I live in Massachusetts and it's legal!,,,I am going to grow outside I have done this for 3yrs but this time I am not in the woods wear you just can't get the girls to grow well.4YRS ago I had 3 pigs.so wear the pigs wear it's pig shit that beeno for all that time, is that soil under the pigshit would it be good for the girls?.I don't have $$ to spend on soil
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Welcome from another Mass grower. Even though it is legal here, I would be very careful growing in the open unless you have a really good fence. Also make sure there is not any light sources near your grow so that when fall comes you get a full 12 hours of darkness at night. Hard to say how fertile the soil is but it is pretty cheap to get it tested. You can get a kit at a local Agway, the Essex County Co-op or ask a local 4 H group. If possible use feminized seeds or clones to guarantee females. We have a limited grow season here and a limit on # of plants so you do not want to be throwing out half your plants in September because they are males. (Unless you are looking to make seeds but even then you only need one male.) Good luck. Hope things grow much better than in the woods.
There is an Agway in Franklin or you can send a soil sample to UMASS and they will do a basic analysis for $15 (just google UMASS soil testing) with about a 2 week turnaround time this time of year (now is their busiest season). You will get pH and nutrient content and they will give recommendations for what you might need to add to the soil. New England soil tends to be quite acidic (ph of about 5) so you may need to add some lime especially if there is a really high organic component from the pigs living there. Good luck.
I did a hafe grow last year in CA, then guy just needed help getting starded and for me to be there when he went to their because he went to their grateful dead show,so thay were clones so no males so I am fucked I have no seeds or clones and if I did know we're to get clones I have no money to get them