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    News update

    So for any Canadians whom aren't up to date on current events.

    Justin Trudeau's Liberal party has prepared The New Marijuana Bill that is to be presented on April 20th 2017
    ​​​​​​To Ligalize Marijuana for recreational use to every one across Canada.

    The new law are to allow 4 plants per house hold.
    a bunch of qwestion need ta be answered...
    -who can grow for profit
    -grow lisence
    - set proper price
    -legal smoking age
    -what will happen with past marijuana convictions


    There expecting billions in taxable revenue.

    the way I see it.
    sounds like the Canadian government
    will benifits the most.
    won't go far with 4 plants per house hold. but I guess it's a foot step in the right direction.

    The Laws are expected to change by Canada day July 1st 2018...

    So jealous!


    • 4barrel
      4barrel commented
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      well nothing is written in stone yet.

    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
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      Me, too!! And what are they gonna do if you have 5 or 8 plants? And who's going to go around checking on plant numbers per household? NO ONE!!! You are indeed lucky!!!!!!!!

    Congratulations to my neighbor.
    completed 7 grows
    what I have learned so far:
    environment maters more than nutrients
    at least a dab of nutrients in every watering
    effective flushing before harvest is critical to quality


    • 4barrel
      4barrel commented
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      Yeah for sure.
      it's wierd.
      ta think a bunch of my buddys back in high school getting busted with simple posession and now have criminal records for them...that was 20 years ago.
      I guess we've come a long way

    wish they would give up on the failed war on drugs! all it does is make bad people bigger and stronger and the penial system rich. make it legal and stick it to these cartels. someday it will be like booze.


    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
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      Some day... In the meantime, the so called-drug war = obscene profits for various industries on the take who have the govt. in their pocket.

    Yeah, the government will control everything, especially who grows. But first they intend to enforce the law and fuck up as many Canadians and especially pro-pot activists, namely Marc and Jodi Emery. That part sickens me, such a waste of tax dollars and police/court time.
    4 plants is a step in the right direction - but I just need 2.
    Get a couple of the biggest pots - equip with rebar trellising - and grow a couple 14 - 18 footers, supposedly 3 - 5 pounds per plant. 5 pounds could get me like 80 ounces - that would last me a year no problemo mon signor.
    ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
    Mars Hydro
    Vortex in-line 6" fan


    • 4barrel
      4barrel commented
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      14-4 on the 80 ones.
      and that's gona be the trick on getting around the lowzy 4 plants.
      is ta grow these big massive plants....
      start crossing Big Bud and Cronic and Monster and aND what ever els grows hug.

      Plant them right out the middle of the back and maybe a couple of Carots..lmao

      Did Marc Emery ever end up getting expidided to the States??? Been a while since I've heard his name
      Last edited by 4barrel; 03-28-2017, 10:52 PM.

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