I need some assistance identifying the problem here. I am unsure if this is disease, ph, nutrient deficiency/toxicity, bugs, fungal, bacterial, etc. These are growing in an ac infinity tent (70-73F, 55-57% humidity), in happy frog soil and I use general hydroponics nutrients. I feed these every 3rd day (1/3 gallon each), skip the following day, light watering PH 6.0 (1 water bottle each) and repeat. The brown spots first showed up on the plant in the back about midway up the plant. The next day the leaves at the top flower site turned and it showed up on the plant front right. Yesterday it showed up on the 3rd plant which is a few weeks behind growth stage of the other 2. It should be noted that these are 3 different autoflower strains in week 10 and the rear plant is near the end of its life cycle. Any help is much appreciated.
Thank you!
Thank you!