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    Has anyone here tried these CO2 bags that are suppose to last 6 months. Seems like you would have to turn off the exhaust fan in order for them to work or at least linger in the area to be absorbed by the plant. Says keep temps below 85, that's my goal in any grow. Got a free one that is in date. Figured id LOL

    Do you have a CO2 meter? If you're in a tent put it in the room outside. CO2 will collect in the tent as it sinks, you can use this to your advantage with attentive fan use.


      Howdy dirtymike, I have tried those CO2 (fungal) producing bags and I must say that I could not tell any difference (good or bad) in the grows. I have read that the atmospheric CO2 is enough for the plants and just by allowing in the fresh outside air, the plants will get all of the CO2 that they need.
      Smoke weed,.....grow peace!


      • dirtymike
        dirtymike commented
        Editing a comment
        I got a freebee and the date is 6 months out. (mycelium)?

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