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Not sure if I have an issue or not

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    Not sure if I have an issue or not

    Hi folks, this is my first grow and I'm not sure if I have an issue I should be addressing or not. I'm seeing a bit of brown spots on a couple of leaves with the tips turning downward. There's been new growth in the last 3 days that looks better but not sure. This is being grow in coco and my temps are around 74-78 degrees and around 50% humidity. These 2 shots are 3 days apart.

    Any help would be much appreciated.
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    They look like drip marks from feeding to me. Your coco also looks very dry. You don’t want to dry out your coco too much or it’ll stress the plants. I’d give them a good feed until you get run off then they should be all good


      Thanks, I will give that a go. I've been so worried about over watering, I'm probably doing the opposite.


        It is pretty hard to overwater coco in a fabric pot, especially if there is a good bit of perlite mixed in (I don’t think I see any of that in your pic so it would be good to add perlite for your next grow). I actually water every day and try to balance the volume I give rather than watering more but less often. You want to let the top of the coco dry a bit before watering again but coco in a fabric pot will dry very quickly. If you want to test, water it and carefully lift it a little. Wait a day or two and carefully lift it again. I bet you will find a noticeable change in weight from evaporation and drainage. In any case you can probably water - either more often or more volume.


          Thanks for the info. I do have some perlite in there but probably could use more I've given it a good watering so we'll see how it goes. Really appreciate the help.


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