A quick rundown...
1.2x1.2m tent
400w hps currently
5 inch filter
15 litre fabric pots (60%.30% coco/perlite)
2x royal gorilla (closest plants on pic)
1x Hulkberry (back plant)
Feeding once every 2 days, canna a+b 2.5ml, 2ml rhizo, 2.5ml calmag, 2.5ml cannazym
water is just 2ml rhizo, 2.5ml calmag, recharge
fluctuate the ph between 5.7-6.2
reluctant to flip due to what looks like a potassium deficiency. but running out of vertical space. Noticed 2 weeks ago, progressively working up.
It's late for me but if I've missed any info just ask.
any advice or direction please, thanks guys!
1.2x1.2m tent
400w hps currently
5 inch filter
15 litre fabric pots (60%.30% coco/perlite)
2x royal gorilla (closest plants on pic)
1x Hulkberry (back plant)
Feeding once every 2 days, canna a+b 2.5ml, 2ml rhizo, 2.5ml calmag, 2.5ml cannazym
water is just 2ml rhizo, 2.5ml calmag, recharge
fluctuate the ph between 5.7-6.2
reluctant to flip due to what looks like a potassium deficiency. but running out of vertical space. Noticed 2 weeks ago, progressively working up.
It's late for me but if I've missed any info just ask.
any advice or direction please, thanks guys!