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pH runoff

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    pH runoff

    Hi all so this is a 12 day old gorilla glue auto flower and my very 1st grow. I've been watering just enough to keep the soil damp every 3 to 4 days she has really gotten bigger over the past 2 days and I haven't watered in about 3 days today the soil was dry so I figured since she has gotten so much bigger that she now needs more water so I watered her until runoff with tap water that has been sitting open for more then 5 days and I had adjusted the pH to 6.6 so
    the water went in at 6.6 pH but runoff was just over 5 pH is this normal?

    Hi Jim, yes to some degree it is “normal” for the runoff to not match the intake. It is also fairly normal for fox farms soils to runs little low. Up your intake ph to 7-7.2 for a few waterings and recheck. I feel like it is a little early for a full soak, I’m not going to bust your balls about it, but you seem to be trying to learn and do the right things. Let that soil dry out a lot before watering again. It’ll give the roots something to reach for, and then Id hit it with a higher ph watering. Best of luck! There are a lot of good peeps here to help. ✌️&💚


    • JimH
      JimH commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks for the help and not busting my balls both are really appreciated!

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