Hello, first time grower here! I wanted to ask you for some guidance.
I build a cabinet grow:
It has:
Top of plant stays around 30cm (12in) from lamps.
The plant now has ~16cm (6in), it took around 60 days to reach this size, I believe it was lack of light, on the first 50 days I only had 2x of the small led lamps, then I decided to add all the rest (not sure if the leds strips help, by anyway).
I water it in a 5 days interval, with only water. At day 45 I started to add fertilizar
What could be happening?
I build a cabinet grow:
It has:
- Circulating fan
- Dehumidifier (keeps it between 60 - 75%)
- Temperature around 30ºc (86ºf)
- Humidity and Temp sensor
- Raspberry Pi to keep light cycle (18/6h) and dehumidifier
- 4x (real 10w) Full Spectrum LED Lamp
- 1x (real 40w) Full Spectrum LED Lamp
- 8x full spectrum led strips
Top of plant stays around 30cm (12in) from lamps.
- 1 part of vermiculite
- 2 parts of perlite
- 3 parts of soil
The plant now has ~16cm (6in), it took around 60 days to reach this size, I believe it was lack of light, on the first 50 days I only had 2x of the small led lamps, then I decided to add all the rest (not sure if the leds strips help, by anyway).
I water it in a 5 days interval, with only water. At day 45 I started to add fertilizar
- Day 45 watered with BioBuzz BioGrow
- I noticed small discoloration around the tip of one leaf, and tip pointing down
- Day 50 plain water
- Day 55 fertilizer
- No sign of discoloration
- Day 60 I only water
- I do see a lot of discoloration (you can see in the previous picture too)
What could be happening?
- Could this be overfert?
- Shouldn’t it manifest around day 55 when I watered it with fertilizer?
- Looks more like it: How to Fix Cannabis Nutrient Burn - Pics & Symptoms
- But at the same time, it is not only the tips…
- Could this be too close to light source?
- Also looks like it: Cannabis Light Burn & Light Bleaching Symptoms & Solutions!
- But if it was light burn, should not it manifest first on the top leaves?
- Should I lower it to ground level?
- Could this be high temperature (30c / 86f)?
- Does not look like it, leaves are not curving: How to Prevent & Treat Heat Stressed Cannabis Plants
- Could this be potassium deficiency
- Also looks a little bit like it: How to fix Cannabis Potassium Deficiency (K) Pics & Symptoms