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First Timer Problems

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    First Timer Problems

    Hi everyone, this is my first attempt at growing plants of my own. I ended up building my own grow tent. It is about 2ft deep by about 4ft wide and 4ft tall. I purchased an LED light (link below) and pretty much got started.

    I am growing in soil/perlite mix, water every other day or so (pH adjusted, checking soil an inched down for moistness), use nutrients every other watering (pH adjusted),have fans circulating air within the enclosure, and have a 50CFM vent fan mounted inside.

    During the day I have noticed that my temps end up around 85-90 degrees, with the occasional 95 degree day. I am going to add another 50CFM vent in the enclosure to help curb the high temps. I also had my LEDs down around 12 inches for a day or two early on, then put it to around 18". To combat heat i moved the LED even further away today, to about 26 inches away from the plant.

    Is this a classic case of too much heat?

    These little gals are about three weeks old (since start of seed germination)

    Attached Files

    Looks to me like you might have a few problems. First you should transplant all the plants in their own pot. The roots grow surprisingly fast and you are gonna have tangled mess when you do need to transplant. Second the temp is deff to high. I would say 85 should be a max. Probably gonna need more than another 50cfm fan. Maybe keep that room cold and see if that will help. Next I would back off on the nutes a bit. Or at least weaken them quite a bit. The plants don't need much at this stage. They look like they are getting nute burn already. Could also just be the heat. Last I would look at your light recommendations on the height. I looked it up and it says 56-66 in. Kinda seems a bit too much cause the plants do look stretched. I would play with it a bit and find your sweet spot. Ik this seems like allot but it will make your plants so much happier and it will make for a much smoother grow. Don't get discouraged. Your plants will bounce back and you will never know they were sick in the end. Good luck! And welcome to the forum!


      1st problem is ur lights to far away because the stems are to strechy the stems wount be strong enough to hold ur leaves leds should be kept 12-18 inchs. 2nd issue is u have a nitrogen deficincy because of the yellow and slowed growth. What ph do u use and what nutes? The temp you really need to keep Under 80 85at the max!!! 90-95 will kill ur plant at that age/size!!!!! The only time an older plant in veg/flower can go to 90-95 is if 1200-1500ppm of co2 is in ur tent because ur plants have signs of stress the curling under is a sign of stress. Also in flower you might even stress ur plant to much at 90degrees.


        Jacuna94 is right, you should transplant them they might be getting root bound as well are they autos or photos what's the strain? Welcome to the form and have fun growing


          I'm growing tangerine dream blueberry and candy cane. I use a 600w 1000w 1200w LED lights, actual watts 100, 200,350watts in that order at seedling I kept the lights 9-12 inchs away and in veg and flower 12-18inchs away. I let the plants grow from 18inchs to 12 then I move the light back to 18inchs. I'm growing autos day 12of flower in the pic I'm growing in promix and perlight 1/3 fox farm nutes pH 6 lights 24/0


            With all due respect Jacuna94 if it was nute burn the tips of the leaves would turn brown, just my thoughts.


            • Jacuna94
              Jacuna94 commented
              Editing a comment
              Thought had seen lil brown on the tips. But you are probably right.

            I use the below nutrients...I was wondering if i had stretch going on, it definitely seemed that way to me. But at this point with my temps, I would rather stretch than burn...I will be adding the second fan tomorrow. Its just crazy to me that I will cycle the air in that enclosure 4 times a min and will likely still get high temps. I am wondering if I will need to pull cold air from somewhere to keep the temperatures low enough. and Jacuna, yeah i realized my mistake but its too late to separate them, ill just do what I can this go round and chalk it up to a learning experience.


              Your led light is it 600watt acual draw???? What's ur ph? And please if u can lower the temp under 80 degrees or u will stress ur baby to much. What's the rh? Iv never used ur brand of nutes but what the 3 numbers on the front of the bottle? Are u useing growing nutes or flower nutes? Any trace minerals? Autoflowers or photos? Light sched? Watering routine/amounts? And please transplant soon. What's the strain? Just some info to help me figure out ur issue better


                At this point I think I am going to give them a day with the light as is and see how they do. From there if I need I will lower the lights a few inches at a time until they are at about 18" height once again. I'll also get that fan installed and see what my temps are looking like and then decide from there what to do. tyler_hobbyist, how do you cool all those lights? doing some quick math, my enclosure is about 32 cubic feet, and I will have 100CFM fans...meaning that every minute I will circulate all the air in the enclosure almost 4 times (3.75 times to be exact). Ambient air outside is mid 60s at the moment, so to think I am still running at 85 degrees is crazy. I will take better temp readings tomorrow thought to get a better idea.


                  Originally posted by tyler_ hobbyist View Post
                  Your led light is it 600watt acual draw???? What's ur ph? And please if u can lower the temp under 80 degrees or u will stress ur baby to much. What's the rh? Iv never used ur brand of nutes but what the 3 numbers on the front of the bottle? Are u useing growing nutes or flower nutes? Any trace minerals? Autoflowers or photos? Light sched? Watering routine/amounts? And please transplant soon. What's the strain? Just some info to help me figure out ur issue better
                  No, it shouldn't be 600W actual. I can check it tomorrow thought to get that number (but it will include the draw on the fans, so not all the draw is going to the lights). and sorry i don't know what you mean with the rh ? I am using the blend of nutrients shown in the link for week 2. I only water with about a half gallon so each of those numbers is divided by 2. Trace minerals I am not sure, and the strain is cotton candy and ak 47, neither feminized or auto...light schedule is 18/6 (6 is during peak temps hours of the day), watering every 36-48 hours or as needed. and thanks for the help!


                    Ur very welcome what I mean by rh is relitive humidity sorry about the spelling lol


                      18/6 is perfect for photos I would honeslty keep the lights 12-15inchs led shouldn't produce enough heat to raise it enough 600w hps are kept at 15-18 inchs and they produce way more heat. What is the temp around the tent? Beacuse I grow in my house keep the house temp at 68 and the grow area stays at 78 u need to pull in cool air to keep it cool if anything use an ac many people do or run a intake vent to outside.


                        Are you going to transplant? I use 5gal buckets with tones of holes drilled from (canadian tire) start to finish.


                          Indiacs need less light than sativas so ur 600w should be fine for 2 plants my 1200w led at 12inchs is fine for my 2week old girl. I'm growing 6 plants and the 3 lights are perfect at 12-18inchs


                            Do you use all the nutes on the chart? If u see yellow leaves u need more nitrogen if u see brown around the edges of the leaves it's nute burn


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