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Next Grow - A Recovery Attempt?

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    Next Grow - A Recovery Attempt?

    Hi folks. I have a situation happening that i interesting for me, I thought it might be for others bored and looking for a chuckle. I have 3 clones to make use of. Another friend of mine said he would start over with some clones from these.

    this first post is long winded as I try to set the situation up. I can be a story teller. I recently trashed my last grow due to Spider Mites found just as flowering was in process. I wasnt up for the battle and gave up. Tents have been sanitized, cleaned and treated with a couple of anti mite (to be updated if wanted) chemicals.

    I have 2 tents, 1. a 3 by 3 by 5 ft with a MH ts3000 and 2. a 2 by 4 by 6 ft tent with 2 Sf-1000's and one Best VA reflector 600. I am pretty happy with the current lighting. would like to upgrade the 2 by 4 by 6 to a higher intensity LED for more penetration, but these should do well. I like 4 indicas in the 3 by 3 and hoped for 3 sativas in the taller tent. plans for me are always open to modification.

    I was about to start seeds for my next grow, when a friend called to say he had 4 plants surplus that he couldnt fit, almost ready to flower, to which i said yes please. See attched for a photo in transit and one after transplant to 5 gallon square pots and recent bending/training to get a canopy as much as possible.Anyway, when i picked em up, the plants appeared to me to not be in great shape. they had gone through some chilly time, since he lost power for 24 hrs with cold (-5C windy) conditions and the ones in basement would have been very cold. also, he hadnt bothered with humidification and this year it was super dry. I had same thing which helped me get the spider mites. I am not sure exactly what the soil he used is yet, but believe its a standard potting soil with an activator and worm bastings.
    regardless, to me it looks like a few nutrients are needed, Ca, Mg , Mn and maybe K. My thinking is that the PH of his well water are high, leading to the odd growth. the geology in his area is such that lots of gypsum around. He is figuring it out , but mine are in totally different set ups with city water.
    My last grow I tried my HID lights in the cold basement, but even with exhaust up quite high, the temps were averaging 80 for vegging. I also didnt bother with humidity for first time and it was dry a lot, under 30 routinely. Perfect borg breeding conditions - which is now in my memory bank and shouldnt happen again. I really had 7 strains going that had me excited so it hurt - see the photo of the last grow, which was a couple weeks into flowering on average.

    The gift clones are 1 runty Orange Bubba (maybe a window grow) and two 2ft Orange Bubba along with one 2ft Crude Cake. An aside comment is that Orange Bubba is one of my curretn favourites, and I am almost out. As you can see in the photos, they are having some issues but to me are still quite nice. The main stems were extremely hard and red, such that I couldnt even do any supercropping low unless I were to try pliers. I am old n weak. The girls have very red stems and many leave are somewhat reddish coloured around the veins. many leaves died lilkely induced a lot by that cold day. I will maybe put more detailed photos if anybody is interested. To me, they are too sparce and the bud sites just dont seem to be developed normally. My buddy isnt concerned and i gotta think he knows what he is doing. He's investigating his new lights as well as other stuff. the rest of his are very similar to my bigger ones and I would hope/expect i got the least successful ones.

    So, the 3 big ones were transplanted from 2.5 gallon to 7 gallon fabric square pots 3 days ago with photos showing them in transit and after LST. For the transplanting, they are placed such that there is approximately a 2 inch perimeter of very hot soil on the bottom and all the sides. They were bent two days ago to attempt a much canopy as I could and just watered yesterday. If they survive this weekend, I will put them in flower as soon as i get a good number of new vertical growths in hopes of keeping these in the small tent as is. then I can start 2 taller strains to compliment the just sprouted Canuk CBG (2 by 4 tent) and Northern Lights (3 by 3 tent).
    The runt is not likely to be used.
    Comments should you want. I am very open, but may not always listen. Would you have just re-started? Anything special you would suggest I do? I am worried about spider mites, but the only other plants in the house are an Aloe and a cactus upstairs
    I will be humidiying this time, added some neem meal, and have only led's so temperature is easy to control day and night - hopefully stay away fromn the borg.
    If you read this all, you need a life.

    A happy Canuk. this grow will be using Flora Flex nutrients in coco/perlite. 9 plants in 3 by 3 tent and 8 plants in 2 by 4, in 1 or 2 gallon pots (whatevere is there). manual fertigation planned. veg till around 1 ft high. 2 by 4 tent light is Bloom Plus 2500 and 3 by 3 tent has Mar Hydro Ts3000, both of which seem awesome.

    Don’t mean to burst your bubble but, that is a good way to get unwanted pest in your garden. Taking clones from someone that is. Also they look unhealthy for sure they are hungry, the stems are red and it’s eating itself to death. First thing when taking clones if you decide to do so is quarantine for two weeks, when plants are unhealthy nature comes into play and pest come if your plant is weak they will stay for the kill. Keep a close eye on them. I always choose to start my own or use my own clones.


    • Bootsy
      Bootsy commented
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      Thanks. No bubble to burst, but if you follow, there is likely to be the opportunity for an "I told you so" later. If they fail I will also lose a 6 pak bet. I am enjoying experimenting and have enough stock to keep me going for many moons regardless. The facility from which the clones came is large and extremely sterile with no pests so a transferred infection isnt likely. I do realize the weakened plants are a lot more susceptible but hoping to get them happy with nurturing. Note that these ladies ARE in quarantine now till I get my seedlings/clones added in a couple of weeks. I am actually more worried about pests from my compost than from the clone source (i never identified the source of the last infection). I must be lucky in that two relatively careful friends and I have been exchanging clones for years now with no issues. The one time i got spider mites happened when all were from seed - go figure!

    This is how my previous grow looked. My issues was nutrient lockout. Soil was too acidic around 5.0 -5.5. lots of red stems, all the leaves were yellow. The buds grew airy and had no potency drive the leaves were yellow, photosynthesis is was difficult...... Just as these are "finishing up" (didn't have the heart to throw them out and i didn't have anything else to grow). With the yellow leaved ones, i had 3 beautiful girls like 3 weeks into bloom. Nice full flowers when i started noticing the spots on the leaves...... SPIDER MITES!!!! I noticed only a month into bloom. My options were limited because of the buds. Can't spray with neem oil or stronger chemicals. I tried alcohol and water and smushing the mites when i saw them and i lost the battle. There was so many i risked then spreading all over the house. I killed it all. I wasn't going to win.

    I'm not sure if you can recover. I haven't seen yellow leaves turn green again, so it would need to regrow all the leaves again. Doubt you have anything useful.

    Maybe take cuttings of the greener sections and root those. That might be your best bet.
    Last edited by No3odiesShad0w; 01-29-2022, 02:09 AM.
    Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
    Current grows:

    🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Me!)
    🪴 Grape Caper by Purple Caper Seeds
    🪴 Sour Orange by Super Natural Seeds
    🪴 Birthday Cake by Blimburn
    🪴 Purple Punch by b/w Label

    🍄 Lions Mane (spores vs culture)
    🍄 Blue Oyster (spores vs culture)

    Instagram @ TerpyTen

    YouTube Channels
    @ TerpyTen For PG gardening videos
    @ TensTents For After Dark cannabis content.


    • Bootsy
      Bootsy commented
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      Right on. I truly appreciate the opinion. I am sorry your experience with spider mites mirrors my last grow, and fingers crossed that they dont return for me after my remedial efforts. Yours is another vote to trash this grow and now makes 3 against and only me on the hopeful side. A purge might still happen, but I am going to give them a chance and try to control the variables I can - maybe a Duuuh but oh well. But - thanks for the reminder to do a runoff to check the soil PH. I was assuming it had been high, but it could be low in his soil. And I must spread more diatomaceous earth over the soil in case there are pests to help stop em in advance... I hope it works out, but in my heart I do feel trepidation. It seems like there are still enough leaves to fuel some growth but the next week or so will decide it. starting a couple of cuttings in case, though.

    • No3odiesShad0w
      No3odiesShad0w commented
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      Oh absolutely it'll still grow even with yellow leaves.... I've proven it successfully that you could start blooming with a plant that's completely yellow and has red stems and still make it to the end of bloom and still have a harvest that you can make edibles with and get high off of but that's about it you need pretty much one whole plant for one batch of brownies lololol. But the important thing was I proved it's possible 😂😂

    No3odiesShad0w - I do hope that I have more leaves left than you did. Would really like more than a batch of cookies, but I bought the ticket so i am gonna take the ride. Still leaves me with 4 new ones for this grow, although well behind the clones. for those, I have a canuk CBG (not a true believer, but in case the anti-carcenogenics are true it might be a help. also a Northen Lights started, and waiting on 2 of the following seeds currently soaking - Gorilla Bomb, WhiteRussian or Blue Gorilla Pineapple. If the 3 clones don't respond well I still may turf em and go to the original plan of three long flowering ones Dr Grinspoon and Panama Red in particular. It's so much a hobby now that hard to believe I produce the quality product too. Please stick around and comment any time. Since the clones started in 2.5 gal pots there is already a lot of what is likely sub-standard soil with my hot stuff around the perimeter, so I am considering use of some organic supplements to give them a start. Worm casting tea and seaweed extract will be used regardless. Tally Ho. Tome to get the new Plenty fired up for some chuckles.
    A happy Canuk. this grow will be using Flora Flex nutrients in coco/perlite. 9 plants in 3 by 3 tent and 8 plants in 2 by 4, in 1 or 2 gallon pots (whatevere is there). manual fertigation planned. veg till around 1 ft high. 2 by 4 tent light is Bloom Plus 2500 and 3 by 3 tent has Mar Hydro Ts3000, both of which seem awesome.


      Bootsy wow that sounds like a good well thought out plan! Wish all the best of luck to you. I'm still trying to get 1 successful grow before i start doing more. Already sank so much money into it. I just need results 1sr grow just threw a seed in and left it on the windowsill.. that's still my best grow to date.
      2nd.. killed.. overwatering
      3rd soil was using miracle gro with my own compost gnat problem. .. bad results because it's soil
      4th...... Soil pH. Water at my place congress out 5.5pH apparently. Yellow plants bad yields
      5th..... Spider mites destroyed everything
      6th current attempt..... Still have a spider mite issue. Both plants are stunted back to spraying. Lost 2 out of 4 already.
      7th i have in the kitchen getting trained for that ScrOG idea, sprayed for mites every 3-5 days. The buckets are sprayed, the soil is sprayed the plants are sprayed The rope and the sticks are sprayed hopefully I don't get any spider mites on any of these because I can't keep losing all my plants. And I can't spray them with high chemicals when they're blooming because I plan on smoking this. 2 years of trying and failing. I just don't understand. My wife garden with like 15 varieties of fruit and veg requires less attention and less work than two plants do. I just don't understand.. i know what i did wrong for the first ones. Mainly bad pH from the water and bad soil. Now i have everything right so first time in 2 years i get spider mites. On top of saving the plants. I have to worry about the idk 50 plus other plants and cacti in my house. I don't want the mites to infect those.

      I'm so close with this but a month in and my buds look the way they looked 2 weeks ago. It's not good. They say if you can grow tomatoes you can get grow weed..... Well how come i can grow a single 10lb tomato but can't even grow an ounce of good weed.... I don't understand.

      I'm def keep watching and see what you do. I'm curious and i love experimenting. I have half a book filled with experiments i want to do. But only if i start getting results. Don't have the money to make this just a hobby project
      Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
      Current grows:

      🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Me!)
      🪴 Grape Caper by Purple Caper Seeds
      🪴 Sour Orange by Super Natural Seeds
      🪴 Birthday Cake by Blimburn
      🪴 Purple Punch by b/w Label

      🍄 Lions Mane (spores vs culture)
      🍄 Blue Oyster (spores vs culture)

      Instagram @ TerpyTen

      YouTube Channels
      @ TerpyTen For PG gardening videos
      @ TensTents For After Dark cannabis content.


        Just to show you my level of dedication and that I'm not just fucking around.. since it's winter and humidity is around 20% or less. 2x a day i boil a whole pot of water (because I can't afford a humidifier) so that i can get the proper moisture in the house so that the plants are happy . That's the LAST variable that i wasn't controlling. Everything else from temp to water to food. I control. I'm hoping with the better soil and everything else. I'll have more success. Plus i scraped mystery despite those lovely deep purple leaves and I'm just doing all blue dream next grow.
        only other variable is I'm been growing with bad genetics.
        Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
        Current grows:

        🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Me!)
        🪴 Grape Caper by Purple Caper Seeds
        🪴 Sour Orange by Super Natural Seeds
        🪴 Birthday Cake by Blimburn
        🪴 Purple Punch by b/w Label

        🍄 Lions Mane (spores vs culture)
        🍄 Blue Oyster (spores vs culture)

        Instagram @ TerpyTen

        YouTube Channels
        @ TerpyTen For PG gardening videos
        @ TensTents For After Dark cannabis content.


          The bane of my existence rn 🤬🤬
          Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
          Current grows:

          🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Me!)
          🪴 Grape Caper by Purple Caper Seeds
          🪴 Sour Orange by Super Natural Seeds
          🪴 Birthday Cake by Blimburn
          🪴 Purple Punch by b/w Label

          🍄 Lions Mane (spores vs culture)
          🍄 Blue Oyster (spores vs culture)

          Instagram @ TerpyTen

          YouTube Channels
          @ TerpyTen For PG gardening videos
          @ TensTents For After Dark cannabis content.


            Wow. Lavender or rosemary high in camphor. Either oil or dry from the store. That will blow up the eggs killing the cycle. Hope you are not in flower other wise all I can say is start over. Or beneficial insects before they multiply


            • Bootsy
              Bootsy commented
              Editing a comment
              hey No3odiesShad0w. so sorry about the mites. I am still worried where this is my follow up grow. I have the rosemary ready to go based on the suggestion of Cali awhile ago. I used Safers end-all, and can only hope it is as effective as the local grow op shop say. Several folks have suggeted that Diatomaceous Earth i a great stopper if done before the plant get going. that remoinds me to dose the soil with it again. Good luck.

            • No3odiesShad0w
              No3odiesShad0w commented
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              Cali this is exactly how I lost my last grow. I only noticed the spider mites after it started blooming because that's when all the little white spots on the leaves start showing up and I have to trash everything... And yeah they're a month in bloom so hooray...... I have been spraying some diluted neem oil every 3 days.... It's like a 2-hour process trying to avoid all the buds and only spraying the leaves and using q-tips to only swab the leaves... But it's been a week now and even the plants started growing again.. because the mites had stunted the growth.... So something positive is coming of it. I can't afford to start over I started over twice already because of the spider mites I ...I can't afford it. If this fails this time I quit I've already sunk too much money into this and I can't even get the medication I need.

            • No3odiesShad0w
              No3odiesShad0w commented
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              Bootsy. See and I even had my rosemary herbs growing in that room in hopes that it would help in some way.... Not a single spider mite went on to the rosemary but destroyed everything else. I'm going to keep using heavily diluted neem oil. I sit there and literally swab every single leaf with a q tip.
              There's some sort of something happening because they stopped growing. Today I just noticed a whole bunch of new flower growth on the blue dream. So I'm hoping that whatever I'm doing is actually helping. It's been 3 days since I last applied the neem oil so tonight going to go on a 2-hour venture again.

            Most recent photos, which to me are very encouraging. I have transplanted into my hot soil, and only see a little bit of brown tips on one of the girls. I havent yet removed any leaves other than ones that die, wanting to keep as much of the motor till i saw how they responded. LST bending and I almost have a spread canopy for each. I did have to put them in the taller tent so the 3 by 3 by 5 will now be housing the 4 new plants, for which I am still waiting for a couple more to hatdch. I messed up and let the last few seeds dry out - oops. The clones - my question now is when to switch to flowering. I am leaning towards letting the branche that are now reaching up grow another inch so they are well etablished ( 2 to 3 days) and then switch the timing, but not sure. I only have around 16 to 18 inches vertical room and tyhe total plant height would be 2.5 ft without the bending. They are all responding well, so later tonight I will be clearing out some thick grow down at the bottom. the new growth also has much less red in the stems. Sorry about photo quality as I was lazy and took them with grow lights on and fans blowing. better photos in future. No sign of spider mites yet, and I again spread Daitomoceous earth over the soil. so far so good.
            A happy Canuk. this grow will be using Flora Flex nutrients in coco/perlite. 9 plants in 3 by 3 tent and 8 plants in 2 by 4, in 1 or 2 gallon pots (whatevere is there). manual fertigation planned. veg till around 1 ft high. 2 by 4 tent light is Bloom Plus 2500 and 3 by 3 tent has Mar Hydro Ts3000, both of which seem awesome.


              Bootsy 😍 they're looking lovely. Clearly you know what you're doing. I'm waiting on taxes then maybe I'll be able to afford the diatomaceous earth as a preventative and hopefully to aid in my fight.
              My girls in the other room are doing fantastic. No mites. Good growth. The bigger one is like a day away from starting to weave around my screen.. doing very well
              I went from nice bushy plants. To twigs....i know it will stunt growth i know i might lose the plant. But i had to do something. It was either lose both or throw it out in the trash. So i chopped half of mystery and only 2 stems from the blue dream since they were touching and had some eggs and mites. But like i said. A week of dedicated work and I'm seeing improvements. Not like i have anything else to do. Spend my days dying and trying to not be in pain. This is a distraction although an unwelcomed one.

              I have to save the blue dream at least. It looks lovely although it's stunted but it will recover and give me something good. While mystery doesn't have a single crystal on the buds, the blue dream looks like someone spilled salt or sugar all over. Never had buds look this good this early. Fingers crossed

              Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
              Current grows:

              🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Me!)
              🪴 Grape Caper by Purple Caper Seeds
              🪴 Sour Orange by Super Natural Seeds
              🪴 Birthday Cake by Blimburn
              🪴 Purple Punch by b/w Label

              🍄 Lions Mane (spores vs culture)
              🍄 Blue Oyster (spores vs culture)

              Instagram @ TerpyTen

              YouTube Channels
              @ TerpyTen For PG gardening videos
              @ TensTents For After Dark cannabis content.


              • No3odiesShad0w
                No3odiesShad0w commented
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                I guess mystery got a serious defoliation if it can be considered that. The blue dream responded well mystery. Not so much but still too early to tell

              Meanwhile in the other room. No mites, no deficiencies, no problems at all. 1 reached the net already the other just got a growth spurt ..... I see it now I'm super confident that these are going to work out and these are going to be just fine and everything looks great.... But that's exactly what I said about the ones in the other room and again spider mites..
              Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
              Current grows:

              🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Me!)
              🪴 Grape Caper by Purple Caper Seeds
              🪴 Sour Orange by Super Natural Seeds
              🪴 Birthday Cake by Blimburn
              🪴 Purple Punch by b/w Label

              🍄 Lions Mane (spores vs culture)
              🍄 Blue Oyster (spores vs culture)

              Instagram @ TerpyTen

              YouTube Channels
              @ TerpyTen For PG gardening videos
              @ TensTents For After Dark cannabis content.


              • Bootsy
                Bootsy commented
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                Hey. I agree that these look great. i encourage the DE big time - based on info from fellow growers (- as time goe on meeting more local folks is great). it is supposed to keep the mites from crawling up and they cannot fly. the other tent also looks pretty decent, but cannot really see much in the photos - good luck. Sorry about the health situation - I am waiting for my own prognosis after treament and really on edge but still hopeful.

              A little update for my records and anybody interested. The girls really like city living. All three responded super, and I am hopeful of decent yields. i bent them each back almost a foot and now have a decent canopy. The Crude Cake was growing more quickly in a very sativa way, and was already 6 inches taller. I only have another 14 inches max left so she was put to 12:12 last night. the other 2 orange Bubbas are looking very nice to me, but i want a little more growth so they were put in the little tent for a few more days of vegging. first two photos are of the CC and second two are of OB. no sign of pests yet, but I will be spreading diatomaceous earth again tomorrow in case. Very pleasing and not nearly as much effort to bring the girls back as I thought it would be. just started are now 2 Blue Gorilla Pineapple (local breeder), a Canuk CBG, a Gorilla Bomb and a Northern Lights. I am tempted to try 5 in the 3 by 3 tent, but will settle with 4, which always are a challenge to keep under control. I hate killing surplus ones, so hopefully a friend or contact will take one. Cheers folks.
              A happy Canuk. this grow will be using Flora Flex nutrients in coco/perlite. 9 plants in 3 by 3 tent and 8 plants in 2 by 4, in 1 or 2 gallon pots (whatevere is there). manual fertigation planned. veg till around 1 ft high. 2 by 4 tent light is Bloom Plus 2500 and 3 by 3 tent has Mar Hydro Ts3000, both of which seem awesome.


                Another option maybe for mites.

                Using Diatomaceous Earth To Control Spider Mites

                Diatomaceous Earth isn't just a ground treatment and can be used against spider mites. But, using DE for foliage has drawbacks. [DETAILS]


                • 3Berries
                  3Berries commented
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                  I just used a small a paint brush.

                  A spray made of liquid ivory soap and water, 5 tablespoons to a gallon, is a safe and non toxic soft body insect foliar spray.

                • Bootsy
                  Bootsy commented
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                  actually a little brush sounds likely better than the little sprayer i had in mind.  less dust in the air.

                • No3odiesShad0w
                  No3odiesShad0w commented
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                  I need to eventually purchase myself some of this because I'd rather dust all my plants and prevent any kind of bug problems instead of trying to fight the problems after they appear.

                Bootsy hey i know we were talking about the spider mite infestation. I wanted to give you an update on how that's going. I lost Mystery. It was stunted, there was eggs in and around the buds. It was a lost cause. I chopped it before they spread to the blue dream. The blue dream did have mites but very few and it was totally manageable. The blue dream bounced right back to life as soon as i removed Mystery.
                At about 6 weeks for the blue dream and I can see the buds are starting to get thicker, leaves are slowly getting the blue that's the strain is known for, lots of new flower growth and lots of crystals. Not to mention my whole apartment is starting to get a scent and I LOVE IT! I still check daily for mites but i think I'm about 99% free. So yeah i think I'm winning the war. Still need that D. Earth to prevent future stuff but so far progress is progress

                While in the other room (quarantine away) i have my two ScrOG grows and the clones taken from then for my SoG attempt. Just experimenting and seeing which method I like better which ones going to give me better yields and so on and so on. Even though I don't have any evidence of spider mites on those I have been spraying them about once a week just to be on the safe side but I'm pretty sure that they are fine.

                The screen grow as you could see is going very well. And it looks like all the cuttings took. None of them got limp and fell over so pretty successful. I have just enough soil to do for one gallon of pots of the SoG method so we'll see.
                I started a different thread where I'll be posting weekly updates or whatever kind of updates I see fit to post.
                Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
                Current grows:

                🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Me!)
                🪴 Grape Caper by Purple Caper Seeds
                🪴 Sour Orange by Super Natural Seeds
                🪴 Birthday Cake by Blimburn
                🪴 Purple Punch by b/w Label

                🍄 Lions Mane (spores vs culture)
                🍄 Blue Oyster (spores vs culture)

                Instagram @ TerpyTen

                YouTube Channels
                @ TerpyTen For PG gardening videos
                @ TensTents For After Dark cannabis content.


                • Bootsy
                  Bootsy commented
                  Editing a comment
                  hi. wish i could give advice on the mites, but I gave up on my only experience so far. from what i read and discussed, though, they will be back if you till have some still around. hoping you keep em down. dry and warm are their preferences, and sure enough for me the first grow i let things get too dry and temps over 80 - I got infested. for disinfecting, I cleaned, dosed everything with Safer's end all and Dr Doom. Those two things really smell heavily chemical and i would be hesitant to use on flowers that would be consumed. Good luck.

                Did anything work against the spider mites? Meaning did you try spraying them with anything like where you saw eggs to see if and what destroys them? Or the mites themselves? That way hopefully not but if there is a next time you know what works? Being that you trashed it a quick spray on the buds to test before trashing would have been nice?


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