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Grow Attempt #5 Log

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    Grow Attempt #5 Log

    Like I mentioned in my help topic, here is a thread for my current grow attempt.
    Soil medium, Regular MiracleGro soil 21/16/11 mix
    Mars Hydro TS 600 light 2x2 100-200w output
    2 fans cross breeze form
    20/4 light schedule
    78 F(25.5C) daytime temp 76 nighttime temp Humidity unknown atm (ordered hygrometer)

    Spiritual Punk strain on the left ....Mystery seed on the right. Looks like a sativa dom hybrid *shrugs*

    A second seed of the Spiritual Punk sprouted today!! Hopefully a female.
    No idea what sex.... Last 2 batches ended up being ALL MALES wasted 3 months .
    I have 3 more seeds planted. Should see results in the next few days. plz plz plz let them be females plz.
    Last edited by No3odiesShad0w; 08-09-2021, 08:06 PM.
    Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
    Current grows:

    🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Me!)
    🪴 Grape Caper by Purple Caper Seeds
    🪴 Sour Orange by Super Natural Seeds
    🪴 Birthday Cake by Blimburn
    🪴 Purple Punch by b/w Label

    🍄 Lions Mane (spores vs culture)
    🍄 Blue Oyster (spores vs culture)

    Instagram @ TerpyTen

    YouTube Channels
    @ TerpyTen For PG gardening videos
    @ TensTents For After Dark cannabis content.

    I want to give them another week at least in veg mode. Then I want to take some cuttings before I change over to 12/12 mode. Just in case I have a good female, I have ready clones. Because this male BS is really annoying. Unless you have feminized seeds, clones are the way. Each seed is always a roll of the dice and with my luck I get all the males.
    Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
    Current grows:

    🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Me!)
    🪴 Grape Caper by Purple Caper Seeds
    🪴 Sour Orange by Super Natural Seeds
    🪴 Birthday Cake by Blimburn
    🪴 Purple Punch by b/w Label

    🍄 Lions Mane (spores vs culture)
    🍄 Blue Oyster (spores vs culture)

    Instagram @ TerpyTen

    YouTube Channels
    @ TerpyTen For PG gardening videos
    @ TensTents For After Dark cannabis content.


    • SoOrbudgal
      SoOrbudgal commented
      Editing a comment
      You won't see sex unless you flip 12/12 or wait lots longer. I don't take clones unless the plant is a for sure female, what's the point? And i would take notes from what others have been telling you on the other posts you've made by changing up that miricle grow to a more neutral soil without extra chemical crap. MJ does not need same soil as a tomatoe even they burn when young if mix is too hot. Your light is OK for vegging but not in my view strong enough for 2 photo period plants in that room you got.

    • No3odiesShad0w
      No3odiesShad0w commented
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      Well that's the thing is i don't know. hindsight is a bitch. I'm glad i did take 2 cuttings because the plant ended up being female this time. WOOOO!!! finally after 2 fails.

    So last weekend, I switched to 12/12 mode. BOTH ARE FEMALES!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!! FINALLY after 2 months of nothing but males. So far so good. I used the Miracle Gro soil from my last grow. Most of the nutes should have been depleted. blah blah It was just too late to change. I know now I need different soil. Next grow after this will use Fox Farm soil. I'll get the Fox Farm nutes as well to go with it.

    I took 2 cuttings of the Spiritual Punk strain. I didn't take any cutting of the mystery hybrid (I'm sure I'll regret it in the future)

    Getting a second light tomorrow and hygrometers. I went analog instead of digital. Ordered the Spider Farmer SP2000. It was all I could afford atm. Considering it's at least 2-3x as strong as my Mars Hyrdo TS600, I'm expecting better results. Still not sure how to configure this stuff. Whether I want to have 1 plant per light or hang them in a pyramid fashion since the SP is longer than the MH. I can hang the MH at the center of the SP and have like a pyramid shaped grow space and just keep both plants under there. You know what I'm trying to explain. I want to utilize both lights if I can to get the max amount of food for my babies.

    Out of the 4 seeds I planted as back up (because of the male curse) only 2 sprouted both Spiritual Punk strain. I found a store that was opening up nearby. Turns out my neighbor knows the owner.....long story short. I may FINALLY be in the possession of GOOD, LEGIT seeds. He said he doesn't have any autoflowering strains right now but he has lots of feminized seeds. Everything about this deal is great including the price (free) but as my luck would have's going to be a mystery bag. The range can be as wide as 100% indica or sativa. So again I'll never know what I'm growing and what specific needs they may require. But hey beggars can't be choosers. plus low key I like mystery weed. fun to try to identify and play weed connoisseur lol just sucks because I know I can be better at this. embarrassing i can grow an 8 pound tomato and zucchini the size of an arm but growing indoors.....terrible. I wish I had the privacy to grow outdoors. I'm sure that would be some grade A++++ stuff

    For my seedlings, I have this lovely burple light from GoSun Flying Series 25w LED. I only use this for sprouts. I got it for free. Figured it could get some minor usage just for seeds. Does the thing as you can see in the pictures. Hopefully we have some more females here. Just waiting on these seeds so I can set up and do Attempt #6 the proper way. Right soil, right seeds, right light, right nutrients, right temp and humidity. Hopefully good results.
    Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
    Current grows:

    🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Me!)
    🪴 Grape Caper by Purple Caper Seeds
    🪴 Sour Orange by Super Natural Seeds
    🪴 Birthday Cake by Blimburn
    🪴 Purple Punch by b/w Label

    🍄 Lions Mane (spores vs culture)
    🍄 Blue Oyster (spores vs culture)

    Instagram @ TerpyTen

    YouTube Channels
    @ TerpyTen For PG gardening videos
    @ TensTents For After Dark cannabis content.


      Oh almost forgot. As you can see in the pictures above, I significantly lowered the light that I have. In the other thread, you guys pointed out that there was a lot of stretching on my plants. I know that was my fault. I assumed the light was equivalent to a 600w hps bulb and I was treating it as such. I had up to 6 plants in all different stages of veg growth at one time (always male problems). I think that's what caused all the extra stretching in the plants. Since I've lowered the light, I noticed they haven't raced upwards.....well except the hybrid mystery much as they have in all my previous attempts. I know this light is way too weak for 2 plants but help is on the way tomorrow. I'll hang it over the weekend and share my upgrades. *Would appreciate any tips or suggestions on configuration of my 2 lights to get the max usage from them. 1 light per plant? Which means one plant would get the weak light or Do that pyramid configuration or Just use the SP alone?

      The new light is much stronger than my current so ....fingers crossed....
      Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
      Current grows:

      🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Me!)
      🪴 Grape Caper by Purple Caper Seeds
      🪴 Sour Orange by Super Natural Seeds
      🪴 Birthday Cake by Blimburn
      🪴 Purple Punch by b/w Label

      🍄 Lions Mane (spores vs culture)
      🍄 Blue Oyster (spores vs culture)

      Instagram @ TerpyTen

      YouTube Channels
      @ TerpyTen For PG gardening videos
      @ TensTents For After Dark cannabis content.


        This is what I was talking about when I said pyramid configuration. I have the SF in the center and then I have my MH coming in on the side. I'm hoping THIS will give me more than enough light to get decent results. Don't know why the spiritual punk is all curvy and bendy like that. I'm sure it has to do with the nutes but overall it looks healthy and happy. I have some poster board on the wall and on a tripod to help with light reflection. Next week I'll get the proper nutrients and soil or I'll get a small grow tent because I noticed some heat stress on the seedlings. I know it's too hot in that kitchen but I don't have much choice. Still a lot to do but I don't want to invest too much until I get semi decent results at the end.
        Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
        Current grows:

        🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Me!)
        🪴 Grape Caper by Purple Caper Seeds
        🪴 Sour Orange by Super Natural Seeds
        🪴 Birthday Cake by Blimburn
        🪴 Purple Punch by b/w Label

        🍄 Lions Mane (spores vs culture)
        🍄 Blue Oyster (spores vs culture)

        Instagram @ TerpyTen

        YouTube Channels
        @ TerpyTen For PG gardening videos
        @ TensTents For After Dark cannabis content.


        • ladygoldfish
          ladygoldfish commented
          Editing a comment
          With that much room in your grow area, you would really benefit from training (flattening) the plants vs growing a whole bunch that are maturing at different rates and fretting about the lighting.

          Try checking out some training videos and I follow northernscrogger on Instagram for tips. However, I have developed my own technique training with weights vs dealing with nets or tying down branches.

          And... I FEEL your pain! I've been practicing for going on 3 years and have yet to have a successful, unpollinated yield! I'd purchased 5 fem seeds, only 2 made it and they were dwarf crap. They sent me 5 "bonus" seeds that weren't sexed and I ended up with 4 males and one female, who got pollinated... So I've saved her seeds and have finally put it's first female offspring into flower. I won't find out if this was finally my first successful grow until the end of December or January.

          I just bought her a tent because I couldn't keep the heat down in my closet growroom. I can't get the tent under 81 degrees, but it seems okay. (I prefer under 80)

        • No3odiesShad0w
          No3odiesShad0w commented
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          Oh, trust and believe, I REALLY have to do some training. I've just been having many issues. Now that I think I resolved my soil, light and nutrients issues, I hope I can have a successful grow. The last stuff was fluffy like cotton balls, tasted and smelled like hay and didn't get you high. Biggest reason, not having proper understanding of flowering time (when to start counting).
          I've had plenty males, but they never got that far where they pollinated my females. I catch them right away. Those balls are super noticeable. This time, I have the 2 under the light since both ended up being females. I took cuttings of the indica and one cutting already has a nice big root. So where I messed up with the current grow (current grow in HOT soil. :-( ..miraclegro ), I'll be able to grow the clones in proper soil and under proper lights. The spiritual punk is an "easy grow" and yet here we are.......Well the first 4 were some tropical smelling sativa dominant strain.

          Like you, I need a tent as well. Right now I have the blooming stuff in a climate controlled room, while the seedlings and plants in veg have to deal with the heat of the kitchen. With a tent, I can just have the blooming stuff blacked out while the veg get a mix of LED and sunlight. I did my first grow exclusively by that window. Only sunlight. The result hasn't been matched yet. Granted it was weak because I picked it early, but it was better than all my future attempts using only LED. I think LED and sun might be a good way to go to get good results. Number 6 will be the one. Maybe even attempt 5 if I get lucky. I did try flushing the soil. It looks like it helped. The signs of Nitrogen toxicity have greatly reduced. Leaves that were twisted, straightened out. The "claw" at the tip of the leaves isn't effecting every leaf anymore. So I hope I did good. Just in time too.

        Some additional pics
        Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
        Current grows:

        🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Me!)
        🪴 Grape Caper by Purple Caper Seeds
        🪴 Sour Orange by Super Natural Seeds
        🪴 Birthday Cake by Blimburn
        🪴 Purple Punch by b/w Label

        🍄 Lions Mane (spores vs culture)
        🍄 Blue Oyster (spores vs culture)

        Instagram @ TerpyTen

        YouTube Channels
        @ TerpyTen For PG gardening videos
        @ TensTents For After Dark cannabis content.


        • Canuck147
          Canuck147 commented
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          Looks real good - are your lights supposed to be that close?

        • No3odiesShad0w
          No3odiesShad0w commented
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          no lol I took the pictures before i did the final adjustments

        After doing much reading .....pretty sure most of my issues were soil related. I doubt I'll have decent results this attempt because the soil is still hot.....hooray miracle gro ......I had better results when I used soil from my yard and just sat the plant on the windowsill. Then i got grow lights and tried bagged soil and just been going through hell with it. Only down side with my soil was the gnats or whatever they were. They didn't attack the plant or anything but they were all around the house. More annoying than damaging in any way.

        The Spiritual Punk strain I know 100% is dealing with (minor?) nitrogen toxicity from the hot soil. Even though I didn't add nutrients but it's def toxicity. On the up side, I know it's a female and i took 2 cuttings that have just started to root in water. Proper soil and Nutrients will be in before the end of the week so I can start Attempt #6. I did flush the soil a bit today. We'll see if that does any good. Also hoping the pre bloom stretch eats up some of it as well.

        The hybrid mystery seems to be doing better. No signs of any issues maybe excess nitrogen but not like the SP strain. But again miracle gro so i expect shit results... now i know why.
        Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
        Current grows:

        🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Me!)
        🪴 Grape Caper by Purple Caper Seeds
        🪴 Sour Orange by Super Natural Seeds
        🪴 Birthday Cake by Blimburn
        🪴 Purple Punch by b/w Label

        🍄 Lions Mane (spores vs culture)
        🍄 Blue Oyster (spores vs culture)

        Instagram @ TerpyTen

        YouTube Channels
        @ TerpyTen For PG gardening videos
        @ TensTents For After Dark cannabis content.


          One of the cuttings is growing a root finally. Everything is looking okay for now.
          Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
          Current grows:

          🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Me!)
          🪴 Grape Caper by Purple Caper Seeds
          🪴 Sour Orange by Super Natural Seeds
          🪴 Birthday Cake by Blimburn
          🪴 Purple Punch by b/w Label

          🍄 Lions Mane (spores vs culture)
          🍄 Blue Oyster (spores vs culture)

          Instagram @ TerpyTen

          YouTube Channels
          @ TerpyTen For PG gardening videos
          @ TensTents For After Dark cannabis content.


          • SoOrbudgal
            SoOrbudgal commented
            Editing a comment
            I do not see a root?

          SoOrbudgal Here's a better picture. The other got lost in the colors of the background. It's been like 3 weeks finally have 2 roots. I wanna throw it into some soil....but i feel like i should be a bit more patient.

          Just got my rooting gel delivered along with my Happy Frog soil. lolol buying dirt on the interwebs still makes me chuckle....future lolol. I'm hoping cloning won't be such a task now. Going to take 2-4 cutting this weekend since I know I have females and I don't want to leave those suckers on at the best place to take clones from what I read. The lower the better on the plant. No idea what strain this hybrid looking plant is, but I want to take a clone or 2 just in case it's some head banging stuff.
          Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
          Current grows:

          🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Me!)
          🪴 Grape Caper by Purple Caper Seeds
          🪴 Sour Orange by Super Natural Seeds
          🪴 Birthday Cake by Blimburn
          🪴 Purple Punch by b/w Label

          🍄 Lions Mane (spores vs culture)
          🍄 Blue Oyster (spores vs culture)

          Instagram @ TerpyTen

          YouTube Channels
          @ TerpyTen For PG gardening videos
          @ TensTents For After Dark cannabis content.


            So a weekly update. Plants are looking good so far. Did some dummy shit and left my LEDs a bit too close. Even at 16in (38cm) away from the top I noticed the leaves lifting upwards. I think that tells me it's too close......BUT also, I NEVER had this happen with my Mars Hydro lights so I got rather excited and then went on to remedy the issue. At least now I'm confident that I have sufficient lights for my needs. Well within my budget.
            I did flush the miracle gro and it seems like my plants are thanking me for it. Noticeable decrease in clawing and leaf twisting. Not to mention the pre bloom stretch is eating up the excess nitrogen but I'm not expecting miracles from this miracle gro. I just got my 60lb bag of Happy Frog soil. I'm going to transplant my seedlings into their final homes using the Happy Frog soil. Since I'm confident I did my homework correctly this time. Attempt number 6 will be the winner and my entry as a noob into the weed growing world. (unless I get surprised by this grow.....there's still hope not to mention this soil has been through an attempt already it's not as hot as fresh soil from the bag)

            Seeing plenty of flowers all around so that makes me happy. Disappointed I didn't top or fim the Spiritual Punk strain but the Christmas tree shape is amusing. Yields will suck but that's why this is attempt and not grow. I'll be pleased like a pig in shit if I get half an ounce of decent stuff instead of 2 ounces of nothing.

            The seedling I'm just messing with. Reading about training. Not sure when to start or how to do it just yet. Only started doing reading here on the site but I'll get lots of practice. Since this seedling already had such a long stem I'm just going to try the 90 degree bend training I started reading about. As it grows out, I'll just adjust the twist tie to keep it horizontal while the leaves and branches all grow upwards to the light. I hope I have the right idea???? When it gets older, I do plan on either topping or FIMing it. Not sure if these seedlings are male or female so it's basically just practice. I have and will be taking more clones of a guaranteed female plant so those will be the serious ones. But hey, these can turn out to be females too.
            Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
            Current grows:

            🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Me!)
            🪴 Grape Caper by Purple Caper Seeds
            🪴 Sour Orange by Super Natural Seeds
            🪴 Birthday Cake by Blimburn
            🪴 Purple Punch by b/w Label

            🍄 Lions Mane (spores vs culture)
            🍄 Blue Oyster (spores vs culture)

            Instagram @ TerpyTen

            YouTube Channels
            @ TerpyTen For PG gardening videos
            @ TensTents For After Dark cannabis content.


              Finally got the proper soil. So attempt #5 will be the last one with miracle gro (thankfully but not soon enough). I debated between Ocean Forest and Happy Frog for a while. I went with HF because i read the OF smells fishy? Rather not take the risk. Not to say that HF isn't a good blend. Got rooting gel as well. I figure I give it a try. See what I like better, rooting in water or using the gel and rooting in soil.

              I got LOTS of buckets from a local bakery. From 1 gallon to 5 gallon. Although with my 7 foot (2.1m) ceilings, I don't think I can go above the 3rd bucket. The 5 gallon bucket would have the plant touching my ceiling after the pre bloom stretch and then where do I hang my lights? Severely limited indoors.

              Also planted the rooting clone. It had 6 roots going so I figured it's time. This heat wave FINALLY passed. Loving the temp and humidity for the seedlings and clone. So we have the start of Attempt #6 here. 1 female spiritual punk strain and 2 seedlings also spiritual punk, no idea what sex ....that's why I need clones of that mystery hybrid even if it is in bloom already. I have to try too much spiritual punk. Neighbor needs to stop being so damn lazy and get me those damn seeds already.
              Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
              Current grows:

              🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Me!)
              🪴 Grape Caper by Purple Caper Seeds
              🪴 Sour Orange by Super Natural Seeds
              🪴 Birthday Cake by Blimburn
              🪴 Purple Punch by b/w Label

              🍄 Lions Mane (spores vs culture)
              🍄 Blue Oyster (spores vs culture)

              Instagram @ TerpyTen

              YouTube Channels
              @ TerpyTen For PG gardening videos
              @ TensTents For After Dark cannabis content.


                Okay so it's that time again. Weekly update time!
                The blooming plants are doing great. The buds are coming along nicely so far. Usually I'm still doing fine at this point of the grow. My wall is in about 2 more weeks. Hopefully that won't be the case this time. I'm keeping the lights at 16in(40cm) I think the stretch might be over with since I haven't needed to adjust the lights in a few days. I also took some sticks and spread the mystery plant apart to get more light down into the center. Get more even light all around

                As for the babies. From left to right, we have 1.the water rooted cutting of the spiritual punk, 2. Spiritual punk seedling sex unknown, 3. Spiritual punk seedling sex unknown but doing much better than #2, 4. Cutting from mystery hybrid rooted with rooting gel. It looks like it took too! 5 & 6 are both cuttings of the spiritual punk plant and also rooted with the rooting gel. They don't look as strong but i think they'll take. It's been a week and they're not dead yet so.....good sign.

                With #2 and #3 since I don't know the sex, I'm just going to keep practicing training techniques with them. So #2 I'm going to keep growing it at a 90 degree angle. It seems to finally be moving a little more so hopefully some progress. As far as #3 goes, I'm going to be topping that one. Then maybe top a second time or maybe FIM the second time just to keep it moving. I'm going to have to stunt some of the plants eventually. I only have space for maybe 3 tops under my light. 4 are females for sure but if all 6 end up females, I have attempt 6 and 7 ready to go.

                Soil is good. Light is doing great clearly. Still worried about how hot the soil still is. I'm getting nutrients this week. Zero nitrogen only PK ....Fingers crossed. I just want something. Only time will tell
                Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
                Current grows:

                🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Me!)
                🪴 Grape Caper by Purple Caper Seeds
                🪴 Sour Orange by Super Natural Seeds
                🪴 Birthday Cake by Blimburn
                🪴 Purple Punch by b/w Label

                🍄 Lions Mane (spores vs culture)
                🍄 Blue Oyster (spores vs culture)

                Instagram @ TerpyTen

                YouTube Channels
                @ TerpyTen For PG gardening videos
                @ TensTents For After Dark cannabis content.


                  At this stage, I don't want to do anymore cutting or trimming on the blooming plants. I have mistakenly in the past, did some heavy pruning during bloom which I think stunted the growth. Not going to make that mistake this time. I seem to be watering every 2-3 days. I'll notice some wilting of the bottom leaves and I'll give them water. I've overwatered in the past so I'm being extremely careful with the watering.
                  I think it would be safe to say 1 week of flowering time has past. The flowering period is 8 weeks so we'll see what we see. As for the mystery plant my guess is around 10 weeks. From now on every week will get more and more exciting!

                  I'm hoping since some cuttings were taken during bloom, when they re veg maybe they'll grow all funky and it'll give me more chances to play with different training techniques.
                  Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
                  Current grows:

                  🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Me!)
                  🪴 Grape Caper by Purple Caper Seeds
                  🪴 Sour Orange by Super Natural Seeds
                  🪴 Birthday Cake by Blimburn
                  🪴 Purple Punch by b/w Label

                  🍄 Lions Mane (spores vs culture)
                  🍄 Blue Oyster (spores vs culture)

                  Instagram @ TerpyTen

                  YouTube Channels
                  @ TerpyTen For PG gardening videos
                  @ TensTents For After Dark cannabis content.


                    Weekly Update Time.
                    So far things are coming along. I did another flush this week because miracle gro. Added back PK nutrients no N. Checked pH a nice 6.5ish The buds are growing like MAD!! In all my previous attempts, I never had them grow this big in such a short period of time. Like wow. Especially Mystery. She doubles in size daily.

                    The Spiritual punk is getting to that phase where it might start to get stunted. Too much nitrogen. soil still too hot. The leaves look heavy and they're bending down. Now that could be from the flush and being waterlogged but that dark dark green leaves and twisting is nitrogen toxicity. Which I expected after I found out about the Miracle gro.

                    As far as Mystery goes, the leaves at the bottom is how it starts. As it continues to grow, the leaves will keep turning yellow from the bottom and start falling off..... every attempt same thing.....again i think it's because of the nitrogen toxicity. Now in bloom they turn yellow and fall off. Not sure. Thoughts??

                    I was going to just do the 90 bend on this clone but it's growing so well, I might try to manifold it. This one is a female so I just need to pick a technique and roll with it. Looks like all the clones took. The rooting gel works!! much better than the water rooting.
                    Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
                    Current grows:

                    🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Me!)
                    🪴 Grape Caper by Purple Caper Seeds
                    🪴 Sour Orange by Super Natural Seeds
                    🪴 Birthday Cake by Blimburn
                    🪴 Purple Punch by b/w Label

                    🍄 Lions Mane (spores vs culture)
                    🍄 Blue Oyster (spores vs culture)

                    Instagram @ TerpyTen

                    YouTube Channels
                    @ TerpyTen For PG gardening videos
                    @ TensTents For After Dark cannabis content.


                    • ladygoldfish
                      ladygoldfish commented
                      Editing a comment
                      So how did your yield turn out?

                      And yes, I use Rapid Rooter plugs with Clonex gel with 95% success rate! I just put them in a dixie cup with a little water and typically have roots poking through in about 10-12 days.

                      You've had a lot of soil issues before. Me too, so I didn't even try it with the cannabis. I tried DWC and love it! It's easy and lessens the pests with no soil.

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