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Partial Harves?t

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    Partial Harves?t

    I’m curious if it’s good to harvest each cola or bud as it becomes ready or should I harvest the entire plant even when some buds are not quite ready?

    Have always wondered about this too and my solution is usually to wait until the big top colas are 100% done, and then give the entire plant a bit longer, and then chop everything down at once. Mostly for convenience sake, and for turnaround time on my grow room. I like to get everything drying at the same time, and take a short break to revamp/clean the grow area for the next crop.


      There is no hard and fast rule on this. It's a manner of preference, timing a nd the logistics of the drying process. As Blind Faith said "Do what you like"
      Current Grow: 1 Purple Haze, 1 White Widow, 2 Critical Super Silver Haze
      5 gallon cloth pots
      30"x30"x60" tent
      Spider Farmer SE3000
      Coco Pearlite mix
      GH Trio, Silica, Cal-Mag


        If it's top half ready, bottom not you can certainly harvest the tops first, then the bottoms after they get more time under the lights. That gave me a break from trim jail and the bottoms were bigger, more mature. The trichs will never all be the same color.
        Soil: Coast of Maine Stonington Blend, perlite; Seedlings: CoM org potting soil
        Indoor: 2 x 5.5 x 8' Closet grow
        Viparspectra XS2000; EnjoYield 220W full spectrum light added during flower
        Various size fabric grow bags
        Cal-Mag & GH Trio if needed; Flower Fuel & molasses during bloom; ReCharge
        4 clip fans. Exhaust into attic is vented to the eaves
        Current grow: DEAD FLOWERS

        "Joker, smoker & midnight toker, I sure don't want to hurt no one"


          Some like to harvest in stages, take some bud while its milky, then more when there's amber. One can certainly take the big buds and let the lower larf grow up, if you have time. Or take the larf off to let the buds swell more.


            I've got 4 plants going all different ages. Two in flower now at 2 and 3 weeks. But I was thinking of cutting the top on the oldest when it's time and letting the bottom grow until the other is ready. Usually I'm pressed for the space but not this time.

            Was thinking about getting a small grow incubator (4 week) tent.


              The best part of doing it yourself is that you can do what ever you want. Don't think that you have to do it a particular way, what ever works for you is good.
              Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


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