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Late flowering stage dreaded mite infestation!

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    Late flowering stage dreaded mite infestation!

    This is my first time growing a Harliequin, single lady.
    she has done well but now almost overnight I picked up a huge mite infestation with even some webs starting.

    I sprayed the plant with Dr Earth pest control.
    Didnt realize spraying the buds is bad until after the fact.
    I'm about say, a week or two from harvest and have nice frosty looking bud right now.

    my question is can they still be harvested and used?
    or do I just need to toss this plant?

    Thanks, Zen D

    Perhaps others will differ with me, but I am afraid that I would tell my friend not to use that weed.
    completed 7 grows
    what I have learned so far:
    environment maters more than nutrients
    at least a dab of nutrients in every watering
    effective flushing before harvest is critical to quality


      Howdy Zen D, and welcome to the forum. First look at and read carefully all of thee data sheet or box information that should have come with the Dr. Earth. I am not familiar with that particular product, so I can not tell You anything from experience, but it should list restrictions, recommended use, and whether or not it is safe for human consumption. I use Azamax (azadirachtin) and it can be used right up to the day before harvest. I will suggest doing a thorough flush before harvest as well.
      Good luck with the mite battle!
      Smoke weed,.....grow peace!


        It is Dr Earth Final Stop Insect Killer.
        The Dr Earth spray says it is safe for humans and can be used on edible crops up til the day of harvest.

        Just wondering if the buds are still useable or would they be all funky now. And, will the mites just wreck this harvest over the next week or so? Are some mites in the flowers bad news or just something that happens sometimes. Either way this has been a good education for my first time and I have learned a lot.

        Thank you!


          Sorry to hear you have mites, they're total buggers.

          People often rinse/wash their buds after harvest, it won't hurt and it could help some.

          Also I wouldn't assume you've defeated your mites with just one application/product, typically it takes a multi-modal approach to get rid of mites.

          The product I found most effective when I had mites was Mighty Wash which contains only "inert ingredients" and is supposedly safe even in flower.
          Sand, sea, sun, sausages, and sinsemilla.

          About all you can do in life is be who you are. Some people will love you for you. Most will love you for what you can do for them, and some won't like you at all.

          -Rita Mae Brown

          My Small Tent, Monthly Harvest, Perpetual Auto Grow

          My IG


            Cayenne pepper spray kills mites but not sure how it will effect the final product ... non toxic to us but could leave you with a hot smoke

            I use the spray during a grow if needed and sprinkle a ring of dried cayenne powder around base of plant to stop any crawling bugs making their way to the plant. My grows are outdoor, that's why i lay down the ring of cayenne.
            Last edited by trippergreenfeet; 03-17-2017, 07:02 PM.


            • DW2
              DW2 commented
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              Does the cayenne produce 'self lighting' buds? (LOL)

            Just thinking out load. Would water-curing help wash away the pesticide?


            • trippergreenfeet
              trippergreenfeet commented
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              Yes it would, however it would require three washes to ensure being pesticide free, that's if all were to leach out.
              My opinion of three washes only come from laboratory experience working with nasty chems so take it with a grain of salt
              Last edited by trippergreenfeet; 03-17-2017, 08:35 PM.

            Here is a shot of my homebrew pesticide, spider mites kryptonite ... this was ten small cayenne, two small habanero, 1/4 of a smallish onion and one garlic clove.
            Simmered for 30 minutes, leave to cool, filter then make concentrate to one litre.
            Might be a bit tangy with onion and garlic and being so close to harvest.


              Thank you all for the input!

              The label on the spray I used shows mainly nature oils, peppermint, cedar, garlic etc so I think I am fine in terms of being safe to consume. From what I gathered taste might be another matter, but my buds don't seem to smell off or anything now that's it been a couple days. At this point I have trimmed a whole lot of my plant to remove the really heavy mite ares and am trying to just brush them off manually as best I can each day. I think I am starting to get close to harvest so I guess I will just have to see if I can hold the little buggers off enough to not over run my flowers. I have attached a photo of my Harlequin, this is the main top which is still looking pretty good considering I think.

              Regards, Zen D


              • DW2
                DW2 commented
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                Zen D, If You are removing the leaves with the heavy infestations, do not take any chances by "...just brushing them off...", KIIL them with something strong like full strength bleach and/or roach (no pun intended) poison. Do not give them any chance to survive and infest other plants. Taking the infested leaves from the plant should not hurt it this close to harvest.
                Good luck

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