Hi guys,
Imma specifying my setup first then I'll ask the questions.
I have a 250W MH running right now with an exhaust vent, 2 clip-fans and a 2,6ftx2,6ftx6ft (80x80x180 in centimeters) grow tent. I'm growing Belladonna (mostly sativa) and Durga Mata (mostly indica) from Paradise Seeds. Watering with pHed water (5.5-6.5 range) and the GH trio only (I'm following Nebula's chart for quantities) in coco coir. Belladonna it's 4 inches tall and the 5th node it's just starting to appear, I've transplanted from a solo cup to a 5 gal smart pot (that's more to 4 gal coz it's not full) in the past days and watered it with 1/4 gal following the week two in the nutes chart. She's 16 days old now from germinating.
My temperature ranges are 26-28C at night with a RU between 65-75% (8 hours) and 29-31 with the lights on (16 hours) - RU between 50-60%. I'm working on a way to lower these temps, since they've reached higher than that on the first week, and the temps are slowly lowering because of the season changes where I live.
I do know and experienced how higher temps stunts growth and would like some advices about manifolding my babies.
Donna isn't thick at all as you can see in the pictures. As I compared with other grows from here, it kinda disappointed me. I'm trying to follow the tutorials the best way I can and I'll probably won't manifold it the time 6th node appears because of it's thickness and slow growth.
I was wondering... has someone here experienced anything like that and could give me some information about it? I'm thinking in chopping the first time when the stem it's thick enough for it.
Imma specifying my setup first then I'll ask the questions.
I have a 250W MH running right now with an exhaust vent, 2 clip-fans and a 2,6ftx2,6ftx6ft (80x80x180 in centimeters) grow tent. I'm growing Belladonna (mostly sativa) and Durga Mata (mostly indica) from Paradise Seeds. Watering with pHed water (5.5-6.5 range) and the GH trio only (I'm following Nebula's chart for quantities) in coco coir. Belladonna it's 4 inches tall and the 5th node it's just starting to appear, I've transplanted from a solo cup to a 5 gal smart pot (that's more to 4 gal coz it's not full) in the past days and watered it with 1/4 gal following the week two in the nutes chart. She's 16 days old now from germinating.
My temperature ranges are 26-28C at night with a RU between 65-75% (8 hours) and 29-31 with the lights on (16 hours) - RU between 50-60%. I'm working on a way to lower these temps, since they've reached higher than that on the first week, and the temps are slowly lowering because of the season changes where I live.
I do know and experienced how higher temps stunts growth and would like some advices about manifolding my babies.
Donna isn't thick at all as you can see in the pictures. As I compared with other grows from here, it kinda disappointed me. I'm trying to follow the tutorials the best way I can and I'll probably won't manifold it the time 6th node appears because of it's thickness and slow growth.
I was wondering... has someone here experienced anything like that and could give me some information about it? I'm thinking in chopping the first time when the stem it's thick enough for it.