I have been growing with LED lights 600w 1000w 1200w full spectrum and they have been great for 2 plants for veg, but once the plant gets big and go's into flower the 2 plants are to big for the angle of the led lenses to cover so in my option the led lights are good for 1 plant once into flowering just my option of what I have noticed
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LED lights in my option
So you are saying keep 1 plant in veg for as long as you can I have a Urban green house Hydroponics system, can fit 4 plants . But if i do like you say will I get more from 1 big plant ? (dmartin194759@yahoo.com) is my email as i do not do so good on this site cant seem to get answer's Thanks in advance
Dennis2 Photos
The 'which approach will give me more yield' question can be a bit like the 'how long is a piece of string' question.
Have you seen Siriius's excellent article on yields and your "limiting factor" on GWE?
Assuming good grow skills he lays out how pot size, light type/intensity, space, and strain dictate yield potential.
While vegging one plant for longer could theoretically give you bigger yields this effect wouldn't really kick in until you had unlimited pot size, grow space, and light.
When I grew photo periods I vegged for 2 months which seemed more than enough for the 2-4 foot plants in 3 gal pots that I was growing.
Hey deno I'm not an exspert but from my understanding the longer you can veg and make ur plant get bigger to hold bigger buds and make room to have more bud sites the better within reason you dnt wanna just veg for ever and spend a year getting one harvest you know what I mean. Pick a time line that works for you and remeber that flowering can take 6-8 weeks sometimes more or less, all depending on what ur looking to acheive.