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Low odor CBD strains?

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    Low odor CBD strains?


    In a recently legal location and planning an outdoor grow this season. I intend to mostly plant high CBD strains outdoors.
    Despite the legality there’s still rules about ‘nuisance odor’ so looking for which CBD strains produce the least smell?

    Have plenty of experience with regular grows (and the smell) but not with CBD strains.
    Interested in ACDC for its particular effects but can’t find solid info on its smell level.

    Any suggestions?


    Weedfreed, If it's legal, go for it bro. You could always plant some skunk cabbage along side and blame it.


      It's going to smell. I live in a legal state and many neighbors grow for their own use but there's even more neighbors that don't grow or smoke it. It's the getting ripped off deal that hurts. So choose your spots carefully. I don't have no idea of a low smelling weed plant


        In regular weed I’ve experienced some strains with a lower growing smell (note lower, not none). Northern lights for example seems to be less odorous, and which I may plant some of outdoors this year.
        It will be amongst our heirloom tomato’s in our Vege garden as some disguise, and our garden is only partly visible from our neighbors new McMansions side windows. All fully legal (actually still can’t believe that’s now the case!)
        Just trying not to cause any adverse reactions to the grow from anyone. Decades of caution to overcome :-)


        • Rik
          Rik commented
          Editing a comment
          People on this forum love to tell you to not give a shit about the smell if it’s legal. It’s a complete failure of imagination; they can’t conceive that you might want to do both, i.e. (1) grow legally, and (2) maintain your privacy. Seems like a no-brainer to me.
          Last edited by Rik; 02-02-2022, 02:31 PM. Reason: Autocorrect (again)

        Yep, you hit the nail on the head.
        Smelly will let someone know it’s here and some asshole will attempt to rip me off. (Hopefully well my dogs are outside ;-)
        They’ll be unhappy when they discover it won’t get them high, but I’ll still have no plants left at that point.


          My friend grew Charlotte's angel from dutch passion. Said it was low smell but great bud. Have not grown it myself but do have the auto version and going to start one in the next week or so.
          keeping it green with the soil thing
          love me some frosty autos
          Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
          the fruit basket
          blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


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