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    damn you should be bigtime proud of THAT first run! amazing job chowder!


    • Chowder
      Chowder commented
      Editing a comment
      Many thanks, I'll post more pics and info as things progress. Good luck with your grows!

    Week 7, starting to fatten up. Getting excited!


    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
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      oh. my. goodness.

    Sometimes it's hard to see the forest thru the trees!

    Keep it up ladies, your beautiful!


    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
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      Great picture, Chowder!! Feel like I'm in the jungle!!!

    • Chowder
      Chowder commented
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      Thanks very much, I'm so grateful to post pics of a full garden. It's because of this site and everyone's help. I plan to post a journal once I'm finished to pass on lessons learned, good and bad. Knowledge is power and the best thing someone can do is pass it on! Cheers and happy growing.

    Wish I didn't have a height issue I would like to upgrade my smaller led lights to some of those bigger ones


      I have several plants in DWC setup, 5 gallon buckets, 4 different strains, which will finish at different times. Not sure what to do about flushing. If I flush for the ones that will be done first, it may be too soon for the plants left in the system. Any ideas?


      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
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        Which is why you want to try to grow plants that all finish flowering around the same time, so that the flushing is right for all of them.

      • Chowder
        Chowder commented
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        Yeah, rookie mistake, I thought safety in numbers and strains. Lol know better now

      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
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        On my last grow, I had 5 different strains until Green Crack turned out to be a boy, so he had to go. When I harvested, three were ready but the Chemdawg definitely wasn't ready. I harvested it anyway. I THINK it gave me a headache when I smoked some. Gotta try again.... But not today...

      U dnt have to flush u will just have to cure longer


      • tyler_ hobbyist
        tyler_ hobbyist commented
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        I do totaly agree but if he has no other option then that's what he's gunna have to do to help that smoke. Yes flushing has a lot of benifits and yes I do recomend it but if he has no other option it's not like it will kill his plants u just gotta find the Brite side of the bad situaion

      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
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        Oops my bad tyler_ hobbyist I didn't go back are re-read from the start...

      • tyler_ hobbyist
        tyler_ hobbyist commented
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        It's all gd

      I'm not very exsperinced with dwc but I would assume it would be the same princibles as soil the last flush gets all the salts and build up out of the roots and also the nutes this way more choraphyll gets pulled out of the buds. Without a flush u have to cure longer to get that choraphyll out. Chroryll makes for a harsh smoke


      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
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        But the flush isn't about chlorophyll; it's about getting all the chemicals out and getting a nice, smooth smoke and a white ash.
        Last edited by alltatup; 03-31-2017, 03:32 PM.

      I do agree it's to get all the Chem nutes salts sulfites and by flushing out the nutes (nitrogen) included the nitrogen will start to get rid of the cloriphyll. In the plant as well just like all the other things being flushed out along with more chroliphyll so this way u do have a smoother smoke but yes choriphyll also give u a hash smoke just like the rest of the stuff flushing out


        No a plug, but I just ordered some seeds from truenorthseeds, cannuk, was the seed bank, and they have an awesome deal right now. 50% seeds. I ordered some Friday, and got em yesterday. Sweet.


        • alltatup
          alltatup commented
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          TrueNorth has a great reputation.

        • Chowder
          Chowder commented
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          I agree, and you get free seeds with each purchase. I got a little excited and bought a little buffet. Lol
          I've go some green crack, auto purple kush, on kush, amnesia, lemon haze, northern have, hash passion, coco melon, I'm getting excited typing them out, gotta go see my girls and medicate!

        That's awesome


          I just checked em out there sold out of almost every auto lol


          • Chowder
            Chowder commented
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            I got 5 of the purple kush to try.

          Nice keep an update on how they do I was considering the same thing lol


            Just harvested one of my plants I put in soil next to my DWC plants. I was going to cull her but my wife suggested to throw in dirt and see what happens. Really glad I did. I mentioned before that I only treated her like a house plant and her nutrients came from my DWC reservoir, so it wasn't ph,d quite right for soil. it was an experiment and I hope it should show anyone who is considering growing but nervous about their first run that it's realatively easy, don't be scared and go for it! Next time I try soil, I will take my info from the GWE site for sure. Also, these soil plants I squeezed in didn't really have a good seat at the table either, but still produced. Nothing huge, but I'm happy with it as it was my first real grow too.


            • alltatup
              alltatup commented
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              DWC = deep water culture or hydroponics

            • Sean Winchester
              Sean Winchester commented
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              Dam I have to change my feeding schedule I'm feed my plats on a dwc feeding schedule and the lv of nutrients where higher and I didn't know why

            • alltatup
              alltatup commented
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              Sean Winchester If your plants have been looking ok, you're probably ok. Go over to GWE and look up your growing medium (I can't remember what you're growing in): you'll find all the info you need.

            Really nice looking plant man how much did it yield


            • Chowder
              Chowder commented
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              Not sure yet, I didn't weigh it wet, I'll post numbers when there in the jars for a bit.

            Awesome sounds gd thank chowder


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