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  • 90Gizmo
    I added another grow light to the tent in order to smooth out my par map. With the little one running at 100% and the big one running at 80% I get 600-ish across the plants with a bump to 700 or so in the middle. Before the center was 1000 to get the 600 needed for the DLI but the ends were in the 300s. Now the plants are a little bit further apart and outside edges are at about 500 par.

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  • GroBuddy
    commented on 's reply
    You're doing everything fine, just wouldn't worry about dropping ph so low.

  • 90Gizmo
    commented on 's reply
    GroBuddy, thanks for the checkup. I didn't know that I wanted higher pH now. I do think I need some P. Somehow I thought I was doing a mini nute reset (for past over fertalizing) and would add the phosphorus in next time. I've read of something like that but didn't know whether to do the second watering soon after the first or wait until the next watering.

    Dazed and confused because all three plants are acting so differently from each other. What do you recommend. I was going to give a sip of bloom and some cal-mag next time... now I know I need to raise the pH too. Thanks again! Is that right or something else?

  • GroBuddy
    Why do you keep lowering ph during flower? Phosphorus is used during flower below 6.5 removes alot of phosphorus's availability. You're good in flower up to about 7.5
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  • 90Gizmo
    Finishing up week 8. I think they are going to live! I've done two watering with pH 6.2 water with zero nutes and then a third watering with TM-7 micro nutes. The dead stuff won't come back to life but the plants otherwise feel supple and soft. I know the yellow won't come back but how about the pale green?
    Last edited by 90Gizmo; 06-16-2022, 04:31 PM.

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  • 90Gizmo
    Last rights. Looks so much worse in first-person. Last watering was 6.8 pH in and 6.5 out. I'm going to lower that for next watering. This is in the smallest of the pots, I have not tried to look at the roots. I've got some cal-mag waiting for delivery. I'm don't think that the Gaia Power Bloom + epsom salts is doing the trick.

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  • 90Gizmo
    The middle plant which is in the smallest pot is not happy. I gave all three a big dose of P yesterday and the parts that are green look better. I've included a picture of it's top cola and the top of the plant on the right. The tall one on the right has some leaf issues but I don't feel it's bad enough to panic over. The shortest plant on the right is the leafiest. It's center flower is finally starting to poke up. (No close-up.) That's better than it was. I'm putting an order together for some stuff including some cal-mag.

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  • 90Gizmo
    Things are getting juicy. Yesterday I strained to find trichomes, today they are everywhere.

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  • GroBuddy
    commented on 's reply
    You can take anything at anytime. Just more ideal to have them prepared. So everything's even getting equal amounts of light. In turn maturing closer together for a more equal harvest.

    Understandable about everything being knew and exciting

    If the power bloom is dry it'll read high since it's a multitude of slow release nutrients

  • 90Gizmo
    commented on 's reply
    GroBuddy Thanks! The trichome pictures are just because I've never seen a living marijuana plant before and everything is something new to me. I noticed the sugar leaves had a little shine a few days ago but I am barely seeing the growth inside the pistols. No trichomes to picture there yet.

    No pruning until next grow? I guess my new micro Fiskars are going to have to wait for bud trimming to get their teeth wet. I have a list of things to do better next grow. From what I've seen of this grow I have a very narrow window for shaping one of these plants somewhere during the third week. On the other hand, I snapped two fan leaves while bending them under three days ago and haven't noticed a reaction yet.

    Okay. The Power Bloom 2-8-4 is supposed to be good for a month. But I'm still concerned with the run off.

  • SoOrbudgal
    commented on 's reply
    Lesson we learn as we grow an make mistakes. Yep too late to transplant and i would remove the largests of fan leaf allow for more airflow under them.

  • GroBuddy
    Something like this, everything below that line
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  • GroBuddy
    commented on 's reply
    Only look at calyx/bud trichomes sugar leaf trichomes amber sooner and are misleading. Looks like phosphorus or potassium deficiency not nitrogen, nitrogen is used mainly for growth, since plants stop growing upwards during flower nitrogen isn't used as much. Your plants are already dark enough meaning enough nitrogen. I'd also remove a bunch of that lower growth next grow if it doesn't receive direct light it wont be any good.

  • 90Gizmo
    Good stuff and bad stuff is starting to happen. Trichomes are starting to fill up. I think I have a combo of bound roots and that initial NPK added at the start of grow is depleted. It's supposed to last a month; now it's been 45 days. Water drains too quickly and output pH is 6.8 same as input. I'm watering every two days now. I added some more Gaia Green Power Bloom and thinking a nitrogen boost next watering too. I suppose repotting is off the table at this point. Have fingers crossed the the top parts stay healthy.

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  • 90Gizmo
    Middle of week 7. I'm starting to see ?flower petals? emerging inside the pistils.

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