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9's garden update

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    9's garden update

    Suuuuup guys I'm pretty happy with my garden. Finally I got some more plants alive and growing roots 😬 There is another mutant in my garden. A trileaf little fella we'll see how it grows. The other mutant is the self topped growing 3 main tops by itself going to transplant tomorrow. And the big girl (confirmed) just went trough a tough haircut, tied and suppercropped. Looks a little sad but she'll get right up. Last but not least I had my 30 year old peyote outside and its been raining so it got sick. I took it inside and its now enjoying the low humidity among my girls


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      Lookin good ! Nice light set up. Orderly, tidy and safe looking. Often times I see pics here of diy setups that I would NEVER trust. Good job.
      Organic only soil grower
      Current: Medgom Auto (CBD Crew and (Grassomatic)
      Set up: 300w Galaxy hydro LED, DIY insulated growbox, dual thermostatic exhaust fans, dual circulation fans, thermostatic 300w heat, remote temp/humidity monitor.


      • 9fingerleafs
        9fingerleafs commented
        Editing a comment
        hahaha thank you very much its only a little closet so i got to optimize, when full ill add another 10bulb 2fan light to the space

      Another update just a few hours after suppercroping and lollipoping my big girl is right back up


        Forgot the pics again
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          Here are some pics of the newest mutant
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          • CCisme
            CCisme commented
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            Aww to cute, she just wants to stand out lol

          • alltatup
            alltatup commented
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            They look great! Lil mutant is really charming!

          9, omg you got another one??? Why do we get all the freaks? I guess you're not sure what this one is either huh? Must be nice to have so many seeds that you don't even know what you're planting!

          Garden looks great!

          Did you get the pics I sent you of my mutant lsd 25? Instead of topping itself like the last one it tried to split on a fan leaf & ended up w/a mangled 9 finger leaf w/2 growth tips at the base of it. Didn't expect that.


            OMG that's super freaky. I think this is more common than we imagine and growers don't talk much about this. I've seen many breeders talk about letting the plants be and let them express their DNA and phenotype. So when someone talk about a plant that developes one main cola opposed to one that grows many tops by its own the real difference in structure must be caused by mutations like this becoming dominant traits. So there is a good chance someone at some point in the breeding tried to stabilize the strain to get the same "mutations" on the progenies. this way producing a "short" strain. That's why most autos don't need to be topped. They end up the same even when you don't

            and to answer to your question. I have no idea why after 5 years growing outside this is the first "batch" of mutants and just on my 3rd indoor. In sure it has to do with genetics cause it's the first time I germinate brickweed seeds


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