Hey there Folks im new to Growing, and i am struggling, but i'm trucking along. i am trying to sex these plants right now and being that it is my first time i would like some help. i have linked four files from my google drive OG Kush 1 through 4 i was hoping some of you pros could help me, i took a bunch of photos i hope it is enough to tell. as to OG kush #1 i feel very confident that it is female, but the others i have no clue? Help
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New Grower Trying to Sex in Veg
New Grower Trying to Sex in Veg
Last edited by ryncoke1981; 03-15-2017, 12:16 PM. Reason: I removed The Google Drive Links that had my Pics, My appologies to those who were weary of that, i did not realize or think befor i did it i am new to this. i have since posted as comments the Pics iTags: None
ryncoke1981, Can You post the photos here, in the forum? I do not wish to sound old and paranoid, but I do not trust Google or Facebook. I would be glad to look at your photos to help out, although, I do not know of any proven method of determining the gender of a plant before the pre flowers develop after the 12/12/ light switch.
Remember, "Only the paranoid survive" (lol)
Good luck with Your grow.Smoke weed,.....grow peace!
Hey there DW2 thanks for the advice i have removed the Google Drive links and have posted the pics directly on the site pleas if you could look at them and let me know what you think....i know the only true true way is once in flower at 12/12 but i also know that you pros have learned to tell pretty well... im not going to throw any plants out till flower (but long before they produce pollen any males will be burned in my back yard lol) anyway im just so excited and eager to learn how many of them are female or at least a close educated guess lolthanks for any help you can give and i hope to learn more from you in the future.
I would healthily guess they were fem, though only a 12/12 will prove it.Grow and good luck
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Good photos ryncoke1981. I have heard all sorts of ways to determine the sex of a plant before flowering, crossed stipules, offset or aligned leaf stems at the nodes, and even looking at the seed base before germination. the only sure fire way is to put the plant into flowering cycle and wait for the calyces to either show pistils or swell into pollen sacks. I wish that there is a better (or quicker) way, but I have had conflicting 'indicators' on the same plant before.
Good luck with Your grow and I hope that You are overrun with a bunch of stinky little girls!
OG Kush #4 (This has updated photos i took this morning, the little nubs at the nodes seemed to grow bigger since the other morning11 Photos
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ryncke1981, the photos no. 7 and 11 (of Kush #4), look more male than the other photos. Over all, of the photos that You have posted, they appear to be more feminine than male, but like I said, it is too early to be for sure. The girl, that I just harvested last Friday, had a lot of 'offset' leaf nodes on her, not all of them were offset.
Off topic, may I ask why You changed your avatar from "Marvin the Martian" ? The leaf is nice, but just wondering, or mind drift! (LOL)!
lol idk i guess the leaf seemed more appropriate for the forum lol
ya my hope is that at least two of them are female ... we will see lol. it looks like i am going to have to wait. they are starting to fill out i think now, and since the LST they seem perkier?? perhaps its because there is more light getting to the plant with a more even canopy? im not sure, but they seem more healthy, and this is despite the fack that i over watered them on sunday...its been 3 days and it looks like it might be one more. but they still look good.... i think lol
They're all too young. One of the hard realities to face is that you are going to waste time and resources in males that you won't identify until flowering. That's just how it is. There are few exceptions where you find preflowers in veg when the plant is old enough (yourse is not) and even after some turn out to be males or hermafrodite females. So don't worry too much give them some time
Hey 9fingerleafs thanks for your help, That is what i am starting to think too. i actually have a second ling in early veg just three plants, but they are from Feminized seeds, and are high quality genetics. the strain that i got is called Critical VIP and from what i have been told they should be a fairly easy grow.
Never heard of it but sound good. Criticals have been around quite some time so should be very stable and resilient