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how to lower RH?

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    While looking for the YouTube Video I know I have to show this the best, I found another one which again just sums up how they are changing the tech of AC and dehumidifiers in the cannabis industry right now today, instead of using the traditional freon gas to cool stuff, now people are turning to hydro cooling to do it. The short of it is you take a dehumidifier or AC unit where all the gas has been released cut the tubes going into the "radiator" and connect it up to a cold water source. I've seen it from being connected to the sink facet to supply the chilled water, I've seen the DIY chillers, and I've seen it all from car radiators, car heater cores, this guy in this video used a car's transmission cooler he had laying around. It will cool the air and it will condense any excess humidity in the air as well, this guy uses ice water for his to supply the chilled water. All in all perhaps it will help inspire you to DIY a dehumidifier in the future should you still be low on funds and find yourself needing one or an AC at a future time. Oh and if you really want to see this tech really being applied in the cannabis cultivation from small growers to larger commercial growers check out Surna (Commercial) aka Hydro Innovations (grow shops) and you'll see they specialize in cooling products specific for cannabis cultivation geared on this same tech.

    The only way to become the a good at anything is to read about it and learn all you can about it, and if it's something you love why not become an expert in it? The best place for anyone to start is at the beginning and make sure we didn't overlook anything, so let's go back to the basics.


      That's a really neat idea thank you


      • PigSquishy
        PigSquishy commented
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        The best lesson life ever taught me since the invention of YouTube... If you need or want something even in the middle of the night when you want an Oreo cookie and you're flat broke, hop on YouTube and type it in and there will be plenty of people out there who are willing to bend over backwards to teach you all about whatever it is and how you too can do it yourself in your own home at 4am.

      • bobsakamoto
        bobsakamoto commented
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        the internet truly has changed everything. it's kind of cool that we're alive to witness it if you think about it. i think it must have been kind of like when the book was put into popular usage instead of just for blood royalty/elites. although of course that was way way more of a big deal. but yeah, yay internet.

      Water cooling is a slightly more efficient air conditioning system. Nearly as much as 20% less power. But this is only when adopting a once through or cooling tower design. Using ice or cooled water from a refridgerated source is a slap in the face. As you are using traditional air cooled, air con systems for the process.
      Water cooled systems are usually cheaper to implement as the system design is simplified and requires less overall materials.
      Greenhouses use a similar approach with watercooled corrugated pads. Water flows through corrugated cardboard or other absorption type material and warm air is pushed through the pads cooling it in the process. Only downside to this is that the evaporative action adds moisture to the air. Using solid evaporating pads would remove this problem, at a cost however.

      Not using a once through or cooling tower design will have a linear degradation on performence as time goes on between reconditioning.

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