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larger seedling stopped growing, leaves both yellowing and browning(!!)

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    HELP! larger seedling stopped growing, leaves both yellowing and browning(!!)

    (first time indoors - very new grower needs some help please!)
    They are in a grow tent with 50-60% humidity - humidifier and small fan inside, LED lights 18-6 on/off at 25% intensity. I recently moved the lights closer, about 18" above, 24C inside. an organic growing medium that has PH of 6-7.. I have given it nutrients 1/week for 3 weeks (a 24-8-16) but it hasn't really dried out between waterings, which is the only thing I can see that's wrong. And now the newest seedling is also going brown on the leaves, and I can't figure it out. There are other plants in the tent that also aren't doing so well. I was able to successfully make some sunflowers though

    Hit the "Plant Problems" link at the top of this page and give it a read.
    Need better info on the PH, somewhere in the 6 to 7 range can be somewhat ok, but to me these look to have root zone (PH) issues which cause lock out of nutes. Deficiencies are almost always caused by PH being either low or high for what the plant wants.
    What is the water source? IF tap water what are you doing for chlorine/chloramine?
    Learn to lift the pot to tell if it needs water, water when lite.
    How do you water the little girl? Soil could be a bit hot.


    • Rwise
      Rwise commented
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      For veg in soil 6.2-6.5 PH is good, in flower 6.5 - 6.8..

    I've tried to do research on what can be wrong. but I'll keep looking up resources; thank you
    Sometimes with forums it's difficult since I don't know much of the lingo or the short form/vernacular..
    (this one seems to be good, reading it now...good advice!)

    I am on well water, and I put the water in a brita filter before using it... It is the same water I used in the summer for my first outdoor crop that did alright (a little late in the season, so not HUGE but decent yield).

    The seedling was kinda stunted, the house was really dry and the humidity inside the tent was pretty low so I got a humidifier in there... and then the soil never seemed to really get dry after I added the humidifier (which made a world of difference in the actual plant) so I only watered it 3 times in the last 3 weeks with nutrients.
    the littler one I just used the brita water.

    What is hot soil? How do I cool it?

    I am unsure of how to do more exact PH testing. I had one of those electronic PH things, but it wasn't very good - I got a soil test kit and those PH strips. The test kit said it was at 6.5 i think and the strips are not that exact. I can use the test kit again - do you suggest I try to test the soil both before and after feeding her? I also tested the water with the strips and it was between 6-7 too)

    I have gotten some Promix BP, was thinking of trying to transplant it - thinking the only thing wrong that I can tell is the soil (it's an 'organic delicious dirt for plants' - with sedge peat, peat hummus and compost). I used both it and some rootfarm hydro mix for the outdoor one...
    Last edited by allthenamesaretaken; 02-09-2022, 10:28 AM.


    • Rik
      Rik commented
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      Welcome, allthenamesaretaken. FYI when we say that soil is “hot”, we mean that its nutrient content is very high (perhaps too high). The term does not refer to temperature.

    I would not filter well water. Get a good ph pen. Use good potting soil, No need to feed for a few weeks. and lemon juice concentrate to lower ph. Either transplant or flush with ph 6 water. The nutrients you're using sounds kinda like trying to feed a week old puppy a porterhouse. Click on the three bars on the left of the green bar at the top of this page to scout out the site menu. And perlite lotsa perlite! 30% mixed in with your soil.


      I got some perilite thinking the same thing, but after getting it realize it's miracle gro perilite and has the plant food in it. the same bag/brand is in the photos on "how often to water plants" page on the beginners guide on this forum, but I've also heard that you shouldn't ever give it the plant food stuff that usually comes in miracle grow... thoughts on that?

      okay, will try to transplant and not feed for a while.
      Thank you!


        You started feeding it at week one? They can live in sand for their first two weeks. Stop killing it with kindness.
        keeping it green with the soil thing
        love me some frosty autos
        Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
        the fruit basket
        blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


          From what I see: 1) the soil itself. 2) Miracle grow is a no-no... 3) water should be at 6.5pH, this is the best to use. I believe it or not, use pH down for fish tanks (sulphuric acid it what it is) The tall plant looks nitrogen and other deficiencies and burnt at the leaf tips. the small one looks like it is burnt. I HIGHLY recommend you repot in good soil (not miracle grow soil or nutrients) I personally use Fox Farms Ocean Forest as I grow indoors as well and have had very good results over 17 grows as of this date. I do not like grow tents, it seems a lot of issues come from using these. I use t8 flourescent tubes (4 shop light assemblies and hold 4 tubes each, 6500k for vegging then switch to 2700k for flowering). You also need to check your height of your LED lights these have to be farther away cause of the heat they throw off, my t8's are 3 inches from the tops of my plants, that's how cool these run. Watering in a 1 gallon pot should occur about every 3-4 days and take about 4 cups of water and still get 10% run off. lastly your temperature inside of tent and air circulation is a must.

          I use a small bedroom for growing (no closet or tent), my humidity stays constant at 45% (they love this!) and temp is 70-75 degrees summer or winter and a ceiling fan for air circulation. Go look at my previous posts over the last few grows and you might find something useful to help you grow.

          hope this helps.

          P.S. definitely get rid of the soil you are using now Miracle Grow is time released and you do not want that, especially when you get ready to go to flower and there are different plant needs between vegging and flowering!


            Nuggetman is correct on regular miracle grow. But their organics soil is perfectly fine. That's what I use.
            keeping it green with the soil thing
            love me some frosty autos
            Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
            the fruit basket
            blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


            • NuggetMan
              NuggetMan commented
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              I agree, any good organic soil should work as it supposed to be almost or equal to "living soil" to which you would not use nutes for the plant, it's more nutes for the soil which feeds the plant, a mistake I made when I tried going organic (FFOF is an organic soil but lacks Calcium, that is why I use Cal-Mag). The richer the soil, the better it is for the plant, depending on what you use.

            Thanks for the advice everyone...

            I may have said things that were misunderstood - and am not fighting the help just clarifying for clarity sake...
            I am not using miracle grow soil - i have 'organic delicious dirt for plants' - with sedge peat, peat hummus and compost. I bought a perlite that i was going to add, but found it had the miracle grow food in it - so was asking if it's still okay to use, since the photo on the beginners page 'how often to water plants' has the same brand in the photo...

            Also i didn't start watering the larger seedling until week 2 or 3, and then at week 5 once a week with nutrients, but the soil never got dry.

            I have since transplanted it into a PromixBP. I didn't water it, which was a bad call (the mix was pretty dry) and it drooped sadly. so then I did, and it bounced back.. I'll see in a few days if the whole thing bounces back and then consider transplanting the smaller seedlings (at least their soil seems to dry out).

            I do appreciate the advice and help!!! hopefully in a few weeks I'll have way better photos to share


            • Rik
              Rik commented
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              The upside of having hummus in your soil is you can have a nice falafel meal when your grow is done! Just messing with you, I spent a full year calling them “trichromes” instead of “trichomes”…

            • NuggetMan
              NuggetMan commented
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              If you watered and did not get some kind of run-off you have a drainage issue and that would be why your pots are not drying out and staying wet. Just my opinion, but it also seems to me too much peat in your soil and this will affect pH level of the root ball area. I know, a lot of factors to consider but if you go by good guidelines, you should have no issues in your future growing.

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