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Sick Plant first grow.

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    Sick Plant first grow.

    So this is my first grow and it was originally just a bag seed thrown in soil to see what would happen. To low of light wattage in the beginning so she is leggy. I have done a lot of research since the start and now i have three other plants that are in a hydro set up. Those are doing great. My problem is the original soil grow, Late in flower around week 10ish (like i said first grow so no log she started to develop spots on her leafs. Took soil "filtered" water ph and it was way to low for some reason so now i have her adjusted to 6.5 or so with cal mag as well. Didn't run a lot of nutes in her but I'm thinking it could actually be a phosphorus problem so i am giving her late bloom nutes (GH flora series) at 50% strength. So am I on the right track? If not some good advice would be greatly appreciated.

    I had a lot of issues with led lights in soil. So I switched my lighting and she bloomed faster. Not saying that's the issue. Good luck .


      I think you are on the right track! Can we see more pics of the whole plant and its health?

      I'm thankful for this "growing" community and for this plant!

      Romans 10:9, 10 Jesus is Lord!


        Just curious, how far away is your LED from the top of the plant? Are the worst leaves close to the light? I just wonder if it may be light burn, which can cause all kinds of weird symptoms.

        Seems like overall you're doing a great job so far!


          Ok so a little more info for ya guys..... LED is a Viparspectra Reflector 600w . it is 17" from top of plant company recommends 18 for veg and 15 to 16 for bloom. My guesses have been light burn, Calcium, and or potassium deficiency. I have flushes for two weeks with 6.5 ph'ed tap water. Today I have been "topping her off" with a gallon of 6.5 ph'ed water and the nutes are as follows...

          CalMagic-1 ML
          Micro-1.25 ML
          Bloom- 4 ML
          Floralicious Plus- .5ish

          We will see where that gets us. The other three plants in the pics are the up and comers the one in the front is my Acapulco Gold, Back Left is my White Widow, Back right is a clone of the current plant which is an unknown bag seed from a friend. I think it is another sativa but not 100% sure. Those will be moved into the tent when this one is done flowering and they will be ScrOG / Manifolded. as well they are currently veggin under an old MarsHydro 300w and seem to be doing well now that i have backed off the nutes a bit. I went from 100% of what the box said to 50% of it and they love it. About 500-700 ppm at this point. They will be put into a RDWC once i move them to the tent.


            Your other 3 plants look Great! I would say you have a ph problem. As far along as you are I don't think you will see her heal much. She is putting all her energy into making those buds bigger. What is you ph of your runoff? Knowing this will help to figure out what is wrong.

            I'm thankful for this "growing" community and for this plant!

            Romans 10:9, 10 Jesus is Lord!


              What's ur ph? U definitly have either a phosphous deficincy maybe a heat (discolered stems and spots on leaves) and prob a heat/flucusaion (leaves are curling and drying) get a good feeding of phosphous so the roots can start drinking it and check ur temps/RH


                Ph 6.5 is just fine for soil BTW lol


                  So before I came here for help the "runoff" PH was 4. I flushed with 6.5 -7 water and now runoff is at 6.5 ish I just received a digital meter so i can be a bit more accurate in my ph readings. She just took a feeding with nutes and will be ready for more water tonight or tomorrow (She has been drinking about a gallon a day for three weeks) The heat was an issue where my flower tent was located but now it sits in between 72 -77. So yeah the first test grow I have learned alot and you guys have pretty much answered how I thought that you would Thanks for the help Im sure ill be asking more as the time goes by. Just took some trial clones from the other three 9 total three from each plant. we shall see how they do.

                  Oh and the color of her stem...... The clone I took of her (back right of the three) is starting to turn purple as well. Im starting to wonder if it is the strain. I dont have a clue as to what it is.


                    That's great, can't wait to see more!


                      Update..... I have harvested the plant..... It seems to be dried and starting to cure. dried weight 2.2 oz but buds are really "fluffy" all trichs were cloudy but alot of the pistles were still light in color and most were turned in. Hope she smokes ok. Ill know in a week for my first try of it.


                      • tyler_ hobbyist
                        tyler_ hobbyist commented
                        Editing a comment
                        Did u use led lights iv personaly found the leds produce fluffy buds not dence ones just my exsperince

                      Can't wait to see pics! It's normal for buds to tighten up a little during the curing process Congrats on a great harvest!


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