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    HELP! clones

    3 week old clones from mothers 2 weeks in to bloom. Both clones and mothers growing in 1/3 Sea Soil and 2/3 Promix HP and 2 tablespoons guano per gallon of mixture.

    6 weeks earlier the mothers were transplanted in to this Sea Soil-Promix-Guano mix. The pots they were transplanted from had blood meal added at 1 tablespoon per gallon of mixture. They were watered with a shot of potassium sulphate at 2 tablespoon per gallon at transplant time.

    Clones were started with 2 teaspoons of potassium sulphate and 30 drops of Superthrive per gallon of solution in to the Sea Soil-Promix-Guano without the blood meal.

    To control fungus gnat grubs in the soil I was using Mosquito Dunks which I believed was making the pH climb so I set a low cloning pH (5.8) expecting it to climb to the right level.

    The average runoff pH of 15 clones at an input of 6.2 was 6.0 so the rise in pH wasn't there or was insignificant.

    I believe I misread the pH. It's hard to take a pH reading when you're not good at matching colours. I was trying to match the colour of the drop dangling at the tip of the test strip. The actual pH was probably lower and I think the climbing pH from the Mosquito Dunks was a mistake.

    rubin Methinks you're overthinking things. Simplify your life. Get some good soil like pro-mix hp and extra perlite, uppot them use a one step veg nutrient, And get a good ph pen. The plants will take care of the rest. Happy growing.


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