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Flushing During Grow

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    Flushing During Grow

    With 5 gallon coco coir smart pots and 20% runoff, should I be flushing at some stage during the grow? My runoff PH is not dropping below 5.8. I am flipping to flower in a couple of days and would like to know if I should flush first.
    completed 7 grows
    what I have learned so far:
    environment maters more than nutrients
    at least a dab of nutrients in every watering
    effective flushing before harvest is critical to quality

    IMO why do it! what is the ppm? that will tell you for sure. If its growing well, I wouldn't want to jinx it!
    Team AutoMechanics


    • Flockshot
      Flockshot commented
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      the out EC is 1.3

    Flushing at the same stage...what does that mean...


    • Flockshot
      Flockshot commented
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      Actually I intended to ask if I should be flushing at some stage of the grow, such a change to flower, etc.

    Gotcha....yes you should be flushing/stripping your plants periodically...eliminates salt build up...

    allows plant to use what is soaked into the medium....


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