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yellow leaves with brown spots

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    yellow leaves with brown spots

    Good Day; Super Skunk, grown in 30g fabric pots, Whitney Farms organic potting soil, well water. I lightly fed using FF grow big 8 weeks in, starting to develop buds now, so I'm starting to feed Farmers Secret 2-15-15. The heat here has been unprecedented, with little rain and has effected everything I grow. Plants started getting few spotted leaves 6 weeks ago on the LOWEST branches, but am seeing them now mid plant. The pots are inside cut-out tires for varmint control, so I can't pull a PH test from runoff. They look healthy, but I am concerned.

    Also.. I get less than a dozen leaves per plant weekly, all older, new growth seems unaffected. so at this time I don't think I'm critical. I did research the issue, but nothing really stands out as to cause. Thanks Again


      Well spots are usually ph or magnesium. You need to check your waters pH to be sure. That's a big plant in a small pot. She's going to be hungry.
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        Its my guess that its using all the nutes that are in the pot to make to the top of the tree you have grown. That's a nice one oldsmoker. Feed it more i guess, Shes got flowers two. Looks healthy. yellow leaves on the bottom at this stage seem normal to me but others may differ in opinion.Without a ph test the unknown may be the key. . dirty


          Thanks for the input. I know the well H2O is running 7.0, the soil around the same. I have PH down, and Cal/Mag. I mostly can water. Are there issues mixing the PH down with the liquid fertilizer? I could drop the PH a few points that way without going overboard. Epson salts is good for mag is it not? I'm not sure as to dosage, or if it ought to be mixed along with the aforementioned.
          Yea, their big plants for the 30g pots, solid roots right up to the mulch. Thanks again


            Thanks Again, Microrize, have to check it out. I'm gonna pull some tests tomorrow. I agree some of it is the species. Been growing this variety since the 70's, and it historically has shed fan leaves when really hot. The spots were something new. Happy Trails


            • dirtymike
              dirtymike commented
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              How many grows have you done with Whitney Farms organic potting soil??. Its sold locally here and if it can get my plants that big ill give it a try.

            It is normal for leaves to be lost in the heat, the spots point to either a deficiency or PH problem that will get worse if not dealt with.


              This is my 1st experience with the Whitney soil, but I'm impressed. They germinated June 1, and were parked in the pots June 14 . The Whitney isn't very hot, but has enough fuel to sustain them. I didn't fertilize til July 28th. I use fertilizers judicially, as it's easier to add, then overdo and have real problems. We mostly use our compost, but I got a deal on the Whitney, so I gave it a go. I agree Rwise, I think it's more a PH issue, and am rectifying it. But the heat sure is in play also, and has effected all things we grow.
              I've never used the Farmers Secret 2-15-15 on reefer, but it's awesome on all the herbs and vegi's we grow. i'll post my findings at end of grow


              • dirtymike
                dirtymike commented
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                Thanks for the info oldsmoker. Heat plays a role in environment. It takes a toll on corn for sure. Most fields i see are brown on the bottom lately. Little early for corn to turn. Climate Change??

              For what it's worth.. I tested both soil and H20 with an Apera pH tester, both were running 7.1. Unsure if that can lead to lockout. I brought the water to 6.4 using citric acid, small dose of Tiger Bloom. Too early to tell if I have made any difference.
              I made some mistakes. Not knowing how fertile the Whitney was I fertilized lightly, probley too little. I believe the weather played a large part- dry, and hot-. Every fruit, vegi, and herb we grow has been stressed. The black fabric bags absorb heat, 2 hours after sunup, the sunny side of bag was warm, by afternoon the whole bag hot. I'm going to buy some cheap white sheets and go round those bags which ought to cut the heat.


              • Rwise
                Rwise commented
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                7.1 will cause lockout, for soil in flower try to hit 6.5-6.8, good luck. My soil recently test at 6.9-7.1 with lots of spots.

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