of canning jar and space to store your goods.


      If you wish , you can put some in the trunk of my car.


      • Tika
        Tika commented
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      Don't overstuff the jars you have, or they won't cure properly, 3/4 full max . Head to your nearest Walmart (sorry Nebula, not promoting this store in any way) and get more jars. Cuz that is the ONLY way to cure. Worry about the long term after you've smoked a few ounces.
      ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
      Mars Hydro
      Vortex in-line 6" fan


        Mason jars in a DARK cool room. Trichomes hate light. once they are harvested.


          Seariously, after fully curing for at least 3 weeks,, opening the jars every day etc,, i put the jars in the freezer for long term storage. Right now i have some NL in my freezer from 2014 and i think its better now than when i put it in there.
          A man believes what a man desires to be true.


          • Karlee
            Karlee commented
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            Good idea those jars are made for freezers also.

          I have a Weck quart jar it's in the deco line I love the shape but anyway I used one for my cure and so far so good wonder what you think ?

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Quart jar.png
Views:	211
Size:	190.0 KB
ID:	8294
          4x4 Gorilla Tent 600 watt hps and Veg Tent T5 Fluorescence
          4 Cures and a Life time gardener


            I'm an old (and I do mean old) hand at canning, freezing, conserving....a lot of different produce, from beets to carrots to squash to mint to apples and beans. I can't think of a reason why glass jars would be the recommended medium for curing and/or storing pot.

            FREEZER BAGS, (whether they end up IN the freezer or not) seem the obvious choice:

            1. They're inexpensive
            2. They're light
            3. They're easy to manipulate (opening/closing/burping, filling, emptying.....oh yeah!....
            4. They stack easily
            5. They're see-through
            6. They're disposable
            7. They're easy to transport
            8. They're food-grade
            9. They're unbreakable
            10. They're everything jars aren't......and as far as I can see, that's a good thing!

            I just can't say enough about them.
            What's not to like? Please tell me. Why WOULDN'T you use them.......for all curing AND long-term storage applications?
            Thanks for any input.


              STATIC ELECTRICITY Ever noticed how weed sticks to a plastic baggie.? Those are trichomes you could be smoking. There are many other reasons, but this is a start.


                Believe It or not, we got pot mailed to us a few times at Christmas from my husbands sister in Florida. She would double bag and open a fresh can on coffee. Bury the baggie in the can of coffer. One ounce per can. Wrapped the cans like presents and mailed in a cardboard box. Never got caught. Hubby would just keep the baggies in the coffee. Zero pot odor.


                  Originally posted by kingfish View Post
                  STATIC ELECTRICITY Ever noticed how weed sticks to a plastic baggie.? Those are trichomes you could be smoking. There are many other reasons, but this is a start.
                  Kingfish, I have to respectfully disagree. But, I'll start by facetiously responding: have you ever noticed how some icecream sticks to the side of the bowl when you're eating it? Shit happens! :-)

                  Now, back to the real concern:
                  Unless and until you've tried it (as I have) you wouldn't be aware that DRIED weed doesn't stick to plastic. At least not in any significant quantities. NOTE: You can experiment with a couple of buds.....or, for an even more "acid" test (if you'll pardon the pun) sprinkle some flaked Oregano into a freezer bag; rotate the bag a couple of times to simulate multiple "handlings" of stored weed. Keeping in mind that your WEED will be in contiguous bud "format", as opposed to flaked or powdered like the Oregano. You'll find that VERY little of even the FLAKED material clings to the bag-sides.

                  Also, Trichomes go through a contraction/reduction/retraction process as the bud cures (prior to being placed into curing/storage containers), so it's very unlikely that they'll "stick" to the walls of the bag, either. (Otherwise they also be sticking to the glass walls of jars).

                  So, sorry; I just don't see grounds for your concerns. Certainly not grounds that override all the BENEFITS that bags have over jars. I think the "jar thing" has attained some sort of "cultural appeal" that has no real-life, practical value. BUT, by all means....if you have more concerns (as you've intimated).....let's hear 'em.


                  • kingfish
                    kingfish commented
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                    I have no concern at all my friend. If you like to store your weed in baggies. Then by all means go for it. I prefer jars. This is not meant to be a debate, just a matter of choice.

                  Hi UncleScotty

                  I always bought it in a baggie and never thought about storage, but now that I grow and it's really good pot I have I want it to be just like now. So after the cure ( you can't cure it in a baggie) I like the c-vault. Baggies dry out the pot, like pipe tobacco you want some moisture in it.
                  I agree with King it's choice . But please try long term storage to see the difference (the right way) LOL
                  Happy growing!
                  4x4 Gorilla Tent 600 watt hps and Veg Tent T5 Fluorescence
                  4 Cures and a Life time gardener


                    We save empty amber colored prescription bottles. Big ones and little ones. Can slip one in a jacket or purse.


                      I use quart size Mason jars, I paint them with Black Board paint. It keeps out light and I can write strain, date stored, etc. anything I want to remember about the grow., Then when there empty, just wipe them off for the next use.


                      • UncleScotty
                        UncleScotty commented
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                        Wouldn't it be a little easier to just NOT paint the jars.......and put them all in a cardboard box....if your main concern is light-proofing them? Better security that way too. Write your strain/date info etc on the lid (just the way gramma did, then put the box in the bottom of your closet. :-)

                      Blackboard paint, that's ingenious! I know you can buy those black glass jars. I was pricing them on eBay and boy are they expensive. Really cook looking, but expensive.


                      • Grower-Aaron
                        Grower-Aaron commented
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                        Could you post a link to the black glass jars. I am interested in seeing one please

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