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She will be wacked tomorrow

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    She will be wacked tomorrow

    She is just a bid over 8 weeks old and the Trichomes are perfect.

    Sounds like a great weekend activity! Looks great.


    • kingfish
      kingfish commented
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      Pyrokill, actually harvesting is not my favorite part of growing. My favorite is the vegging stage when I can train them. I do like the smoking part after harvest.

    Howdy kingfish, great looking plants and buds!
    Smoke weed,.....grow peace!


    • kingfish
      kingfish commented
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      Thanks DW2, I can't tell you how much difference my new light make. Should have changed it a lot sooner.

    Some wicked chunky looking buds there. Trim jail for you... Which light did you get?
    Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


    • kingfish
      kingfish commented
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      Ckbrew. I went from 1000w HPS to Spider Farmer SF4000

    • Ckbrew
      Ckbrew commented
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      That is what I have been using. Great light yeah?

    Excellent news wacky tabacky listen to some good tunes and trim away.


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