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Tincture question

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    Tincture question

    Actually a couple of questions. First, have any of you tried making tincture or oil just from leaves. I bought one of the turbo source machines, so wasted alcohol shouldn't be an issue. I've read varying results on the web that say the leaves are useful and some say not. Just interested to know if any of you have tried. Next is the re-soak of bud material. I've also read that the alcohol extraction is only about 60% efficient. Would a second quick wash be worth the effort or is the other 40% just not extractable? Thanks

    Which leaves? Fan leaves no, sugar leaves yes. Check out:

    Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


    • bmeuptoo
      bmeuptoo commented
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      Thank you, very interesting link. I'm in an strange position, I don't get to sample my work. I do it for my wife, she has a medical MJ card but I get drug tested at work. Maybe someday. I knew that sugar leaves were good and also some of the small fan leaves have trichomes spilling over. But I guess I'll not waste time on the larger fan leaves. I had just read a while back that even those and the leaves and sex parts of the male plants have some THC content. Thanks again

    • Ckbrew
      Ckbrew commented
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      Nothing in the male plant. You are looking for the trichomes. That is the only place the good stuff is.

    My experience is a 90% extraction efficiency, using the freezer method. I base this on microscopic examination for trichomes of the flower/sugar leaves post extraction and the amount of stripped trichome husks that settle out, as you can see in the bottom of the mason jar.


    • Puglover1
      Puglover1 commented
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      1. I wish I had that much freezer space.

      2. Are those bags used for pressing? I have some bags in my wishlist, not sure which micron size to buy. Seems so much easier that way. Thnx!

    • grouchyoldman
      grouchyoldman commented
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      Thanks quirk, quantitative info of any kind is hard to come by in this area.

      I usually figure 75% extraction after two washes but perhaps your 90% number is closer.

      The real puzzler for me with QWET is whether there is a saturation limit to how much THC a given amount of ethanol can extract? Everclear is relatively inexpensive and readily available where I live so I don't bother trying to reclaim it when I concentrate after an extraction. I'd still prefer to use as little alcohol as possible to reduce waste.

      For example, I recently made a very potent tincture using two grams of DECARBED bubble hash and a single ounce of alcohol. The result was almost a full ounce of Tincture with about 45 mg/ml potency. Close to zero waste. I'd like to get the same result from dried & cured bud, so the practical question becomes: How little alcohol is needed to fully extract the available THC from an ounce of good quality weed?

      Any thoughts on that?
      Last edited by grouchyoldman; 08-10-2021, 08:07 AM. Reason: NOTE: Decarb the hash before extraction!

    • Ckbrew
      Ckbrew commented
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      I have used my version of the q-wet to concentrate 28gm of bud into 30ml ethanol. Total volume of ethanol used for extract was about 800ml. Keep everything cold. 3 x 5 minute wash. Enough to generously cover the plant material on each wash.

    With no disrespect meant to anyone I don’t believe all of the Cannabinoids are concentrated in the trichomes. Making edibles I find a batch of sugar leaves with little to no frosting can still carry a good kick. This is not backed up with anything scientific - I think frosted weed is a little stronger but not always in proportion to the level of frosting. Unfrosted weed can still be very potent. Regardless of frosting, in addition to the bud I keep the sugar leaves the popcorn bud and the small frosted fan leaves that sometimes form in the bud. I chuck everything else. With that said it would not surprise me at all if male plants and large fan leaves contain a very small amount of cannabinoids.


      I think the general opinion is that a second wash with a chilled qwet is worthwhile, but not sure of the efficiency levels at each stage. I’ve heard of people going three or more washes but I’ve not tried beyond two. The second wash will definitely pick up thc but it can also pick up more chlorophyll and plant lipids etc. To combat this I use cured trim and I make sure to freeze every part of the qwet process. First wash is 2 hours and the second is 24. I decide based on what they look like if I will mix them together or keep them separate. I also filter a couple times with a lot of freezing in between.


        I've been making tinctures for 10 years or so. To try an answer some questions. THC is extremely soluble in ethanol. You would be hard pressed to saturate the ethanol unless u worked at it. I use the Q-wet method with 3 x 5 minute washes. Some people separate the washes for different fractions, I don't just add back into each other. Once you have your wash, u can concentrate is down to a mild or potent ethanol tincture, of keep going, drive off all ethanol and have oil left. You can also add glycerine to the concentrated oil to make glycerine tincture. The concentrate can be used to make edibles.
        Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


        • DeadlyFruit
          DeadlyFruit commented
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          Yes it is a little strange we can’t get 95%. My hydrometer says I can distil it up to about 90% but not much higher. I don’t know if my hydrometer is not so accurate or my distiller is not efficient enough - I am betting it is the latter.

        • Ckbrew
          Ckbrew commented
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          Are you adjusting the hygrometer reading for temperature? I guess 90% is good for a counter top distiller. Are you making a second pass with the distillation? If not, try that and take the first cut earlier and test that cut separately for a higher %.

        • DeadlyFruit
          DeadlyFruit commented
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          I am adjusting for temp. I’ve tried making multiple passes but I think I may have just reached the limits of a countertop distillers efficiency. Good suggestion to take the ethanol from earlier in the distillation pass as the latter part likely has more water. Might be able to squeak out a couple extra %that way.

        Puglover1, they are stitchless rosin extraction bags but I use them exclusively to double bag and contain my decarbed material for extraction.
        This includes using them to contain my small batch, pressed rosin pucks, which have a good deal of extractable cannabinoids available post pressing. I came up with this method because the straining and filtering of loose material was a beating. For rosin I press 1.5 gram flower balls, using Ultra 35lb, 4"x4" parchment paper squares.
        grouchyoldman, I'm using 15 grams of 18%THC flower to 8 oz.(226ml) Everclear, After extraction I use the Source Turbo to reduce to 4oz.(113ml). Two ml of this tinc, plus a half a gram of decarbed bud in a cup of yogurt and in about 1 hour, I need to be close to my bed. Very pleasant, slightly paralytic, mild hallucinogenic, sense of well being, leading to 6 hr. of restful slumber. No more insomnia until I go on my tolerance break
        Organic soil auto grower.


        • Puglover1
          Puglover1 commented
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          I want to press some of my first grow so badly. I haven't touched the nicest buds, hoping to find a 'presser' to barter with or pay. I can do anything with it from there plus like you said the pressed material isn't done. But using those bags instead of straining out material is such a good idea. Can you 'dunk' a bag, re-freezer the ETOH then 'dunk' another bag in the same ETOH? And repeat. Seems like you could have some really strong solution to reduce, and save on EverClear. One ml of an alcohol tincture sets off my pancreas which is why I want to press. Thanks.

        • Puglover1
          Puglover1 commented
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          quirk Have you ever used the same etoh to soak more than one bag? ^^

        DeadlyFruit , here is a pix of my distillation setup.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	LAB SETUP.jpg
Views:	704
Size:	2.80 MB
ID:	530238

        Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


          Puglover1 I have not. Are you looking to double the potency of THC/ml without reducing? Seems like it would be functional.


          • Puglover1
            Puglover1 commented
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            quirk Looking to save $ on EverClear and save time on reduction. If it was potent enough I'd just use a warming mat, fan, Pyrex dish to reduce. ETOH sets off my pancreas. Thnx.

          • Ckbrew
            Ckbrew commented
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            Puglover1 If you are that sensitive to ethanol, are you doing a vacuum purge on your oil after extraction?

          • Puglover1
            Puglover1 commented
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            Ckbrew Can't afford everything to do that and don't know how to do it but if I can reduce to shatter with fan, etc then I can do a lot more with it using 'cooking' oils. oil-based tincture, edibles or dabs. I've vaped mine in the past but it's not ideal without the right equipment. One ml of etoh tincture was rough. If money wasn't an issue I'd buy a case of mango indica Surp.

          grouchyoldman, Google "Another tincture thread." If there is an answer to the saturation point question, it will be located in that thread. Put together by Psychedelic Sam, It's my go to for all tincture related questions. Using the index is a must, due to the sheer volume of information.


            I know hemp tincture has medicinal properties. I tried making my first liter of tincture using one cannabis bud. Once my son asked why the herb can be used for medicinal purposes, but alcohol is not. Then I found a very good article for him on where there are many essay examples on why the drinking age should stay at 21. This was able to convince him to give up alcoholic drinks until he comes of age. Now, for the purpose of prevention, we use the tincture that I prepared. It doesn't taste good, but I hope for a positive healing effect.
            Last edited by AngelaLifman; 09-02-2021, 08:31 AM.


              Sounds like a recipe from the 1800's. You can process hemp just like above.
              Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


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