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Fungas nat thats not a Fungas nat, what to use

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    Fungas nat thats not a Fungas nat, what to use

    Was in hospital two days "No, nothing to do with brownies" and when I got home today, opened my tent to water my plants when a small fly flew out a bit bigger than a fungus Nat and half the size of a house fly. Plants were extremely dry and starting to wilt which I guess might actually be good, but the fact that little bugger was in there, has me extremely concerned I might see more later on. Is there a spray I can use, like a one time spray that wont hurt my plants but deal with a possible problem for later on? All my plants I put back into veg mode 4 days ago and only have one auto left which all the flowers are still white. I'm looking for something that can be hopefully flushed later on. The auto should be ready to start flushing in less than two weeks. My clones, about 1/8 died due to not spraying the leafs while many others survived because the root system started and was able to use what water was left in the tray. Its the bugs prevention I'm more worried about. Most likely came from the broken sewer line under the house, which was why I'm moving. My landlord actually begged me to stay lol. Realized she cant get a loan to fix the break so will most likely have to go after the state since its not supposed to be there.

    Lord-Xanthor, if You are growing in soil or coco coir, You can control the gnats by covering the soil with diotiomatious (sp?) earth. I use Azamax spray and some directly in my reservoir for gnats and flies. The label says that it can be applied as soon as the day before harvest. I have used it for the last four grows and have good results with it.
    Good luck with Your 'battle of the bugs'.
    Smoke weed,.....grow peace!


      Food grade diatomaceous earth is a great way to control bugs in your medium. Less is more with diatomaceous earth and a fine "puff" or cloud of the stuff seems more effective than spoonfuls of it.

      As a mostly prophylactic spray I've used a SM90 solution and also a neem oil solution before. I thing they're a little gentler than the heavy insect killers. Spray them at lights off to avoid burning your leaves.

      Sorry to hear about the sewer line, that's a horrible way to be forced out.
      Sand, sea, sun, sausages, and sinsemilla.

      About all you can do in life is be who you are. Some people will love you for you. Most will love you for what you can do for them, and some won't like you at all.

      -Rita Mae Brown

      My Small Tent, Monthly Harvest, Perpetual Auto Grow

      My IG


        If you want the cheapest method - go buy fly strips and hang them in a corner or two out of the way.
        ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
        Mars Hydro
        Vortex in-line 6" fan


          One fly? Seen any more? May have just been going to a warm place. May not even be after your plants. Just say'n.
          completed 7 grows
          what I have learned so far:
          environment maters more than nutrients
          at least a dab of nutrients in every watering
          effective flushing before harvest is critical to quality


          • NebulaHaze
            NebulaHaze commented
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            I agree, until you see symptoms or more bugs, I wouldn't worry about it

          Thanks NebulaHaze , Flockshot , Canuck147 , Beach_Town_Brit , and last but not least DW2 for your input and help. Been at a lot of doctor appointments past few days and have not had much time to work on my plants, let alone reply to all my messages here, which I will be catching up tomorrow. As for the issue, I have found several of the little buggers in my home and even saw two fly out of the tent when I opened it 30 minutes ago. They are not the gnat type, and smaller than house flies, and going to attempt to taking a picture of one as there is hundreds outside the house due to that broken sewer line and using extremely small places where the pipes run into the home to get inside. Because I threw my lights back into 16/8 mode to get all my regular plants back into veg mode after being in 12/12 a week just to sex them and clear out the rest until I move, I am not sure how long it will take for them to reproduce, or if they will use my plants soil to try. Which is why I'm going to take a picture. Wont be hard to catch a few on camera during the day.


          • Canuck147
            Canuck147 commented
            Editing a comment
            fly strips

          Hang in there!
          Please take good care
          Indoor- Coco coir & Perlite - 5 gal Smart pots
          Veg-T5s Flower- Platinum LEDS
          GH Flora Trio Cali-mag, Terpinator Liquid Bloom
          photoperiod feminized seeds

          Testing for the_honeysticks genetics


            I would get out the yellow sticky pads, and also try to determine if anything is crawling on the surface, inside your pots. Also I would check the leaves for any damage.

            I am no bug expert but it seems to me that bugs either eat the leaves and live on the plant, and some eat the roots and live in the pot.

            I think you are doing the right thing to try and identify the bug first. Once that is done, there will be people here who have fought the fight.
            completed 7 grows
            what I have learned so far:
            environment maters more than nutrients
            at least a dab of nutrients in every watering
            effective flushing before harvest is critical to quality


              I'm going to put some strips inside to catch anything that fly's in there. Some time this week I'll be taking everything out to put in my new 96x48x90 tent which I'm going to spray first with a bug, fungus, and mold repellant before the plants get put inside. I'm down to 17 adult plants but now have 23 clones shooting out roots along the trays as long as 6 inches out from the peat pellets the cuttings are in. I tossed the infected ones plus ones I knew were males as well. The parent plants showed their sexes before the cuttings did. At least I was able to verify that I didn't toss any good adult plants after verifying the cuttings I had to toss were male as well. I'm surprised there hasn't been made a plant food yet that could force the male plants into female state. Something like that would end the issue of having to toss out or even wait to sex a plant.


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