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Help please! What is wrong with this?

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    Help please! What is wrong with this?

    Hi everyone,

    I left a week ago and the plant was looking ok. There were yellow leaves every now at then at the bottom which were removed. Flowering was started 2 weeks ago, being grown in soil in a tent.

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    a few days ago I was sent this pic of some leaves that were removed. I thought it could be manganese dificiency?

    but today I was told it looks like it has spread and it’s more rapid.
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    it could be fungal issues? I added an aircon two weeks ago to try keep the temperature low. I found that when it goes from on to off the humidity increases to 60% before stabilising again around 45%.

    would appreciate urgent advice here, thanks

    Attached Files

    Whats the PH?


      Hi, the pH was tested a week ago and it was around 6-7 depending on where I poke the sensor. Definitely wasn't too high to be Manganese? I was pondering if it could be leaf septora?

      I introduced an aircon 2 weeks ago, and it's too big for the 3x3 tent so it comes on & off every 5-10 minutes. When it goes off the tent humidity goes to 60% so pondering if that's a cause. I turned the aircon off for now and removed any affected leaves.


        What pH probe are you using? The stick in the dirt kinds are not very good unless you have a commercial expensive one.


          I believe you have nutrient up take deficiency caused by improper ph levels. What is the ph of your water both in and out? That is the determining factor. Improper ph manifests itself as a number of confusing nutrient issues. You must get a good meter or test strips and check the ph asap. If you don't, this will spread rapidly.
          Current Grow: 1 GG4, 2 Hot Cakes, 1 Sweet Gelato Autos
          3 gallon cloth pots
          30"x30"x60" tent
          Spider Farmer SE3000
          Coco Pearlite mix
          GH Trio, Silica, Cal-Mag



            I have a couple of stick in soil meters, they’re showing the same reading. The digital one shows 6.5 in most areas and 7 in others.

            The meter shows 6.0 with the filtered water. This is why I’m a bit sceptical of the manganese deficiency even though it looks like it.

            im not back home for another week but I’ll try get some soil measuring strips for when I’m back. Hopefully it’ll survive


            • Blowdout2269
              Blowdout2269 commented
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              Just to scratch the broken record a little more...
              pH pH pH!

              You're better off testing the water going in and run-off water coming out, rather than testing the soil. Soil probes are often unreliable and highly inaccurate. Get a pH meter with a liquid-filled probe, litmus paper, or a "drops" test kit. You'll be much better off. Almost all plants problems come right back to your pH.

            I’m growing in super soil, so I don’t really have run off to measure?

            I did just buy an expensive soil ph meter, so hopefully that will arrive in a couple of days.

            should I foilar spray with manganese in the mean time while I try to correct the soil pH?


            • Mr.furley
              Mr.furley commented
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              I'm not sure you have a Manganese problem, I'm not sure sure you got a deficiency, soil probe won't work in water most the time they dont work in pots and that's a Very good call NOT creating runoff in super soil.

              YOU do not check runoff of soil, ever, ever, ever! you do what is called a slurry test. Runoff pH and tds checking is for coco growers only

              I think you hit the next level of soil with your roots and it's hot AF.
              Can you tell us about your Supersoil?

            I’m in Australia, so I just purchased a pre-made one here from Dr greenthumbs (water only soil) and I only use the supplements by them aimed at soil.

            if it is ’hot’ what can I do?

            thanks to everyone that’s replied so far, this is my first ever grow so I’m a bit clueless.​
            Last edited by Bmacco; 01-01-2023, 09:07 PM. Reason: Just realised hot doesn’t mean temperature..


            • Mr.furley
              Mr.furley commented
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              Can you elaborate on how you've used the supplements?

            The bottle says to use 1-2mL per litre of water once a week, so I’ve been following that. During vegetation it’s been fine, but now that I’ve switched to flowering I noticed this issue.

            during that time I’ve reduced the ‘growth’ solution to 1/4 per recommendations while adding the ‘bloom’ solution.

            besides that I’ve use ‘root roid’ and ‘fruit roid’ but they aren’t a fertiliser? So I’m not expecting the latest addition of Fruit roid to be the cause.


              1st is the whole pH thing.
              Soil can correct pH in nature, you don't see people pH'ing their water growing in the ground but you are in a pot so the water going in needs to be pH'ed at 6.5 and with the proper equipment not one of those probes. Before you try to correct anything else that is number one.

              That soil super is super hot- it's got five kinds of shit in it( literally) so I'll stand by the hot statement, needed to be layered and mixed with lighter stuff off the bat but you are passed that time.

              Sorry but that website is kind of a joke and hard to navigate. I understand in other countries it's harder to get things we take for granite in the US but that one cracks me up. Ripping off a lot of people's names Dr Greenthumb - Cypress Hill, Ocean Grown it's company out of cali and most of their trays look like Botanicare....autopots.....lmao. anywho those two additives root ROID and fruit ROID are just mycorrhizae(root) and carbohydrates(fruit) you could cut both to slow down nutrient uptake which could help with the hot soil, I wouldn't use any of these as a foiler right now especially with this problem as Mrs Furley says you've got a fungal issue as well.

              black intervanal = fungal

              Did you get that chlorine filter? Do you use it?
              Space for Rent.


                Hmm ok, so water only (yes I have the filter) for a while. Not great news on the fungal issue as well, hopefully that will correct itself since I’ve taken out the air conditioner. I’ll read this site to see what else I can do re: fungal issue

                We don’t have many options here unfortunately and we can’t order these items from the US.

                definitely not over watering though, it’s pretty dry before it goes again. The only environmental change has been the air conditioner so I’m fairly certain that has caused the fungal issue.


                  I thought I’d update. Besides the slight fungal issue which was rectified I just got home and used a new soil pH meter which shows that the pH is sitting low at about 5.2 to 5.5.

                  I had a look at the pictures on this site for low pH and it shows the dots on the leaves similar to what I’m experiencing. Lesson learnt for my first time, check soil pH periodically. I’ll use some dolamite lime to try get it back to 6.0, hopefully the plant isn’t too damaged.


                  • Blowdout2269
                    Blowdout2269 commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Good to know you completely disregarded others suggestions. If you do actually start pH-ing the water, remember to use natural products for adjustment, not chemicals. Good luck.

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