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Will my plants get too tall?

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    Will my plants get too tall?

    Hi, This is my first grow and I got clones on craigslist (I know.. bad idea..) I have one viparspectra 600w equivalent LED (276w actual draw) and 4 4ft t5 lights, I have 3 6500k lights and 4 3000k - 3 6500k 1 3000k for veg and 3 3000k and 1 6500k for flower. I did a ton of research on and just ran into a article that says to flower them when they're your tent height minus 20" for the lights minus the pot size, my plants are different sizes (the guy who sold them to me was supposed to give me all gg4 teens same size but ended up giving me 5 different strains of different sizes when I ordered 4 of the same) so I bent the gg4 strains main colas over so it's a bit shorter and my tallest strain is 18.5" and my shortest is 14". My strains are Gsc (17.5"), Tangie (14"), NYC diesel (14.5"), GG4 (biggest but I bent it down so it's shorter, actually like 21") (17.5") and Jack the ripper (18.5"). My grow tent is 3'x3' and the height minus fabric pot size minus 20" for the light is 31" - I just tonight switched them to 12/12 will they get too tall? if they do what should I do? Thanks!!

    You may find them getting around 2.5 - 3ft. Just make sure your bud sites have plenty of light. Cut any lower branches that are struggling to produce healthy buds and keep your light on full blast to prevent them stretching out to far. You may also reduce nitrogen slightly for the first week to possibly prevent it from stretching as well, this last part however is just a hypothetical.


    • Lotusyde
      Lotusyde commented
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      If you have anything that's obviously not producing a decent bud, it's best to cut it so the energy is spent elsewhere. As opposed to a stringy airy bud.

    • Rick Sanchez
      Rick Sanchez commented
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      Can I still smoke the bud I cut off? will I grow less bud if I do that?

    • tyler_ hobbyist
      tyler_ hobbyist commented
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      U could dry the bud and smoke it but it wount do much because little to no thc yet but yes u can and yes it will produce lower yeilds at the end but wount affect the new growth. It's called lollipoping

    You got a lot of lights! how high is your grow tent?
    They say, that you put plants into flower when they are half the desired height.
    Team AutoMechanics


    • Rick Sanchez
      Rick Sanchez commented
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      My grow tent is 72 inches (6ft) and I read something on Reddit that says for Sativa's that grow tall (4/5 of my plants are sativa) to take how much room you have divided by 3, which for me is 11 inches, and that's when you should flower. For short indica's divide by 2, which is 17 inches (perfect) to get your plants to a desired height. If this is correct then my plants are going to get too high, can I bend them down even when they're flowering? Or is that only applicable for veg?

    • tyler_ hobbyist
      tyler_ hobbyist commented
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      I agree with sonny they will atleast double in size once u flip them

    Lst train them and u will be fine u can also top them if u havnt switched to flower yet


    • Rick Sanchez
      Rick Sanchez commented
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      I switched them to flower yesterday

    If ur in flower and ur at the end of ur grow and hight is an issue u can also CAREFULLY!!!!!!!!! Cut throw the bottom part of the stem and put something in there to sperate the stem this will stop growth and massivly produce thc as the plant trys to protect its self. I wouldn't recomend this to a newbie as u might mess up the whole and make it to big and kill ur plant


    • Rick Sanchez
      Rick Sanchez commented
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      I'm not sure I understand but this is my first grow and I'm going to try to refrain from fucking up.

    If u just switched to flower u could still top them if u needed to but I'm sure they will be fine


    • Rick Sanchez
      Rick Sanchez commented
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      Ok, I think you're right I'm just going to let them flower. I just sprayed them with hydrogen peroxide and water and I can't see any mildew anymore so I think I fixed it!
      Thanks for your help I'm going to make a new post with pictures of my plants, they're doing so well!

    I'm glad ur plants are doin better it sucks haveing a sick plant. Happy growing and can't wait to see the growth


    There lookin good man


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